It's a Paul song on the White Album

>It's a Paul song on the White Album
>It's John song on Let It Be
>It's a Paul A-side before they go to India
>It's a John sings about beating his wife song

But seriously, half of Paul's songs on the White album were ass. Why did he have so many songs of that album?

>Martha My Dear
>Oh this song sounds nice...wait that's it? Why is a half finished song on this album?

>Ob-la-di Ob-la-da
>This is a pretty cool piano riff at the start...wait what the fuck is the rest of this nonsense. How much drugs did they take while recording this?

>Wild Honey Pie
>Well...that was unique

>I Will
>Oh wow, it's nothing


>Honey Pie
>Undoubtedly the worst song on the album bar none. It's not even awesomely bad like Don't Pass me By

It's like Paul was still stuck in the "making songs is easy phase" that he was in in 1967, but honestly from Hello Goodbye till the White Album, song made a lot of mediocre songs.

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and the ob la di ob la da piano bit wasn't even all him. It was written slower and quieter but John got fed up with how crap the song was, left the studio, came back stoned and played it like it is on the final track instead.

John was really at the top of his game on the White Album, I really don't know how Paul fucked it up this bad.

>not liking i me mine
>not liking across the universe
you just outed yourself as an ultimate pleb
please stop posting to save yourself from further embarrassements

>it's a ringo song

Yea, the White Album and Let It Be mirror each other kind of. In the White Album, John is at the top of his game (which he really hadn't been since Revolver), but Paul is shooting shit for half the me. The opposite is true for Let It Be.

I Me Mine is George, and that song is great. Across the Universe was recorded before the Let it Be sessions. The version Spectre uses was recorded in 1968.

The Bond badguys?

>It's a George song

Honey pie is the only meh song you listed. I will and obladi are beautiful fig u

octopus' garden is goat, suck my dick

y'all need to lighten up about your pop music

Helter Skelter.

>no taste

If you don't like the beatles, you don't like the beatles. No need to oust yourself in a stupid post thinking your opinion holds any weight against some of the best work of the century.

But no, please do go on, everyone cares.

fucking based john

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.

In a sense, the Beatles are emblematic of the status of rock criticism as a whole: too much attention paid to commercial phenomena (be it grunge or U2) and too little to the merits of real musicians. If somebody composes the most divine music but no major label picks him up and sells him around the world, a lot of rock critics will ignore him. If a major label picks up a musician who is as stereotyped as can be but launches her or him worldwide, your average critic will waste rivers of ink on her or him. This is the sad status of rock criticism: rock critics are basically publicists working for major labels, distributors and record stores. They simply highlight what product the music business wants to make money from.

Hopefully, one not-too-distant day, there will be a clear demarcation between a great musician like Tim Buckley, who never sold much, and commercial products like the Beatles.

The pleb filter works again

John's songs on Let It Be are pure genius though.


>woman are the niggers of the earth

what on EARTH did he mean by this? I feel like he really jumped the gun with this one

he meant women are the niggers of gender
