Are whites cursed by God as punishment for slavery?

Are whites cursed by God as punishment for slavery?

>Posts picture of non-white man.
>Thread is about whites.

Have you actually read the Bible? It actively ENCOURAGES slavery. If he was punishing them it would be for ending it.

The Bibel, which was written by black people like MOSES (Egyptian) and JESUS (Palestinian), says to loe your neighbor and turn the other cheek. Not put kings and queens in chains.

Moses is Jewish not Egyptian. So if Egyptians are black that means they invented slavery.

I never owned any slave you stupid Nigger.

Is there a reason you posted a picture of a man who is 1/4 white, 1/4 hispanic, and 1/2 arab?

>only whites had slavery

Look up the Berber slave trade and then kys

I don't care what the bible says

if he loses weight he'll look 10 years younger

In all fairness black people cant read so how can they write ?

The original JEWS are black (out of AFRICA). You need a history leson. The King James of England wrote a version of the BIBLE where all OUR history was replaced with pictures of white people with blonde hair!

God freed the Jews (BLACKS) because they are the chosen people, even in Egypt which was also black becasue its in AFRICA!!

Most African slaves were bought from tribes IN AFRICA which had practiced slavery themselves for hundreds of years. Black people were taking black people captive long before the whites got there.

no he just trains at a place called the beta academy

thats like going to a cuck coach wtf

Egyptians had the first slaves.
Next Ethiopians had slaves.
Next Chinese had slaves.
Next Persians had slaves.
Then Berbers had slaves.
Then Assryians had slaves.
Then Hebrews had slaves.
Then Greeks had slaves.
Then Romans had slaves.
Then Arabs had slaves.
Then Germanics had slaves.
Then Celtics had slaves.
Then Slavics had slaves.

jews are a modern construct

So what you are saying is that blacks are the original slavers?

You're trying too hard, stupid white child under the age of 25.

I wouldn't exactly call black crime a "curse from God" on the white man. It's in their nature to be like that.



Who is this cuck? Faggit


gets me everytime


>Whites invented slavery
>Egyptians were black

Pick one

Unless you're saying black people invented slavery which I'll also accept because that holds you accountable for your own bullshit.

>tfw your culture is so shitty you have to attempt to steal from others'

>Black people are a superior race that would be far more advanced than white people if we didn't enslave them

If you were so superior why didn't you enslave everyone else instead?

And then why is Africa currently eating dirt cookies and living in mud huts?

God every one of these threads are the same, accept you are human waste and move on with your life, become a success now instead of complaining how you could have been a success before, better yourself instead of blaming others.

Pic mildly related

>this many newfags taking the bait