
The comfy continues editon

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requestin this girl getting spitroast fucked by two dogs with both of them cumming huge loads inside her pussy and mouth and impregnating her. if you could, give it a rapey feel to it, but only if youre comfortable with that

repost cause oops last post on thread be dead

burden refers to the strain on the people around you, you don't get to dictate if you are a burden or not despite feeling like one

its the only thing i am even remotely alright at

Otherwise i just sit around and watch youtube

i want to do things but things are hard to focus on

any pizza but cheese

like i said, just try to take a break. not for an hour but maybe a day or two. that usually helps me.

Is the user who was working on this still around?
I just wanted to see how things were going

You realize that I, the OP, isn't a drawfag, how many times do I have to tell you blue (gum)balls?

>The only thing
Find new avenues of skill then, writing, videogames, sports, anything really, or continue to draw. You should always have some sort of passion to hold on and to let burn brightly

Improved version with my fabulous hair. Maybe Stef's born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline.

hi thread:
current req:
new "in-animate" oc. (stove-gal)
cheetah chick....

didnt intend that for anyone in particular

Blue (gum)balls, tsk tsk

I don't have any passions cause its hard to care about anything tbh

>you are a burden, or at least you would be to me
I have no idea who you are

can i add you guys too? bc of scp thing and bc potato is a cool dood


>any pizza but cheese
but u should put cheese on it

Any requests?


damn right it cute!

big ghost problem on her planet

requesting someone stuck to someones ass and their cheeks are swelled up and they're crying while the other person has a evil grin

>It's hard
That is true, but hey, I can't help you besides give you dank memes as well as say do what you want

i haven't drawn really anything for months

as this thread stuff doesn't count at all

with things that are also not cheese

why cant you fix my life for me tho

>Why can't
I'm fixing mine at the moment, I wish I could be of more assistance


Request from last thread btw

draw a big weenie

more leashed Nini? but this time eating a biscuit that was given to her

Hey pin, how goes it?

Nickel, are you sad right now or everything is ok?

Sure, I'm fine with you adding me. You seem pretty neato yourself!

I can relate to this, I've actually broke out of a several month long break before I started the semester because of low motivation + depression. For a while, nothing I did was ever satisfying to me and I felt really incapable as an artist going for a degree. I sketched stuff here and there, but nothing really new. It sucks and keeping yourself drawing SOMETHING everyday really helps.

I'm still getting my shit together, but I think surrounding yourself with people who also draw online can help with that. Really pushes you to do your best by having friendly competition with your peers. Maybe I'm just rambling, but I've been there.

>Pin the Penis


draw yourself lewding tiny anons in your hand at a city.

What's got you so down, Pin?

Did you sneeze while you were giving head and blow cum bubbles out your nose? I can understand why that would make you upset...

takin requee
epicc ha a a a i r

now kiss

who are you?

requesting plague knight juggling potions

what about jerking your wankedon?


requesting her with a big wee wee

draw your hand (i mean you-YOU) coming from the sky, and Give Nini a wacom tablet - and make her face confused --that'll train your art skills

Cuddles of some sort if you could

i mean if i were honest, irl sex stuff died for me once i did it and it was all terrible

wish i was invested enough nowadays to toss a piccle ricc into the sewer my dude

ironicly i was trying to get my shit together for the last year and a half, but i still have like 4 months to wait until my first therapist visit, cause waiting lists

same tho

are you the one who drew my gumball requests?

Requesting Mai not jobbing.

can you color her?


delivering request to a guy from last thread

Nini doesn't have additional wee wee, silly!

show dick


kek a lot

Cease this at once you hooligan!

draw this girl

you got me good

potato is that you again?
I like your art duda!>>


Requesting him sucking big cocks.

but what about mozarella cheese pizza?
is cheese cheese okay?

sent you a request, not sure if you got it

where is her hair

>Requesting him sucking big cocks.
maybe you should request drawfaqs to draw YOU, user, sucking big cocks!

no cheese pizza with loli money

its too scary

Wolf, what's with the collar?

oh no nonono
i can try to.. dont think itll work to well

Sorry guys

>Requesting him sucking big cocks.
Any character you have in mind?

Impossible, it's all she knows. Also, Tea has won every duel she's ever been in.

God, there isn't enough lewd of Tea Fucking Gardner... What a doll.

do a loli doing just that.



come ivist us & b nice

>oh no nonono
this one looks like you drew it! >``` Was it you?<

what's your drawfaq name?

Tenya and/or Mirio


gtfo user, we have a comfy thread already!

how do you save gifs with fire alpaca?

what would you suggest a loli pizza to be, friend?

dog jokes from yesterday and last thread
you like it?

just going to kill some time and post stuff that i drew a while ago

the mor ethe merrier.................

alright working on it my

You're welcome!

Thank you

can you draw action scenes?

>the mor ethe merrier.................
english please!

draw this funny girl

i tried something;

i could use more work;

but i understand basics.

firealpaca com/en/douga/
select files
change fps and size to your liking
select whether you want FA logo/replay
click "create a gif animation"
click yellow "download" button
click red "click here to download" button

Enid fanart

but thanks anyway

aww shes cute
oh, i drew that one
he'll warm up to me



nice. Finally, drawfaqs evolve enough to start drawing gif animations!

up for more reqs? sorry for bothering you so much


>oh, i drew that one
what's you drawfaq name ahhh?

yeah she is haha

right, sm1ly, its the name on all my images, also

>Dog jokes
Ah now I remember, damn, wished I remembered on my one

Here it is, user!

Post yourself in your natural habitat/work place


That's not a trash can.


i used to draw for fun at a discord server ,but damn they sure loved to see marie and callie


thanks, can you make her sprint in an alien race track?

good request!!!

more fanart of the squid sisters

someone got a request or something?

god, user
what did you even think?