Faces of Sup Forums thread?

faces of Sup Forums thread?

>faces of Sup Forums thread






motherfucker what's the reason for posting my photo?


you look completely dead inside




Woha.. o_O I want your hair and eyes..and everything else.

start with the lipstick man

Please be a trap

Thanks. Someone put it on a thread I was on right after my post..they said I can have it. Didn't make it but it's meeeeeee.

fake and gay nigger

Fuck Not this ugly bitch again


of course

i have the same door, door lock thingy, towel and shower curtain

no it isn't. I know that guy.
>pic is me

That would be +



rape my face Sup Forums


you'er from Britain/Ireland aren't you?

Nope, Lithuania


Weird angle, from this angle your face looks like a square.

close, I think you reminded me of some European actor that I saw when I was high



7/10. would probably suck you if you got me drunk


Hey its the angle and dont deny that from this perspective the chin and jaw align in a line making you look silly


Well that's not very nice..but if you come here, I'll show you how ugly I can really get.

you getting drunk bro? also are you a haxxor?



Mini slav.


Fuck off Tiny

