Can we start a weird picture thread?

Can we start a weird picture thread?








I got a couple








You faggot that is my profile picture on discord

got you op



another one

Michael Jackson actually worked on the soundtrack for Sonic 3. Unfortunately right around the time he turned it in he got hit with the pedo allegations. Subsequently Jackson's and Sega's people both claimed that they ended up scrapping his music altogether. However, the guy who got final say on the soundtrack says that by the time he got it they still ended up "reworking" a few of Jackson's tracks into the final product.

Requesting picture where some dude plays accordion in his garden or something at night with 2 cats dancing


are you a boy, or a girl?


Jesus christ















this furry cunt crispy af



oh god user not the orangutan pic! this had me in fucking nightmares for weeks!


Isn't this that guy who was bound to a wheelchair for years or whatever and his ass got completely deformed? There's some pictures floating out there of him with a dildo in his asshole. Freaky shit.

This is a Peruvian dish, I've heard it's actually pretty damn good.


I have always found this image to be extremely disturbing


what's on his stomach?

still not quite sure how to feel about it...



go on.

holy shit what the fuck dude has a vagina for a belly button?


I realize I said that not fully grasping what i was looking at.

I love how they've censored the normal dick


It's his asshole. He's paraplegic

but what is that second hole??? This has bothered me for many years

whats with the nub/indent/bump-thing in the top left?






His hip bone.


....but it's a hole



the clamps


Its the way his skin is wrapped around his hip bone. It's not actually a "hole" more like somewhere between indent and hole. You couldn't fuck it... well I guess you could fuck it but it's not deep





So the soundtrack for sonic 3 has MY tracks in it?
Anywhere I can listen to the originals?






this actually caught me off guard.

It's as much of a hole as your bellybutton is. It's just a deformity of skin, there is no muscle because he can't walk. So his skin is very close to bone. Contracture , something like that. I don't know I'm not a doctor but this is the explanation i have heard.

Okay I have to ask where in the fuck do you get half of these images? Honestly is there some kind of website? Are other realities leaking into ours in the form of really weird images?


I forgot about this one

lol spot le new fag


Yeah, that other dimension is called "outside"

... google images.

I'm not exactly new I'm just wondering where this stuff comes from. It's always kind of confused me.

But no to not be an asshole there are facebook pages like Keep it Vague (which i used to be an editor on), is dead, Feeling ̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̩̤̮̍̍̍̍̍̍̍̍̍̆̎ Alive, and others



dude, you are exactly where most of these guys found these images.
its just reposts of reposts of reposts of reposts.
