Convince me to not buy a Switch

Convince me to not buy a Switch.

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You can buy 2 Snes Classics on Amazon instead.

I think I'm gonna buy one. Mario and Zelda seem fun and that Yoshi game that was shown on e3 looks pretty cool.

Or a really really nice Raspberry Pi system.

no roblox

Wait 5 years until it's obsolete and buy for crack change instead of 399 plus 80 dollar games

Don't buy a switch

I can't, I have too much fun on mine

not big enough titles. Unless you like indie games and classics.

Pros and cons to buying switch
Pros: have switch
cons: lose dignity

your choice OP

It's an Ouya with a Nintendo logo on it,

You will allways have to buy a micro sd. It has no hard disc. Third party games still are not ok. You only have mario , zelda and... well , not too much. Buy an xbox one x or a ps4 pro. Nintendo is for the japaneses.

do they have all the old zelda games on it yet? been wanting to play wind waker again and some asshat stole my game

I've already spent 300h+ on Zelda and I still enjoy it like the first time I played
Good buy

Yea, but that's still $360 for basically one game. Mario is out now too, but then that's another $60. Shit adds up.

Playing Zelda will turn you gay.

well its a gaming console.. whatdyou expect..
all of them are crazy expensive for what they are, especially considering the price of each big game

Wait until you can buy used games for it.

Ezed Pzed

>You will allways have to buy a micro sd. It has no hard disc.
that's not true, they come with a 32-GB internal HDD.

>Third party games still are not ok. You only have mario , zelda and... well , not too much.
That's pretty subjective. If you are a sucker for indie games, the switch is pretty good for you.

that's on all consoles.
Just picture
>Base Game 60$
>not even DLC
>Not even season pass
>not even full game

I would kill that fucker, seriously

yea, I usually just buy a new video card every few years and get games on steam for less than $10. I just really want to play Mario and Zelda. I guess it's worth waiting and getting it when it's cheaper

I didn't notice any changes. But what if OP is a faggot?

Buy one. It's a fun console with some pretty good games on

OP here. Am already faggot.

That's the opposite of what I asked you to tell me.

Buy one, Zelda game is fun, does not feel all that rewarding to 100%, but is still fun.
Mario Odyssey is great, imagine a cake, you eat the cake, and you check the plate for more, and that empty place still got cake!.
Also several more nintendo games that will come, also great.

What other games are worth buying besides Mario and Zelda?

Comparing a game to never-ending cake seems like an implausibly high equivalency.

It really is, especially if you take the portability-factor in mind.
You have a really solid standby-mode for that, too.
You can whip out your switch at the bus stop, play for five minutes, put it on standby, get in, and resume the game.
It doesn't need five hours to boot a single game and is really comfy all in all

You'll get games out of it that aren't remakes/rehashes/rereleases or awful ports from other companies.

You'll get Zelda..Which is also on the WiiU
And Mario Odyssey.

The rest will be another mario Kart which'll play just like the last 40, a mario maker, and if you're lucky another smash game. But even that's not exactly a seller.

Also the controller is absolutely trash, the screen scratches easy, and it's glitchy as shit. Wish I never bought one.

No Wild Animal Racing

Fuck my english.

I meant to say You won't get games that are not remakes.

Do not mistake me, the cake is not never ending, but it seems that day, this gives the cake much re-eatability, since even if it's almost the same cake, it's still a good cake.

there are more letters in the name than there are games for the system

I would look in to see if they discontinued making and selling any of the Switches from outside Nintendo's main manufacture hub. I bring that up due to the low quality of some of the Switches during initial release which some of those units might still be in circulation.
Though the Switches hardware is sub par and don't know if they fixed the issues with the coating and docking issues yet.

I mean Zelda is on the Wii U so the only thing new would be Mario Odyssey. I don't remember the release date to either of the Metroid games announced. Honestly it be better to wait for the later product versions of the Switch to come out and get all the good games cheap.

its not a pc.

Do it for the Switch Dog porn.
She thicc










Wtf is the story behind this
