Reminder that more gun regulations will NOT cause less gun violence

Reminder that more gun regulations will NOT cause less gun violence

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it's common sense, faggot. Kys OP

It's so funny how liberals get so freaked out over mass shootings that are statistically less than 1% of all gun violence. Not a surprise, just interesting to see how bad humans are at risk analysis.

You're all retards, regulations won't do shit.

Exactly. Mass shootings just happen every once in awhile and there's nothing we can do about it. Liberals just need to accept that fact

Deregulate. Get more guns out there. It's only Americans killing themselves.

I mean, they happen everywhere. Paris has had multiple shooting and suicide bomb attacks. London has routine acid attacks and truck attacks. It is impossible to make any area 100% safe.

Yea so let's ban all Muslims!

Works well in Japan. They have very strict immigration laws and no muslim terrorism. Europe needs to learn a lesson from that.

Less people have been killed in the last decade in terror attacks in the UK than were killed in just the Vegas shooting. It's only marginally higher than this shooting. America is the most retarded country on earth when it comes to 'mah gunz'.

yes it will. you can't use a gun for violence without a gun.

Citation needed.

The argument that regulations reduce gun deaths has been proven in every other country in the world. Burden of proof is strong with this one.

Says you, who is unimportant and stupid.

The history of Japan and it's immigration is dark and twisted. The immigration history of The US is literally how the US began.
And it seems the most terrorist attacks in he us are domestic, not islamic.

Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.......

muslims aren't banned in japan.

When it's a brown person it's a terrorist attack.

When it's a white person it's a "mass shooting" or "hate crime."

Make sure you wear your bullet proof vest when you go out tomorrow.

It's so funny how conservatives get so freaked out over Islamic terrorism that is statistically less than 1% of all violence. Not a surprise, just interesting to see how bad humans are at risk analysis.

>Mass shootings just happen every once in awhile and there's nothing we can do about it.
>mfw murica is so fucked up that mass shootings are normalized and considered just another part of daily life.
will you fix your shitty country already? we're tired of hearing about it!

Terrorism had nothing to do with the severity of an incident, it had to do with ideological motivation.

If it is ideologically motivated, it is terrorism, if not, it isn't.



norway has had one mass shooting in 72 years. how many has usa had in the same time frame?

If you get rid of gun-control cities like Detroit, LA, Trenton, Camden, Chicago, etc then the USA has one of the bottom 10 murder rates in the world.

Guns aren't the problem.

>uses memes to make arguments
how to spot someone who's intellectually feeble

78% of murricans, more or less, don't own guns. It's just that the 22% that do are extremely loud, and extremely stupid.

>there's no such thing as gun control
>describes gun control
"control" and "ban" isn't synonymous. control means you regulate access, it doesn't mean all guns are removed. your meme is dumb. if you want to be an arrogant faggot, make sure you know what words mean, and don't use other people to state your opinion, you mindless retard.

Hello, NRA. Pre-emptive strike after the last atrocity?
>Reminder that more gun regulations will NOT cause less gun violence
Seems to work in all other first-world countries

Since you can't get rid of cities, here is a theoretical even you can understand user. How much gun violence could you commit if you didn't have a gun? Remember the key words now. "Gun violence" and "no gun"

Is there really some problem with mental health in USA? You are the richest nation in the wotld and supposed to be the happiest. Yet you you take antidepressants a lot and kill each other for no reason. Please explain it to me. Even in my shithole country people seem happier and healthier

>implying i haven't heard the same empty arguments a billion times
what part of "we're tired of hearing about it" don't you understand? i'm not interested in your intellectually devoid opinions.

You mean the worst modern mass shooting in world history? kek

divided by 72 years. how's your daily mass shooting going? just the ones you've had this year has easily outdone breivik.

Every time there's even a threat of stricter gun laws gun and ammunition sales go through the roof. You'll never separate americans from their guns.

Actual liberals are usually pro-gun.

I hope they make one that stops retards like her from getting a gun


If you don't know that then you probably use terms like "cultural marxism" unironically.

For militias, yes.


>For militias, yes.

More regulations are just gonna push more and more people to buy guns illegally. It is incredibly easy to buy guns from the deep web

How am I supposed to learn your point if you don't explain why I'm retarded? This is a board of learning, don't be trollin me now!

Or go out of their way to buy even more guns legally. Of course nobody wants to ban the beta blockers or other overprescribed drugs 99% of mass shooters were on or coming off of.

Liberal faggots have to an hero if I get dubs

Ha check em

funny how the regular american police does as poorly as the the reporter.

>tfw literal faggot liberal and have yet to an hero

>I'm right, right?
>omg so true! You're absolutely right
>Right! You are 100% correct
>hey guys let me validate the already agreed upon opinion even more

Can you spell "echo chamber"?

>AGREEING IS NOT ALLOWED YOU NAZIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!