The absolute madman. i cant believe he did it!

the absolute madman. i cant believe he did it!

no but seriously,this guy looks like he was a regular on Sup Forums and /r9k/. can someone find an archive of his facebook? i bet we could dig deep and beat the news to the info on this fuckwad.

Other urls found in this thread:

did i miss something?


Devin Kelly, capped 26 peeps in a church in Texas today.

Lazy journo?

He was an atheist which means he was a lefty just like paddock

But that's a good thing. Religious people are cancer anyway.

Paddock had no political affiliation.

>Asian wife
>Jewish face
>criminal father
>killing people at a country concert
>no political affiliation


Buy your AK/AR/M4 rifle now, kids. They'll be banned before long.

>Facebook filled with anti-christian stuff.
>Calls himself a member of antifa
>Hates Trump.
Totally Sup Forums.

lol show me, i cant find his fb

where the fuck are his ears?!?!?!?!

>In his 60s
>Lives in Las Vegas
>Likes gambling and country music

Nah. Just own it bro
It was always gonna be
- a sand nigger
- young white gamer virgin
- a high as fuck nigger

>Calls himself a member of antifa
Everybody who does dumb shit is antifa now.
There is zero evidence that this guy was associated with antifa.
But hey...., let's all say it's true...., loudly...., many, many times.
That will make it so.
I mean...., that's what we do now...., right???


That's nice. He still had no political affiliation.

they were Baptists. Sup Forums is a Catholic board. the shooter was not Sup Forums

lefty damage control is sad

Sup Forums fevered fantasies are sad.

Please no im here on Sup Forums only because Sup Forums wont shut the fuck up about it until they get every single little last detail and point out the flase flag


Talking about Paddock not Kelley, retard.


Holy shit he looks so much like fucking Hanz from /x/

His father was a criminal. That's enough to know he was far left

As soon as you saw his Jew face you should have known he was one of you.

>Sup Forums
>crisis actors.
>nobody died.
>the jews faked it to cover up for clinton and podesta.
and i'm not even ironically exaggerating a bit.
they have completely lost their minds over there.

M4's have been banned ...

well then, that's irrefutable proof.
of absolutely nothing.

faggot pls.
save your pathetic shoops and tweets from wingnuts as "evidence".
what a fucking joke you guys are.

Like detected

Nigger he was a registered democrat and he worked for Shillary campaign that epic failed.

Autism detected, the meter is going off the charts!

Antifa cuts them off as initiation

>"Everyone who doesn't drink all my Kool Aid is a Kike Shill."
Retard detected.
Neck yourself and quit wasting our air.

Nah retard. He was a old man who liked country music and gambling


sure little boy.
try harder.


He never once attended country concert. No country music. No statements about any music
>nice try Eurocuck. Not taking our guns

this is exactly how I picture a Sup Forums army to look

>Not taking our guns
>no one has mentioned guns in entire thread.
>pre-emptive autistic reeeeeeeeeeeeee.

He liked country music retard. I don't give a shit about your guns. Keep killing each other. You are doing the rest of the world a favor

looks like jews

said the jew.

Pol is cancer
Literal Nazi board

fucking hermann goering leads the beta pack

you just flunked the debate, autismo

Said the goyem to the jew

This just shows you that we need to ban white people

>impling Sup Forums wasn't the designated nazi board a decade ago
Shoo shoo newfag

... kinda,

thats why i wasnt totally hurt with the las vegas shooting. i hate country music and country music fans... so... kinda funny that their 2nd amendment support gets them shot in the face. irony is funny.

This is going to spin like a disco record for the next few days, so let's get them all out of the way now.

crazy lunatic killer
had mental problems
something wrong with the gun purchase
gun laws wouldn't have stopped him
gun laws would have stopped
inside job
something something trump
something something obama

not to interrupt the race to disown this guy, but the easiest way to distance yourself from mass shooters is to make sure that your ideology doesn't encourage hatred and violence.
are you sure your chosen side live up to this?

yeah i am just going to wait a moment

the first couple of pictures arent always the actual person

Ignoring reality today

bruh he irish. dafuq you smokin?

Since antifa is a mob and not a structured organization, it's hard to say that anyone is or isn't associated with it.

I'm not the person you're arguing with, but I lean right/libertarian, and I have not seen any evidence that Paddock held strong opinions of any political direction. If you have a link to share, please do.


>His father was a criminal. That's enough to know he was far left.


Somebody should make this into one of those crew memes with names for each.

You Trumptards are so funny

>he doesn't know

true, for all we know this is a picture of some twitch streamer getting trolled.

>You are doing the rest of the world a favor
Why do you hate us so much? We're hundreds of millions of different people with all different beliefs and backgrounds, not a stereotype.

He also taught Bible school

I'd say he was just generally confused.

found the millenial

yeah, and kelley is an irish name you fuck. this is why my english ancestors low key hate you, ya'll are retarded bruv. calm down youre also english, ireland doesnt exist, be my friend.

I was quoting someone else and replying with an incredulous meme, genius.

His linkedin

Ex-USAF and now teaches the bible to children. Doesn't sound very left wing to me eh?

I don't hate you, but I will say that watching America right now is like watching an explosion in slow motion.

haha dude was an atheist all atheist are known faggots

whats up with his dishonorable discharge?

I agree that we're in a bad place right now, but you said that we were doing the world a favor by killing each other. That might be true from an environmental standpoint, I guess, but most of us aren't bad people...

PLENTY of left wing people in the military.
Also bible school stuff under Volunteering. Ie: bullshit. Personally know plenty of people who used churches as community service and give 0 fucks about religion. Take me for example.

found the baby cannibal.
why do you eat them after you cum inside them anyway??
and why is it always black babies???
that's just weird.

Stop making excuses bro. He was one of yours


>all evangelicals are known faggots

>plenty of people who used churches as community service
Doing community service =/= teaching Bible study

find your safe space cuck. this was Antifa. your snowflake fag and nigger loving ethos.. own it

Unlike good Christian closet faggots...

he was trump supporter. he bought red hats for all his church followers and cheer leaded spontaneous rallies after sermons

im left wing you faggot

i am too but why is this suddenly about you

registered UAF voter, i.e. antifa

It wasn't newfriend. GTFO my board.

I didn't say that, I was chiming in from elsewhere.

It is when thats what the people you know have for you. "I need some comm service" "You can teach bible stufy at my church. Its easy, you color, read from a book" "Sure"
You guys probably don't have religious friends in the south so dont know shit. Not saying he was either but you wrong son.

>safe space
>nigger loving
Aren't you the good little Sup Forums parrot.
Want a cracker?

Now go finish your homework.
Tomorrow is a school day and you'll get detention again if you don't.

time to kill those old jokes like "cho's record" and shit: actual retards like lanza, possibly this guy if OP aint lying and other school shooting online circlejerkers use that material non ironically. we helped to create that active shooter culture in a way... time to ruin their trip.

LOL that truth hurting you in the bottom a little snowflake?

He's from texas moron.
Take your shitty, lameass Inspector Closseau "doxxing" back to Sup Forums.
You suck at it.

i'm not even the person you were replying to, but you are a complete faggot and i hope your family dies in a fire.

Don't use the word cracker, faggot. That's offensive non-nigger, non-spics.

English ain't your first language.

>Don't use the word cracker
>being this clueless

you could also overlay the concentrations of wealth and productivity in the country and it would be the same

>ooooooop is gayyyyyyyyyyy

And he served in the military in colorado, dip fucking shit.