Hello Sup Forums, let's play a game

Hello Sup Forums, let's play a game.
There is an individual who you must contact in order to receive an important clue.
If this image is analyzed correctly and when prompted you use the passcode,"step1", you will be able to contact him through discord after deciphering the message hidden in this image.

Good luck,

oh shit

another one of these?



Stenography? I've seen this before...

I got this


ohhhh shittttt dawg bump

buuuuuump lets figure this shit out!

b u m p keep encrypting messages XD


bump holy shit


decrypted, found this.

anyone know what that could mean?

It's a fucking Discord User.


trips get

That's processor number and X files character.



Murdoc Niccals? from Gorrillaz?

Murlocks usually rally on the beach.



Refugee fueling war against them?

Here is the location from the IP Address,. what could it mean?



i know right??? This is crazy!

Yea, you are the guy's still playing on PS3
Phenom would be better.

Okay, what the fuck.

Navy? we're fucked Sup Forums

BUMP (i wanna see what fucking happens here)

okay Sup Forums, we figured out the IP, now what does the rest of the information in the dm mean? I got 3 separate messages, and they said
1. friend
2. What Are You Looking For
3. SSH is great

So the SSH is a Networking protocol: SSH, also known as Secure Socket Shell, is a network protocol that provides administrators with a secure way to access a remote computer. SSH also refers to the suite of utilities that implement the protocol.

Two us leaders talking:

-Where we gonna build a millitary base?

-In the line with a fucking earthquake.

SSH to that address

nobody in their right fucking mind would send an SSH to the fucking navy.


bumpity bump bump bump


SSH to the Navy is pure madness

honestly what would it even do???



Im going in boys, wish me luck!
gonna stream on twitch
name is murdocplays

Have you got a nichijou picture?

this is crazy, bump.


I need budget, also I have something like terminal dumps that are good to be coloured, I'm pretty lame at coloring in some terminal emulator without bit of html, and parser...

Actually I'm something like not getting computer, because I need to quit job, because I don't like my boss and I'm afraid they'll lock me down..

NCIS is .... Like why Menning turned transsexual? It was fucking psyop, to make all faggots even more gay. It was well played...

I need place were are computers and shit stuff music, something to do. I can't write querries for living. Getting shot in head is better, but there is guncontroll, i'm schyzophreniac because I caught somebody in my computer and I can't get heroin to overdose.

I have nothing to do and I don't fucking care.

Kitty Hawk? Whose idea was that?

I can't just ... I don't have my own, you know, that things eat so much I have running it out of flops whenever I even imagine turning it on.

What about embded encryption systems?

I can literaly... Dude I just don't want to sell Aim bot to AlQueida or ISIS for living.

I'm there

start already


I cannot even ping that shit over all of you.

You gotta go back to /x/, Bunelda

what's going on? the stream is just a still image for me

What's paranormal about high temperature superconductors?

INNSBRUCK? Dude, that must have not been america.

I feel like like guy who gave you streetnames and stuff was ... funny.

Your ads looks too boxy and flat, it needs some texture ;) I'm gonna send you pics I get some temp computer to do that. Do you accept potencial epileptic seizures as a form of learning?

Don't you have a public room and something like... You know place where I can pin something up? Like a sticker in a bus?