No fap November

No fap November.
I'm 4 days in which is a personal record since my 15th.
I'm currently in bed and I can't take it anymore. Is there a way you guys can help me get through this?

Also nfn progress discussion

I lost 4 days ago

Nearly did too. What are the rules you guys have to keep btw?

I lost at 12:01 am on the first

If you're serious about NF, get the fuck off this website and don't come back.
The site is riddled with triggers 24/7
GL dude

made it to 3 weeks hard mode then my gf dumped me and I relapsed. I jerked off like 6 times today.

guess theres always tomorrow.

I am. Not really sure if this site will affect it in any way though. Thank you for the kind advice sir.

No fap is literally bullshit. Enjoy your prostate cancer. If you didn't know, cumming flushes out all the bacteria in your prostate, setting the risk for infection to 0%, AND works the cells so the cells don't turn into cancer cells.

Damn, 3 weeks is so close to the finish too(no pun intended). Sorry to hear about your girlfriend, user.
I fap about 2 times each day with every day missed being stressful normally.

Also, explain hard mode

They say not shooting your load increases the risk to get penis cancer. Look it up if you don't believe me. So yea, as long as you won't fap 24/7, you should be good.
Honestly, why even stop fapping? Every day you don't fap is one day less sensation and you will never get it back, even if you fapped twice the next day.

Does one month in your life really matter that much?
Not doing it for health benefits, just to fight myself

>just to fight myself

If you so much into struggling by torturing yourself, be reasonable and hit the gym.
No one will actually look at you and say
>wow, dude you look ripped I bet you haven't fapped for a longtime
You will be the same fatass or skinny dude with or without it.

OP btw
You are right in a way but I could miss a month of regret and guilt. Also, cute girls but no thanks


i just meant not looking at porn, not edging, not even coming on here. literally avoiding any and all potential triggers.

I do hit the gym, so that's not the issue.
It's not really about hurting myself, more about achieving something psychologically

Don't listen to him. Yea nofap is all a ruse, but not fapping is a great way to get some self restraint.

I think it would be better for me to keep the triggers. Since I would have them in my everyday life too. I can't cum or really jerk off. No reason to look up porn though

Have you ever done it? (Op)


Only jerk off to gay porn

Just doing it cause it feels good after a month of nofap. Yes orgasm is good for you, everyone who isnt a brainlet knows that

This might help. Any place I can start getting into it?
Not really my thing. So much work to find a good video;)


I did like 2 months, can't remember why i relapsed. Probably because I wanted blow off some steam. I wanted to see if the /r/nofap miracles were true. And they are in some way.
All the "girls will notice you more" and "social anxiety disappears" is just placebo.

I was a bit more alpha mainly because I was really horny. Also felt less tired, not sure if that was placebo or not.

Geez Morty, if you want self restraint
be (again) reasonable and do something that actually improves your situation.
Don't eat sweets, eat less meat, be less social awkward ergo stay away from Sup Forums.
That no fap excuse is such a lame way to pat yourself on the head and to tell yourself that you achieved something.
Again, it. does. nothing.
But I guess that's why we're on Sup Forums and discussing this. Something along the way always went wrong and now we are here because we never listened to warnings, hm.

Nofap since apx. 08 August. It's doable if you take up a position that gives you little privacy compared to what one is typically used to.

Not doing it for the girls( I have a gf) and don't have any form of social anxiety.

You made me wonder if my constantly tired feeling will stop now.

Just being in this thread made me crave it less. So thank you guys so far


i havent fapped for almost 2 years

Cut the sweets, alcohol and soft drinks 11 weeks ago. Don't mind the meat though. I tend to be a social guy, go to parties, talk to strangers and make friends. I might leave b soon though.

Btw, your pic made my dick jump a little(flaccid though)

Oh right you probably want some tips.

>avoid triggers
You said you didn't want to get off Sup Forums to avoid triggers. That's fine but you have to know when you're in the stages of relapsing:
>Taking a peek
>Making excuses
Find something to snap you out of it. For me it was taking a cold shower

>Go do stuff
This is probably the best way. Hang out with friends, study at school/college, go to the gym. If you're tired you'll go straight to sleep

>consider getting a nofap buddy
I used to have someone who did nofap with me (a random user online), whenever we felt like relapsing or had a rough day you would message the other dude to talk you out of it. Gay or not, it helped

So this is my first nfn, am I allowed to have sex? or does that defeat the point.

Privacy never was a problem. When I needed to fap, I did.
Great tip though

Are you serious?

yes i am serious, i cant mentally do it

Excessive masturbation still exists. I don't have any problems with those mundane addictions. But i did have sore dick sometimes. Didn't even feel anything anymore, it became a habbit.

Why do you want us to beat our meat though?
>inbefore prostate cancer after 60 days of nofap

First of all, great trips.

Think I should avoid triggers then?
Cold showers won't work since I take one every morning, still fap then. I will find some other escape that will work.

I'll take up a new hobby I guess.

Bit awkward maybe


Why is that?

For me it is getting out of hand and even ruining my sexlife.


Let's say you really manages all those task and more - why the hell would you go for such a basement dweller level game?
Seriously, it might be beneficial if you got a girlfriend or fuck chicks every week. In that case I understand that you rather save it for a better orgasm n stuff. It's rather easy to lose interest in fapping when you have a fuck buddy. Been there done that. But if that's not the case, I really see no reason to do it.
I guess there is not much to say.
In the end, it is your decision to make.
Mainly I just wanted to warn you about the penis cancer risk.

Well there are always going to be triggers. Depends on your own willpower really.

It also doesn't have to be cold showers. Leaving your room for a cup of tea. Or if that's not long enough go for a walk if you must. Just get another mindset.

PS: Not trying to seduce you.
I just drop random stuff while posting, OP.


Because it's not a weird thing for me to jack off at the toilets of a public place anymore. It's just a way harder thing to do than just exercise or eat healthy.

You were right about it being beneficial for my relationship. It happens a lot that I just came a few minutes before my gf comes home or when she is, just before she wants to have sex. At these moments I'm just not able to get is that hard etc.

I'll think about the penis cancer thing. Heck, it might even help my cause thinking about dick cancer.
I can't open webms so it's not a problem.

I do love me some tea. You are a great help

Didn't fap, but looked at some porn before without fapping. Count as relapse? Precummed a little.

whenever i physically try my mind stops me

That really depends what your goal is. No porn, no touching yourself, or nothing at all. From my point of view: No, it's technically a relapse. But edging and/or watching porn is a sure way to relapse soon.

Its not relapse imo. As long as you didn't fap (op)

Is it a problem to you? Have sex?

yeah its a problem, i need to get in the right headspace for sex too

Maybe you're pressuring yourself too much. Try to get a girl to rub your dick when you don't expect it. If it worked, and it did somerhing to you, hold that feeling for later.
I do not know if it will work though.

Good gif. This made my dick pulse too for a sec

You shouldn’t be on Sup Forums. I’m doing nofap November too and I know I shouldn’t be.
I’ve fapped pretty much every day since I was 12, 20 now. I’m only stopping because I think I’ve got the death grip, last couple of times I’ve tried to do sex stuff with people I haven’t been able to stay hard without stroking my dick. The onahole websites say it only takes about a week and then moderation to fix it, but I’m aiming for the month to test my impulse control.
So far it actually hasn’t been too bad. My mind has wondered to it every day for sure but I just go off and find something else to do. I’m sure in a few days it’s going to get really difficult though, I always bust huge nuts (though they feel way better with some time between faps rather than twice or more a day as has become a habit lately) so my cum is probably going to be overloading my balls here soon, I may even have wet dreams for the first time in forever.

I saw this and kek'd

top lel

Op here. Fuck it! Should i just sneak downstairs and fap? I just need to now. Gf is asleep and i found something with girls i know in very good clothing.
Just an immense wave of craving now.

Nfn isn't really nessessary right

oh forgot this was a thing. guess im starting tomorrow. maybe if i can make it i can stop fapping 3 times a day and actually be productive

Great stuff. Good double dubs too

Why don't you just fuck her m8

This. If you have a gf this shit should be WAY easier, what’s wrong with you OP. yuse a lil bitch

Is cumming by prostate massage allowed?

She knows about my nofap. Can only have sex if she's the one starting it.

Not now please


Why isn't she starting it? When was the last time you had sex?

I'm like a week in btw, but I feel more energetic and have applied to I don't know how many jobs. Getting an interview tomorrow. If I get it I'll have to travel across the country and it'll be the first time I'll be on my own.

Odds: No-fap November.
Evens: Gianna Michaels

She makes it a game too. 2 days ago.
So i really shouldn't give in now right? Does it get easier a week in?

>Does it get easier a week in?

It does get easier when you realize how shitty you feel after you fap versus when you don't. Pictures may be tempting and you may wake up in the middle of the night have strong urges to fap, but it gets better the more you don't. Just imagine the loads you'll get after one month.

Dont know her. Should i look her up or is that a bad idea?

Thanks. This may keep me from fapping right now. Last time i didnt cum for 2 days my balls cramped up at orgasm. Really hurt