What do i say now? Im bad at talking to gurls

What do i say now? Im bad at talking to gurls

Other urls found in this thread:


"okay bye"

Show her your dick or you're a faggot

Send her a pick of you dick and write as follows:
"I showed you my dick, answer me"

Ask her what she likes to do for fun, get her talking about herself, take notes and in a couple days take her out and cater to one of her interests.

Ye do dis

Whatever you do don't pretend to be something you're not, if you do end up meeting it'll be obvious.

make her feel special, i.e. just say something nice and tell her how you feel

Save that for after the first date. Right now you just want to show her you have somethings in common (even if you don't) wait, you trying to get laid or you serious about girlfriending her?

Get laid nigga maybe repeatedly tho

you are texting too much, relax, let her say something too

"so, wanna hang out and get to know each other better?"

its not rocket science.

>college or hs


How old is op?

Some variant of this. Yes


move on, clearly has no interest. women for some reason need this mind blowing entertainment 24/7. if youre not consistently saying something new and brilliant then theyre out. they dont go for normal casual conversation

You've done this before....

Ask an opened ended question... 'What things do you like to do in your spare time' or something like that. All questions you are asking allow for a one word answer

either hes underage &b or setting himself up for chris hansoning

Don't ask yes or no questions. If you do, make an additional way out.
For example (though useless to you)
>do you play any instruments? Which would you want to learn, and why? I'd love to learn the keytar/kuitar, but I can't play a guitar or a piano yet.

Perhaps shorter and more concise, but this easy format *should* get you far if you don't ask questions in exactly the same format every time

Dubs checked. Do it, faggot.

Shes 18

tell her "You know I hate niggers, do you also hate niggers?"

Nice start.

You are making good progress user

Confirmed. You're an autist

Keep it civil, user. Stay calm and be yourself, although spending time talking face to face is much better. Best of luck

hey bro 320 checking in. How much snow did ya get?

Off to a good start, now ask if she's free next week.

tough crowd..

She's writing "haha" all time, it's seem dump a little...


no one made a joke, yet?

Say "what kind of retard goes to college for journalism in 2017?"

Tell her you know of a great sushi restaurant near your house, invite her in for tea, tell her she's pretty.

You ask her out on a date and when she's free u fag. If she accepts or doesn't accept, you need to
stop texting. Unless you want to be her new gay beta orbiter.

She can't hold a conversation. She's just answering your questions and not asking any of her own or trying to make the convo continue. Is she worth it?

ohhhh the full speed ahead dude. as for what to say ? ask her questions about herself, act like you dont care about the answer, then ask another question. rinse and repeat until youre inside her. interested and aloof all at once is all bitches want


she didnt ask anything about you, bitch doesnt seem interested

>Using Tinder
>Talking to a 3/10 chink slope zipperhead gook
>Acting like a nervous cuck
>"Gee wiz what else do you like to do for fun?"

Tinder is where ugly sluts ride the cock carousel until they get bored and marry some beta who works at the apple store full-time, has a shitty wedding, and never amount to anything. It's literally for people who are so autistic they can't meet normal people in a social setting.
Kill yourself.

guys are always the one that have to make convo with girls. it doesnt even fucking matter. the dude is just trying to get his dick wet. he shouldn't stop trying.

None yet

She's probably waiting for him to make the first move. OP needs to asap

How the fuck else is he going to meet someone on Monday in the middle of the day?

it's not about making the first move, he asked her what she does and she didnt ask back.
if you wanna fuck tinder whores you gotta be direct, make a pun and ask her out, let the small talk for later
tell her you have a problem with your ears, she will ask what is it. you tell her you gotta a condition and the only medicine is the inner part of her tighs.
if she's into you she'll laugh

This girl seems incredibly boring and barely able to hold a conversation.
Why bother trying to talk to her?

I dated a girl who never asked me questions for two years.


She was hot, though. Go figure.

Constantly searching for pussy like some desperate faggot breeds degeneracy. Focus on improving yourself instead of chasing after ugly chinks. Build some fucking character rather than desperately using Tinder. Get a hobby. Hit the gym. Go for a fucking run. Focus on self improvement and people will want to hang out with you. Rather than being a little shy prick who acts too emasculated to talk to some whore who's chatting up 10 other equally desperate dudes.

Source: laying on my bed with my girlfriend watching Netflix. She thinks you're a cuck too.

That great tip at the and xDDDD

This. OP needs to cut emotions and stop caring. Then say
>So, you don't seem to like talking. Wanna fuck, instead?

Remember to cut those emotions, first. Thinking with your dick is making you fixate on her. So if there is a rejection, it'll hurt. But there are tons of other girls. Hotter girls. Really, lots of much hotter girls. She's not that hot, user.

it may seem retarded but if you're good looking enough bitches will fall for it. it's not offensive and imply a lot

Nigger, look who you're talking to.

We're all a little depressed, numb, and we don't have real interests besides consuming media that others have made for us.

What is even a good hobby?

That's bad that i'm ugly af so only i could get is a slap ;]

Imagine talking to your son when he's 13. What will you tell him? Teach him? What kind of man will be see you as?

Look up something cool and learn how to build it. Woodworking, metal working. Try learning an instrument, learn some new software, get into video editing, start a journal, go for a run, a hike. Learn to draw, dance, play a sport. Anything rather than sitting alone desperately trying to get your dick wet.

If you're not interesting, you will not meet interesting people.

OP is gone

No trips man im here shes just slow

They scared him off

Forgot pic

> she's just slow

hahahaha dying here xD

Im not long off the drive but got a really good up and down game if you want to golf

"I like walking, hey are you free?"
One awkward date then ghosted. Calling it now

>pick an outdoor place that's not isolated so she isn't creeped out

Ah yeah OP there ya go. Now if she says yes, you are forbidden to masturbate until you bang this chick. Trust me, you'll be glad you held off.

Not like you wont get a job with it...

i'm prepared for a career in journalism in this era.
took an advanced persuasive essay writing class and 2 fictional writing courses.
i expect to hear from CNN soon

yo i go to mankato wtf

Duuuuuuude. Too fast. You are fucked user.

Confirmed troll

Wow imagine that someone else uses Sup Forums in a moderate sized town where you live


>do you wanna go walking in the woodss?

Well wtf i got niggers telling me not to drag it out and niggers telling me to talk 4 awhile what is it

Now what?

So instead of trusting your gut you turn to a bunch of strangers with varying levels of success for advice.
Do you always do what people tell you to do? Have you been this much of a bitch for your entire life?

If she's interested it's doesn't matter whenever you ask her out

You did the right thing.
She seemed either disinterested or socially retarded by her responses.
Waste of time to keep up an aimless one sided conversation that neither of you are enjoying

Yo wtf user I'm less than an hour from Mankato

I can't imagine anyone using Sup Forums in my town, other than the nerds I know from highschool

Now ask her out for a cafe or sth to "get her know better"

you're being the betard that you really are OP. remember, just be yourself.

Beauty, you're in, take her to lunch or offer to buy her some coffee and hang out and chat in person.

cool dtf?

get her #, plan a date, text her about date plan, decide on time, go on date.

or go for the hail mary and invite her over to your place for wine coolers and a labia massage

send bobs

you need proof she's not a trap

Do it faggot

this gonna be a waste of time, why you invest time in this plain boring factory worker

Trips and you ask her if she is a trap

Holy fucking shit my sides


>what will you tell your son
Your son won't give a single fuck about what you've done until he's in his 20's.

Don't chase a bitch, chase a check. Don't do something because someone else will like it, do it because you like it.
t. son who didn't give a fuck about his dad when he was 13

Kato thread go

Updates OP?

Maybe he's fucking already :D

OP is a faggot, faggots don't fuck. Also that bitch isn't worth it, can't even keep a normal convo running.

Sent her this but i gotta go to work :(

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has high standards about this conversation shit.

Now if only my standards for physical attraction weren't so high, I could find some realistically within my range.

You went with your guy and you came off like a complete aspie. Bravo.
Now delete that shit off your phone and focus on yourself. Man up, faggot.

I'm not a fan of this response. I think you should have asked her concrete plans now, while the iron was hot.