Okay Sup Forums this is my first time coming to you for help so please bear with me...

Okay Sup Forums this is my first time coming to you for help so please bear with me. I'm in need of some relationship advice. Also first time green text.
>Sophomore in college
>Tinder gives me a girl
>Girl and I get along very well
>begin dating
>1 month in we have sex ; pretty good
>after 3 months the, the sex gets more and more boring
>she is doing the stuff that she can to fix it (it's her fault)
>fast forward to now (junior year)
>no results on the sex ; still shitty and rare
>also not many bj's
>have immense feelings for the girl
>cooks, cleans, loyal, 8/10, nice tits, decent ass, pretty face
>I've been messaging a girl from a party
>gets sexual. gf finds out.
>"can I read the messages"
>bad things happen "we both have to think a lot"
>*goes onto the internet to ask people for help*

How much time should I put into this girl? I can't see myself being with her forever. I also really want to bang this girl im talking to.
What do you guys think? Break up or get back together for a life long relationship...
I'll answer all questions, and provide more details if i need to.

Ur prolly both bad at secks. Faggit

I'm not. She is boring at it and doesn't satisfy certain things that I want to and would like to do. I satisfy her completely.

Whats the problem, do it by yourself, lay her on the back or put her in doggy and pound hier like a turkey faget

You are a porn addict, you faggot.
It fucked up you brain.

Sex isn't everything in a relationship.

That doesnt work if she says no or stop it hurts because im too big for her

Even if that's the case, I still want to have a lot of other fun sexual encounters

So do I just go throughout my life not having a satisfying sex life?

Put it in her ass and pretend she's a guy. I suspect that this will have results in your case.

>she says no
>im too big for her


Vagina is elastic as fuck and can get pretty moist, but that depends on the level of arousal.
It's probably you who sucks in a bed and can't get her wet due to bad technique/shitty appearance/awful personality traits.

Good one!

Unfortunately it's not the case. She takes medicine that lowers her sex drive as a side effect. Our sex is way too rare. it CAN get moist but hers doesnt. Trust me man. It's not me.

I guess you're one of the reasons she has to take funny pills, so it's your own fault, and yet you blame her for poor sex while cheating on her. Lol, you're not only an entitled bastard, but a bad person in general.

Just dump her and find yourself some slut that would satisfy you instead of forcing an innocent girl to fullfill your porn induced fantasies (which is rape btw).

user, from personal experience here's what will happen.

You'll break up and end up dating slutty girls. You'll get to do all those things in bed you think are so critical.
You'll see that none of those girls are wife material.
When you have realized the sex is great but it's only a tiny part of the big picture, that 8/10, loyal, cooking, cleaning, pretty girl that your dating now will be long gone.

Think about it. If you stay in a relationship with her you could have YEARS to figure out how you two can be more compatible sexually.

Whiteknight spotted

No, I'm just saying the without porn, live becomes more enjoyable and you hurt people less. Win-win.

>(which is rape btw).
dude porn fullfilled fantasies dont have to be rough hardcore fucked up shit dude, it can be anything

she is on the pill?
You can ask her to get an IUD, but it won't help that much.
Did you ask her if she would be OK with you sleeping with other chicks? There might be a chance she is okay with it.
If not, I would break up with her.

Fuck the other girl OP
I’ve been with mine for almost 9 months. Never gotten oral, she promised all kinds of crazy shit that she was into. “I’m a freak” etc, she couldn’t even handle light bondage. Sex is missionary and doggy at best, she won’t even ride me anymore.
Fuck the other girl and leave the one you’re with, you at least have a chance to escape

Forcing _anything_ sexual-related upon woman is a rape.
You're not only a selfish cunt, but also a retard.
For once in your lifetime, just act like a good person a let her go, you don't have to make her miserable
>implying she doesn't know her low libido makes you feel disappointed, making her feel like shit, bringing her libido even lower


Firstly i'm not OP
secondly i dont see how he's forcing it upon her, he's been trying to get her to do stuff he enjoys or w/e but that doesnt sound like FORCING it upon her
Now honestly quit being such a whiteknight fagboi

I'm not a whiteknight, I'm in a healthy relationship and if I feel like doing something with my gf, I just make her do it by introducing her into idea an making her horny. Also thanks to no-fap and no-porn, I last and enjoy sex more.
tl;dr Stop being a manlet, make girl horny, and if you can't, lower your standards

I honestly dont have need to enforce porn fantasies anyway since i see porn and sex as seperate things so i guess we both are set in life

This. There's no such thing as woman shitty at sex, it's just you who can't get her hot enough to make her pelvis move by itself, lol. It's either your lack of skills, tiny dick or a FUPA.

Point taken. Thank you.

Considered. Thanks.

The situation is how I described it. This isnt for your anti-porn messages. I don't care. Thanks for stopping by.

We talked about the IUD. And its a big no on the other chicks.

Not everyone has your situation. Help me with mine.

Dude, the only place she enjoys it is on top. She is one of the weirdest people when it comes to sex with her.

Her nipples arent sensitive (at all.... she can barely feel them.) Her clit is not her focus point. its the lips of her pussy. When I eat her out, she prefers me to SUCK ON THE LIPS AND DONT TOUCH THE CLIT MUCH

dude i dont get it.

You seem to me like an arrogant piece of shit

>the only place she enjoys it is on top
This is an ultimate proof, you fucking suck at having sex, she only enjoys it if she treats you like a dildo over which she has a full control.

He probably has a tiny dick and needs her own weight to get his little dick a tad bit deeper into her

Yes, downward force plus better control over angle of penetration seem to indicate that we indeed deal with a severe case of an underwhelming penis. He probably doesn't even know where the clit is located.