It would be so beautiful if all white people committed suicide today. I'd love it and I'd even help clean up the trash

It would be so beautiful if all white people committed suicide today. I'd love it and I'd even help clean up the trash.

How could you help clean after you've killed yourself?

Black men actually have a work ethic and we'll gladly clean up all the white trash. No one will miss any of you

eye concur !

After1 month you idiots would run out of fuel, after 3 months you would be without electricity, after 6 months you would go tribal again... Well maybe we should kill ourselfs and watch your decay...


i would pay money to see all you apes kill eachother and not know how to maintain anything we take for granted ( clean water, easy food, electricity, CIVILIZATION

>black men actually have a work ethic

okie dokie here we go again

>Black men actually have a work ethic

LOL good one user

You can stop posting anytime, friendo

OP is white tho

>I'd even help clean up the trash
Doesn't even pick up the trash in his own nigger neighborhood

black drug dealers sold them the heroin dumbass

remember kids. sage goes in all fields


I think you're confusing the work factor/pick up trash thing with the fact that a high number of niggers work as trash men

If all the whites killed themselves the Mexicans would still being doing most of the work and the blacks would still be lazy

dude I pick up trash damn near everyday and lots of people call me nigger so like what's your point?

The joke went over your head cause you are a dumb kaffir. You are the only trash in this thread

Then who is going to pay for welfare. Look at how Africa turned out after whitey left.

none of these are important thoughts. You are trying to make something matter that doesn't. Sage goes in all fields

the next iPhone once niggers run Apple

The fuck is this meme?

>all white people die overnight

that's hilarious. minorities can't run the world yet you haven't developed enough. look at your countries, they're all shit.
in another hundred years china should be pretty well off, maybe india. at that point they are ready. at africa and jamaica's rate of development blacks will not have a powerful country on the planet in the foreseeable distant future.

right now? without white people everything stops. britain, america, france, switzerland, sweden, norway- these countries hold most of the world's wealth. they are mostly white people. without the white people running them the global economy dies and must be restarted.

Remember kids





Oh boy, this type of thread again