Post 10/10 games

Post 10/10 games


Oh my fuck I forgot this game existed. What is it called?

Really? ...Really?

Yeah really

League of legends
Because through all the years this game is still fun for me. I know it's cancer and now I'm a bit bored but I just can't find anything else as good

Thats the most dissapointing cod to date. Bo3 with ww2 guns.

silent hill 2 has better tank controls than that game

Not even Heroes of the storm user?

Heroes of the storm is just a watered down Moba

i rented it from redbox, took hours to download, beat a couple levels in half an hour and took it back. another half-baked release from the franchise that specializes in half-baked releases.

Didn't tried but u heard it's boring
Also it's Moba what about other genres?
I tried Cs go and it sucks

I have another 10/10 one


Also yall nigga postin in a b8 thread.



We are posting but we didn't took b8

Jk cod is for try hard fags who suck at more comprehensive fps’s like battlefield


Child of Cup and his Aquaintance Mug Boy

Titanfall 2



Such an underrated fps.

WW2 Is not a 10/10. Shit game

yep. I had that on dreamcast lol

great game

How exactly is it anything like BO3? BO3 had robots and wall-running. This has D-Day and boots on the ground...

Also, best game of all time.

does anybody else know this game?

Carmelita used to get my prepubescent dick rock hard

ya wish it got better treatment then it got
been play scene day one



Yeah, weird how EA didn't promote this game enough. The campaign was awesome as well





Similar controls, graphics, perks. Everything feels samey. They played it safe once again.

underated, wish it had a sequel

maybe ea wants it to fail
i enjoyed the campaign was very enjoyable i thought the collectables where out of place


Cory In The House... Do I need to say more it has The Deepest Lure In The History Of All Media, You Would Have To Be Dead If You Did Not Like This Game I Will Stop Here Because I Could Go On Forever Çörÿ Íñ Thė Hóūśę

I Have A Poem
Anyone That Hates Cory Is Gæ Anyone That Loves Cory Is Bæ

And Here's Cory In The House In 1337 Speak

6067 14 743 40853

>unreal tourney 2004 on sale
>huh ill try that again, i remember playing that
>game starts
>1200 fps


many quarters lost to this game

Guuuuud shit user, ive only played on an emulator but hot damn

Black ops 2 will always be my favorite in the series. Well balanced, and memorable maps, and hours of lost sleep. I miss the days it was still popular

Are you kidding? Or are you retarded? You do realize that's what call of duty is right? That's like saying if they took away the cover system and third person aspect of gears it would be fresh and different. That's what makes it gears. Otherwise it's an entirely different game. Fuck