Hey /b so I downloaded Fallout.New.Vegas.Ultimate.Edition-PROPHET.torrent and this is what I get when I open it...

Hey /b so I downloaded Fallout.New.Vegas.Ultimate.Edition-PROPHET.torrent and this is what I get when I open it, I added it to archive all that shit but nothing opens there just this shit all over again, guys help me plzzzzzzzzzzzz

plzzz /b I wanna play as a Caesar legionare plzzzz

Those are RAR Files too,extract them starting from the r00 onward

I'm such a retard help me plzz I'v been adding to archive over and over and I get this same shit

what to do tell me b0ss plzz

plz i'm such a fucking retard

My point is those are the files that I opened it with then when I extracted it all and opened that folder it was those same white files again man

find the file with either .rar, .r01 or .r00 as ending and extract from there on. You basically extracted the Files you downloaded and the result is compressed files again so all you need to do is unrar the .rXX files again starting from the lowest archive number

Open the file that has the 001 ending in WinRaR and extract the content that lies within. The result will be the actual iso file. Post pic of your anus as payment for my help

tell me what to do here boss plz i did so much shit that I filled my whole memory with that shit I don't wanna start all over fucking up again tell me boss what to press plez boss i beg u boss

What part of "open the file with WinRaR" is the one that troubles you the most? Its a 5 word instruction,pretty straightforward and easy to follow trough. You can do it,we believe in you

Man I extracted it but I get this same shit again in the folder wtf

You didn't extract shit, baka. Adding to archive is not extraction. For some reason your computer cant recognize .001 file as an archive, try renaming it to .rar and see if the menu changes. Or download 7-zip.

Clearly you are doing it wrong and since you posted a picture from the explorer instead of showing the opened file inside the WinRaR tool (which,after opening the 001 file would show the FNV iso),you are trying to be le epik trololol and im wasting my time here. Good day to you

Man nevermind fuck that shit I\m so mad I uninstalled it bro I did extract it my shit is messing up or something lol thanks anyways dude you're a babe bro kiss

just pay for the game faggot

download 7zip, open the file ppt-fvue.001
extract it and post if worked or not.

if dont work, maybe you are missing a part

fuck you faggot

Listen friend I believe we got off on the wrong foot. I deeply apologize for my hurtful words and any harm they may have caused you. With that said, my point still stands. I believe it's morally correct to pay for all products and that piracy is unjustified in this situation. However, I understand that times are tough and the developers won't miss out on much revenue from the piracy of a 7 year old game. I hope I clarified my point of view a little more, and that we have come to an understanding.

Where the fuck do you even get good torrents nowadays? Every site I have ever used is either dead or a honeypot. Particularly for TV.

Those aren't RAR files, those are split files. Go download HJSplit, point it to the folder with all those files, click "Join".
It'll combine them all into a "ppt-fvue" or "ppt-fvue.iso" file. If it's "ppt-fvue", rename it to "ppt-fvue.iso". Then burn/mount.

If it ends in .rar, .r00, .r01, .r02, etc. then it's a RAR file.
If it ends in numbers only, then it's a split file.

TPB still works, if you're not a complete moron and can distinguish the bullshit, and block the ads. rarbg is okay too, they're usually quicker about removing crap.

Hit up oceanofgames.com, thank fatima