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I'm addicted to the weeds

Just stop smoking

i remember when i was a weak minded idiot like you, i basically wasted about 5 - 8 years of my life. now I'm back in university and about to graduate in about a year or so. if i didn't smoke weed, i would be working right now instead of shitposting

any objections?

tl;dr : stop smoking and do something productive

Shove it up your ass.
Then go back to ninegag

Marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke, that's an addiction, man. You ever suck some dick for marijuana? I didn't think so.

is this a cringe thread?

Remember remember the 26th of Augtember.

Smoke all you have and don't buy any new

OP is a faggot

Big smart man that's telling nerds to man up on the internet. "HaHa poor idiots, I have no time for your petty squabbles for I am of a higher level of human."

So only smoke at night or something?

This one got it

fill the void with service to others

i smoked every day for about 10 years. I went through about a 1/2 8th a day usually sometimes more sometimes less. I was tired of that feeling that I had to be high to do anything. Oh I just downloaded a new movie better pack a bowl, gonna vidya time for a bowl, time for another jack better pack one. 2 months ago I quit cold turkey and it was easy. The first week I was jonesin' a bit but after that it was nice to get that stupid monkey off my shit. Good luck stoner fag

I sell this shit lol. Works a lot better when you're self sustaining

Totally agree user
When I quit I lost my appetite for a few days as I was eating takeaway and ready meals everyday for the best part of 5 years and without the munchies everything tasted bland and boring.
Fuck weed and alcohol too

>Alex Jones
is this what you meant? cause if so

And uh
Looks like some shit reg cat piss. flush it and pick up a pack of cigs.
i'd rather chain smoke a carton than take a hit of your 'good shit.

And I'm still able to sell it at 20$ a gram to any fucking idiot

jones: verb. have a fixation on; be addicted to

can you mail me some

Pick one, pussy

I can mail you some from my vendor bro

Its in Canada though

You probably should smoke weed since owning that mask is automatic cancer.

Weed is not addictive you stupid-cringy-cancer-summerfat ass

No shit sherlock

I hope so


>blaming weed for being a lazy piece of shit
I've been smoking weed pretty much non stop since the mid 90s. I was finished school and starting my career by the time I was 22. I still smoke every day and never stopped doing what I set out to do.
tl;dr : You're just a lazy nigger.

>I'm addicted to the weeds
Wrong. Weed isn't addictive. The behavior of being a lazy pothead can be addictive. Being dependent upon weed to go to sleep or balance your mood can be addictive because you get used to far less mental effort. There are many ways weed can SEEM addictive, but it is not.

keep going ... ur are obviously weak

look at ur wall art.

Just keep at it, spend all ur money on it and watch ur life become what it should be.

up in smoke

If you think my wall art is bad