The President of the United States of America

The President of the United States of America



Failpresident has failed

Happened certainly for sure but may not have.

W-ee.. Need to take seriously things of nature that ...
Okay Gold is made of rubber, is all I'm saying;
Rubber is derived from trees in Peru.

#Peru #Truth #Connections


His hair is so fucking stupid. it annoys the shit outa me.

Also his suits dont fit him and that annoys me also.

But he butt frustrates everyone and that makes me happy.


don't fucking remind me

Trump is Dump

Another three more years, pass the popcorn





>there's nothing United about these States

putting more jews in the swamp one at a time

To place someone on a pedestal, you are claiming that person is superior to yourself. By all means user, knock yourself out.


This fucking country




>dodged the draft 4 times
>avoids paying taxes
>leaks state secrets to foreign leaders
>regularly insults the military
>"real american"

Tears of laughter, you must be drowning in it.


>10 rubles have been deposited to your account

>The President of the United States of America Corporation

I like that with all of the drain the swamp talk, he’s surrounded himself with the richest, greediest, most self serving and corrupt bunch of friends possible. Still, these poor people from bumfuck towns across america think he’s in it for them, and doing great.

The guy is a true genius in that regard. You really have to hand it to him.

my president. fuck ya. GO TRUMP HOOT HOOT HOOT



Welcome Mr. President.

>Principal of the United States


Taxes were released. Remember Rachal Maddow? Yea, he paid $38m in taxes

leaks state secrets? And Hillary skated with her unsecure illegal server that had been hacked? Ok kid.


citation needed on trumps tax returns.

Not my presidento!

He leaked those returns himself obviously. They were old, and didn’t paint him in a particularly bad light. Made Maddow look like an idiot. Clever hand to play by whoever came up with that idea.

Clearly the guy has far more debt, and questionable debtees than he would like to share. That will come out with the Mueller investigation soon enough.

Trump will be unscathed, but hopefully Kush and one of those asswipe sons will go down for money laundering.

It's quite normal for businessmen to have some debt. In most cases you need money from other people as investment.

I seriously think though that Trump must have some huge debts that are not proportional to his wealth.
Because what succesful business has he done? He has the Trump tower but in how many failed ideas does he have?
The Trump Steak surely is just the top of the ice berg with Atlantic City.

And I agree, it would be fairly interesting to know who he's owing money.

Retard in Chief

if you don't want to fuck such beauty, you are 100% confirmed fag



now thats true ... but you cant leave the US like you cant leave your family.

you will do right by your family and make us proud. we are all you have

And stop calling your gay uncle California a faggot , hes in debt and having rough times

Like Benghazi lmao

Trump confirmed Kurosawa fan

Billionaire president of the United States
We browse Sup Forums
Hmm.... Who will history remember

South Africa:Will swap Trump for Zuma.