Hold on. Just watched press conference that a good guy with an AR15, stopped the bad guy with an AR15...

Hold on. Just watched press conference that a good guy with an AR15, stopped the bad guy with an AR15, stopping him from taking more lives.

So...about all that gun violence talk and they're only used in criminal acts of killing.

When will the left understand that the firearm is a tool and what makes it good or evil is that who wields it?

Other urls found in this thread:


In case you are not trolling


forgive the ignorance but which incident? I'm not so good at following the news. Also in terms of the 'tool' thing I agree. What would they have wanted us to use against the Nazis? Or Saddam, or any other number of tyrants, harsh language?

scratch that, just heard. News is slow here.

>gets his information from a TV show on comedy central
>comedy central
>from a horrifically biased source
>who is biased for ratings
>literally not a news network
Wew lad.it is scary how stupid you are.

better background checks and regulations on how to store guns would clearly help a lot
but this is a leftist idealogy so nobody gives a shit

1) Your news comes from The Daily Show? You've lost all credibility.
2) I live in Florida and have a CWP. You have to prove you're a citizen. He's wrong.
3) If you can't tell that entire segment was done in satire, there's no hope for you. He took a gun safety course, not getting his CWP.

Texas shooting. On the surface, this guy was dishonorably discharged for beating his wife and kids. His mother in law supposedly went to that church. Looks obvious to me.

yes, we need to arm litterally everyone. I mean everyone, its a proven fact: where there are more guns, there are less shootings.

fucking idiot

Not what I'm saying at all. And it's ignorant to think that. My mom and aunt can legally purchase a firearm but they have such bad tempers, they don't need one.

Stop being ignorant and look at the point of my post.

Well he killed 26/50 people at the church and wounded like 20 others. He was already leaving when somebody opened fire on him outside. I'm not sure thays a very good example of "stopping" somebody.
Was he? I thought he was just demoted and discharged, like Bergdhal.

Sort of shitty that Trump tweeted that the guy had mental issues, but he also repealed mental health checks for gun purchases. Zany. Better watch out for that angry aunt after all.

Who's to say he wouldn't have gone to the next establishment down the road? Or shot at the police officers that chased him. Regardless, that was not going to end well. and citizens stopped him.

Also to your point, I've been hearing dishonorable a lot. Meaning he should not have been able to own a firearm. However, as with any of these situations, there's always conflicting reports. We'll have to wait and see.

good thing he let him kill almost 30 people and walk away before stepping up, real hero.

Yeah. That's all very disturbing.

And on the point of my aunt, her temper is fucking legendary. I flat out told her she shouldn't be carrying and she got mad at me for it. Haven't spoken to her since. Don't need that drama in my life.

He had more weapons (and some reports say explosives) in the car. There were more churches within a mile or so.

He was given a "bad conduct" discharge. Not technically the same as a DD. I still think that disqualifies him from buying a firearm legally, but I've heard it being cited both ways.

He didn't get there fast enough and wasn't armed. He had to go back and get his firearm.

There's always 5-6 armed attendees at the church I go to. I'm 1 of them.

That was my confusion. It was said he legally purchased his firearm, so I would think he wasn't dishonerably discharged.

And I still disagree. He perpetrated the worst shooting in Texas history before anyone could stop him. There were people shooting back at the A&M shooter as well. The hypotheticals don't really matter. My in-laws pack heat in church, but it doesnt sound like anyone had a chance in there. It's just sad. I don't feel sad because this shit happens every week but... yeah. Being desensitized to mass murder is really weird, especially in my home state.

Word. Wait and see I guess.
Damn haha

>When will the left understand that the firearm is a tool
then why is owning one such a big fucking deal to guntards?
I don't make a big deal out of the power tools I own.
Face it.
It is a power trip for you faggots.

I just went shooting at the gun range the day before the church shooting. There were only 2 other guys besides my step dad and myself. I started talking with one man about his modern made black powder rifle and the other gentleman joined the conversation when he pulled out his own black powder rifle. I shot my Mosin Nagant and my step dad's 2 AR-15's as well as his Glock. All four of us just chatted a bit and shot our guns at the targets, trying to get a better feel for our guns and taking time to sight them in.

Cars kill people everyday but we don't try to shut down the automotive industry. Guns aren't an evil thing, they are a hobby, a way for people to come together over something that they enjoy.

Nobody in government wants to disallow your ownership of power tools. And many of us don't make a big deal about it. Owning guns is as natural as breathing air in TX.

Again, you're missing the point of my post.

Last week a guy kills people with a truck
Months before that a truck in Spain killed multiple people

My point is that the same "tool" was used by both a good guy, and a bad guy here. The good guy won and saved more people. Yet the left this morning is already calling for more gun control.

It's not a power trip, I shoot for sport. My point is the instant politicizing of this attack and calling for gun control, when a gun is what stopped it from being worse!

>Nobody in government wants to disallow your ownership of power tools.
And they are not with your guns or they would have done it already.
>Owning guns is as natural as breathing air in TX.
Worked out real well yesterday.


True. Even liberals like me own guns in Texas. But I also agree with those that say we need to do... something. I just don't know what it is, and I'm not the right person to figure out what that is. The weekly shootings are fucking crazy though.

So what are you gonna do? Go through everyone's house that has guns and make sure they are storing them correctly?

You were saying?

Not getting my information from a TV show, but the report regarding "good guy with a gun", that they are discussing is legit. Its a fucking myth.

>is legit. Its a fucking myth.

report is legit, the idea of good guys with guns is a myth, durr


>Its a fucking myth.
Should be "It's" and also it refers to which the report or the theory?

Learn some English hurrrrr

The world outside America have understood there is a connection between NOT having a gun and NOT shooting someone with it.

But in a meth-infested brainwashed disgrace like America, that is too advanced a thought.

How do you know he stopped him from taking more lives?
He may have been heading home to blow his brains out.
The fact is, the shooter killed a bunch of people and the armed neighbor only shit him after all of those people were dead or dying. He prevented nothing. This isn't "good guy with gun stops bad guy with gun". It's "guy with gun shoots at fleeing mass shooter".

When will the right understand that making it really easy to get a gun means more people get shot?

Or do you think all the statistics about this from the rest of the world are the result of a vast conspiracy?

>I shot my Mosin Nagant and my step dad's 2 AR-15's
>poorfag detected
Use your moist nugget to shoot yourself, poorfag

Dude saved us some tax money. Get over it.

When will the left understand that more people getting shot isn't necessarily a bad thing if other crime goes down?

Or do you think all the statistics about the rising crime rates in newly-controlled nations are the result of a vast conspiracy?

First of, strict rules as to who might own a gun. (Serious) criminal record - NO, mental illness - NO, religious - NO, member of any extremist group (any wing) - NO!

Automatic weapon only for members of specialist (and serious) gun clubs where such weapons are part of the sport, such as "practical shooting").

No firing of weapons outside shooting ranges except during hunting.

Works fine in the rest of the world, and guess what - we don't have your kind of crazy shootings.

And of course, stop being a hypocritical country who murders your own people as an excuse for invading other countries and slaughter millions more. It tends to freak people out...

Its just semantics

>guess nobody should ever intervene because the shooter might be done anyway
>let's give the psycho the benefit of the doubt

You are painfully stupid.

Where are you located? Based on your comments we may want to invade.

you are seriously fucking stupider than dirt.

what if someone said you couldn't own power tools but you wanted to so that you could make your own shit and fix stuff?

fucking idiot faggot.

You're missing the point. He didn't save anyone. Hes not a hero who prevented a terrible tragedy. He would be if he saw him and shot him before he went into the church. Instead he's a gun nut who found and excuse to shoot at someone else.

>better background checks
Sure; define "better", though. Or do you not know how the current ones work but insist that they should be better?
>regulations on how to store guns
No. I don't want strangers in or around my home just because I want to buy a lethal tool. You don't need a garage to buy a car.
>but this is a leftist idealogy so nobody gives a shit
If I don't give a shit it's because your sentiments are born out of preconception instead of some explicit logic or accumulated data.

UK does that, iirc

They wouldnt say that because you cant kill 30 people in 2 minutes with a power drill.

Fucking idiot faggot.

Listen up, faggots...

The dude didn't obtain the firearm used to execute the pansy ass jesus fags in a legal way.

He was not supposed to be in possession of a firearm, and didn't have a carry permit.


Has that been confirmed? Does this have to do with his discharge status? Can you link?

With some preparation, I bet I could.

You can carry a weapon if you want, but you're an idiot if you think having one is going to matter when you get ambushed in a place you don't expect. Your gun will still be in it's holster while you die.

Did more than you'll ever do. You'd crumble completely when under pressure.

Feinstein is a fucking cunt. She thinks it's ok for her to be protected by guns but not the citizenry. I can't wait till she dies.

Whoa, we got a pro killer here. Knows about pressure and everything. Clue us in Rambo, what's the shizz?

He saved 6 million you fucking bigot.

That you're giving a mass murdering shooter any leeway here and trying to shift scrutiny onto a private citizen who killed a killer says more about you than anything else.

I don't know I make a BIG fucking deal about my Milwaukee tools. No one is trying to take away my impact wrench so you don't hear a thing from me about tool laws. BUT if you tried to take even a fucking screwdriver from my drawer I would put twenty nails in you before you could blink. So yeah kinda understandable from the gun laws stuff, some people just like their tools.

>pic related

Did you waste hours of your life making that shitty meme just to impress other 12 year olds on the internet?
You sad sack of shit.

Calm the fuck down you fuck.

So.... The gun that he bought. Where did it come from? I'm assuming someone sometime bought it legally

If lotto tickets were fun to you, would you buy them?

I dont see why. 600+ people have been shot by 2 people in the last 2 months.

>Instead he's a gun nut who found and excuse to shoot at someone else.
The same thing could have been said about your hero shooter if they downed the store shooter before they went on the rampage. At that point in time there would have been now way to know if he was going to shoot anyone at all. Just admit that there's no winning with you.

If the news is funny it cant be real, it has to be boring

The problem is NOT terrorists with guns and bombs.

The problem is the terrorist is mentally ill. If we could just work on the terrorist's mental health, we wouldn't have to take their weapons away.

Kim jong un needs a therapist not a counsel infringing on his right to pursue nuclear warheads.


Of course I understand legitimate uses for firearms. I'm just saying when it comes to mass shootings carrying a pistol or something is terribly unlikely to make a difference.

Yeah, a dude with an ar took out another dude with an ar, AFTER that second dude killed 25 people. What a fucking consolation to those 25 families that the nutjob allowed to buy military grade weapons didnt manage to kill another 25 people. Fucking idiot.

all you fucking cucks shut your stupid fucking mouths until you bring me a fucking file on every mass shooting stopped by a carrying citizen
I'll just fucking wait

Ever heard of a shooting at a gun show?
Yeah, I thought not

all you cucks in this thread, how do ya'll like my gun collection?

>2 people

Dont be stupid. Places better defended than a gun show get shot up all the time.


samefag here
I know this is Sup Forums, but let's get fucking real. I adore guns. I like the idea of a tool that can take a piece of metal and blast it at supersonic speeds with accuracy and precision. This is fucking awesome.
However, we see people using this tool (a tool designed for the sole purpose of killing a living being, mind you) used in public on innocent bystanders almost EVERY single DAY in the United States.
When a child sees an AR-15, the first thought should be, "soldier." I don't care how many people argue AR stands for ArmaLite Rifle. You're right, but you're only right about a name, not a purpose. This rifle was designed specifically for the United States military for use in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia against guerrilla forces.
Not an assault rifle my goddamn ass.
"I have an AR-15 for hunting."
Congratulations, you're a fucking bitch who needs a 30 round magazine to hit a deer. I own a 1942 Turkish Mauser and I can hit a target just fine with a single shot from my five round clip.
"I need my AR-15 for home defense."
This is one I can understand, conditionally. I wouldn't be firing into an attacker while my family is home and risk over penetration (going through walls, target, striking family members).
An AR-15 in a home defense setting is most effective if you're besieged and need to put lead down the range. I can only imagine that scenario being possible in some Orwellian near future where the gov't comes after you.

So PLEASE tell me why you need an AR-15, SCAR 16/17S, HK416/417, or any magazine fed rifle outside of the fact that they're awesome?

Statement was having more guns is safer.
And a base meant to defend from external forces. Mmkay. Hope you realize bases here are pretty much gun free zones

Why would anyone shoot up a gun show? That's where they get their guns without showing ID, how else would they get their guns if they politicized gun shows any further?

>Statement was having more guns is safer.
I know. And this statement is demonstrably false.

If hadn't used your tools on Hitler we wouldn't have needed them for Saddam. Everybody would be a happy member of the great German unity.
Enjoy your niggers.

You have never been to a gun show I see. You're wrong and spewing it as fact. You most certainly have to show id for any purchase from dealers at a table and fill out this form to boot. I know your kind hates facts but im sure you will ignore them and rely on emotion

0 armed people means no-one gets murdered.
2 armed people means a lot of people get murdered.


Cause I can make statements too. Like having more guns is safer. (It is)

1 armed person (illegally, most likely) means even more die

I'm just waiting for the day that all stupid americans shoot each other and Sup Forums will be free from shitposters like OP. Saged :)

You live in a dream land. This land will never ever be no guns. Even if in some alternate universe and you got ALL politicians to give up their stocks in arms and ammo companies and then give up kick backs from said companies and special interest lobbyists to bam all guns. And then you got ALL law abiding citizens to give them up the ghettos will still be full of them. What colour is the sky in your world

Just like we are waiting you're your Muslim over lords to take away your internet. How many more came into Europe today do you think. I'm take isolated shootings over mass human garbage immigration any day

>posting TDS segment as an argument

Hahaha your whole disgusting country is ridden with migrants you ignorant fuck. America deserves every bad shit that happens to it. I hope you die.

Did you even read the news, the guy shit himself in the car. Hero only went after him but didn't kill

I don't need a car that goes 0-60 in 3 seconds but I can go buy one.
I don't need lots of things. But I want them.

And I would like a drone with a missile. Doesnt mean I get one.

>America 2023
>wife and 3 kids
>kids want to go to theater, avengers 7 is released today
>tell kids to get ready
>grab wallet
>grab car keys
>grab ar-15
>grab combat knife
>grab 9mm pistol
>grab smoke grenade
>grab flash bang
>Put on bullet proof vest
>Tell the kids to get their bullet proof vests
>Go outside
>step over 2 dead nazis
>get into car
>back up over 1 and a half antifa soldiers
>drive onto the highway
>cars spinning out of control
>drivers honking and shooting out the window
>a pickup truck filled with masked bandits drives past
>they have spikes on their tires
>grab pistol, tell kids to get down
>shoot 4 bandits off the truck
>driver clips me in the chest, vest absorbs it
>tell kids to hold on, swerve right and ram the pickup into the road barrier
>pickup catches fire before exploding
>machine gun helicopters fly over
>the sky is red and filled with black smoke
>drive past, the wal mart is on fire
>people on fire and screaming run around the parking lot
>tell kids to cover their ears
>a 4x4 in front gets hit by a mortar
>debris all over the car, clear it with wind screen wipers

>finally get to the highway exit
>pull out and there's a spontaneous trump rally on the side of the road
>they're burning tires, drinking pabst and hooting
>see remnants of charred bodies in the fire
>make right turn
>make left turn
>finally enter the theater car park
>grab ar-15
>grab 9mm pistol
>grab smoke grenade
>carry them all to the entrance
>kids won't shutup about the avengers
>two mercenaries guard the entrance
>as they're checking ID's get sniper shot in the neck
>duck inside and buy 3 tickets
>we watch the avengers 7
>it's a 2/10 on rotten tomatos

I mean if we followed the constitution properly you would be able to get one if you could afford it. Most of the cannons from the revolution were privately owned by citizens.

>>I can only imagine that scenario being possible in some Orwellian near future where the gov't comes after you.

This part. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but it may happen some day. No one knows for sure, but crazier shit has happened. Look at what is president now. Crazy shit can happen.

We don't have this but then again I'm ignorant. It will be far more likely you will die by the hand of one of your new friends princess

You forgot the part about north America being the only country not 100% ruled at all levels by muslims from the middle East

Maybe if you weren't all so fat you wouldn't keep getting shot.

I'm only pro-gun, not because I like guns or give a shit about the second amendments, but because I know that prohibition doesn't fucking work. It didn't work with alcohol, it NEVER worked with drugs, it certainly won't work with guns. People often underestimate how easy and cheap it is to make your own assault rifle.


Great for them. Last time I checked, neither Canada nor Australia were full of 400 million different people with differing religions, cultures, racial tensions, a huge division between leftist and rightist idealogies, etc etc. Let me ask you something, does the majority of Canada agree that guns should be banned? Does the majority of Australia believe the same thing? Until you convince 400 million different people to see guns the same way, you will not succeed. America does not have a gun problem. America has a fucking mental health issue. Issues that Canada or Australia do not have. Despite my pro-gun attitude, I sometimes do wish guns were just banned. Just so people could see that nothing would change. Or, I'd be wrong and things would change. Either which would be a win.

If your goal is to ban guns, go ahead. But you will not stop mass murderers from doing mass murder. Look at fucking London. You just see retards blowing each other up with homemade bombs or they just simply ram their fucking vans into a crowd of people. You can ban the weapons, you can't stop humanity from being the garbage that it is.

TL;DR Quit being a lazy faggot and read what I said, you illiterate shitbag

Canada has guns. Better laws than some states even.