Actual you YLYL you lose (Not shitty edition)

Actual you YLYL you lose (Not shitty edition)

Other urls found in this thread:




It wasn't the nigger?





I win easy.

fuck you


You win ultimate faggotry. Enjoy being the ultimate fag.




Nice trips

fuck you asshole




kek'd and check'd


OP's mom

In honor of the new Mario






keked I have



Fuck this guy







you think thats edgy? watch this lol.






ok that's just mean

okay i fucking lost big time





What fhe fuck

What an insensitive prick. Women really have ALWAYS been the victims. Men like you really trigger me because you don't think about how women feel. We lose everything when our men go off to war.

>people actually voted for that dumbass
It still surprises me to this day.


Made me kek.





Almost fucking lost it

nice bait.



Fucking lost

Bait? Fucking bait? People (men) like you are the scum of the earth. Fuck you, kid. Men cannot be the victims of rape because men cannot be raped, and women are losing everything the love when our servants go off to fight a war.

Not meant for a kek, cis scum.

What is this sport called?



Always makes me kek


Thanks for the face cuck meme there gerald

Stay tuned as Nintendo releases his dick length and width as well, because if someone's going to rule 34 your OC, you may as well make sure they get it right.


what the fuck ......

here comes another funny!!

tfw this is the only thing that made me chuckle in the thread

>actual you you laugh you lose you lose

Nice one OP.

get cancer

I almost threw up

Hope you're trolling with that picture, either way you're a fucking faggot.

Yeah it means you're a beta male like Jerry Smith

Lost at all the dumbfags replying

Are those RIT dorms or is that just some generic layout


Whatcha got against Martin? He's a cool guy if you don't participate in the circle jerk.

More? This is nice




Nice effort but you're trying too hard m8.
That’s all I got buds :(



No idea what that means, but I go there and it looks exactly the same as my dorm freshman year.

Real shit

I wish speaking was taught this way in school..things could of been different for me

RIT as in Rochester Institute of Technology. 585 is the area code

>could of

Yeah school didn't do much for you kiddo.