How old are you Sup Forums?

How old are you Sup Forums?

46, still fap everyday. starting to pee myself at night, but fuck it




I'm 15yr old new fag



22... yesterday was my birthday


Enough to click yes.


happy birthday, user.

45 here

You need reading glasses yet?

yes, just got'em two months ago. It makes a difference.
Do you fap everyday, or on the contrary you started to take it easy with your dick?

I will faap everyday for maybe a ee, then take it easy for a few days. I've always been like that though.

I don't need the reading glasses yet but I'm thinking I will within a year or two


my keyboard is pissing me off

31 -,-

23. Was my birthday friday

Will be 39 this month.



65, and hoping I'm not the old man here.
Got my share of 'getting old' symptoms, but can still fap. And still not leaking.
Haven't fucked in a while. Women my age are almost as ugly as I am, and I'm not rich enough to land a young bitch.

underage b&



Going to turn 69 on April 20th


69 years old

OwO whats this

Nigger, my son is older than you. Comeback when your balls are bellow your knee caps. Then we can talk about being old, you newfag.

> crying about being old
> didn’t even fought in Korea
Whats wrong with todays youth?

Just turned 26 last week. The years are going by faster and faster, they definitely didn't lie about that part.

20 yeahrs yeah

You think old men aren't degenerate enough for Sup Forums?
Good meeting you Sup Forumsro

~50 here
No penile malfunction here - yet.
Still fucking my two girls and jerking it too


Seen a lot of Sup Forums by now, all the deaths and rebirths included.

To be honest, I stay for the fresh amateur porn and tech talk in /k/.

>The years are going by faster and faster, they definitely didn't lie about that part.

Just wait until you pass the 40+ mark.
Then you'll thinking "wasn't it spring 'yesterday'?" While it's snowing outside your window

Dad? Is that you?

Shit. I thought I was the oldest at 64.

Welcome my old friend.

37 here, feeling better about my age now knowing there are several people on here older then me. Been lurking mostly since 2007.

with all the old fags, it is a regular lemon party in here.

Get of the computer son, I told you, Sup Forums time is papas special time. Stop fucking with me and produce some grand children for me you kissless virgin. You’re 68 damnit

23 on the 24th!
>ive done nothing with my life so far