Why are mass shooters never women?

Why are mass shooters never women?

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the patriarchy

because most guns are owned by men

They wouldn't hit shit.

women statistically better shots though


women always pussy out

>see lindsay kate souvannarath

because when women get mentally ill they're more likely to receive help or choose therapy themselves.

next question: why is that?

they haven't got the balls

well, using this logic, niggers are not people either
but i guess that's already well documented fact

because women are stupid

that just is not true.

how do you know?

or is it a feeling

you where the one making the exuberant claim.

i'm a different person, good to know you have no actual sources either though. two wrongs don't make you right user lol

gotta love those feelings

Evolution has favored violence in men. Not so much for women.
Take Ghenkis Kahn for example. Conquest allowed him to have a ridiculous number of children.


you cant do a mass shooting from the kitchen

mass shooters are never women cause they can never go, "pew pew pew" with their weiners

Because there is a social stigma against men seeking help,

"you're a big strong man, why would you need to seek help, are you some kind of sissy"

The burden of proof lies on those making a claim

Is that an American made/designed SMG?

Nice quads

Because females are passive-aggressive. Pussies, to put it in plain language.

nice buzz words bro, did you just take a psych 101 class?

you made a claim too you little silly you

then the appropriate response is "where is your source?" not "that is just not true".

back peddling tho

You still haven't proved anything

i wasnt the one making the original claim idiot. i was asking you for evidence of yours. it's ok to be wrong bud

I wasn't the one making a claim either, bud. Calm your tits


Because they don't have the balls to do it!


we are different people and honestly i just wanted to take a shit on the discussion. Im not back peddling. women suck at everything,
proof: just look at one

oh, my mistake, it was a philosophy 101 class

how do you know that the original post wasn't true if you're not willing to give your reasons why? just because they should provide reasons doesn't mean you don't have to. a counter-claim is still a claim.

if you'd like to hide behind the burden of proof, ask people to prove their claims before you start making your own

i got the best backs and they're cheap too. want to have a look?

>just look at one

i see more worthless men than worthless women on a daily basis. you're welcome to cherry pick all you'd like though

The run of the mill girl won't hit shit and will probably start crying after the loud noise.


because they prefer killing their own offspings

Trump is that you? You apparently always have the best of everything.

Read the article. Everything is addressed there. Just admit you have lost or contend specific points and get destroyed.

Your move.

>abortion is a sin of god and women are evil
>women still want to abort
>see i told you women are evil and they don't deserve any rights
what a catch 22

hey man, i'm just back peddling here

I don't like mondays....

If a woman nags and bitches a man until she drives him insane and he becomes a mass shooter, do I get to count it as hers?



They aren't.

Source isn't needed for women being poor shots nor for the sky being blue nor water being wet. Contrarianism just for the sake of it isn't impressive nor a valid objection. Denying obvious facts just exposes you as disingenuous and burns any remaining credibility you had.

Men are biologically expendable. Our social structure selects for protecting women for breeding purposes. Women select mates based on protection offered and resources they can steal.


You're both idiots. Women are poor shots. One of you is an idiot for denying it, and the other is an idiot for debating it. Move on.

> apples are good to eat
> eats an apple it is delicious
> continues to eat apples
> see i told you apples were good to eat
That's not a catch 22, nigger, it's an empirical demonstration of the fact.

Because -- and this might be shocking -- men and women are different.

Yeah, because that picture is clearly of abortions...

found the virgin


that means offering for sale, you're backpedalling

''buzz words''
Another user, but i think that's a pretty normal way to express that point, maybe you're just underaged?

glad someone gets it

Me neither ;)

don't you mean back-paddling?

The term Going Postal was coined by a female shooter

The same reason why blacks are more violent. Testosterone.

Annie Oakley was what?

pic related

Because they're too busy cucking the sad loser fuck heads who go out and do this shit.

if paddling means offering for sale, back-paddling would mean offering to buy.

>implying shooting unarmed civilians takes guts

I don't like Mondays

Because they are used to breed out the heretic genes.
Muslim women have a average of 8 kids so thats 8 kids for islam.

Google it ;) female mass shooter. OP wrote "never" and thats not true

wasnt there that one i hate mondays girl?

>blacks have higher level testosterone
how can white bois compete?

I guess men are just better at some things than women.

It's back peddling, as in go back on your word. Ya both fuckass idiots

Because women tend to use "less violent" methods when committing murder like poison for example, there are some good true crime podcasts on the subject.

still interested in those backs i told you about?

women are so good at this, they were never get caught

>women statistically better

Autism affects dramatically more males than females.


sadly this is true and very common


sounds like you really don't know what you're talking about

nobody else tries this hard not to answer a question

Damn reefer

>Denying obvious facts

where are the obvious facts? that's a lot of jibber jabber to not say anything at all dude. show me the facts and i will then admit they are obvious

Women just kill their children and babies.

Because women's lives are easier. Society helps them more, they get more attention, they get men buying them shit, and can have sex whenever they want. They have more outlets to release or heal their problems.

While men have to figure out how to fix their own issues on their own while being rejected on a daily basis and being called a loser fag if they don't meet the standards of manhood


You're under the mistaken assumption that I care to convince you. I'm happy to let you stay wrong. Even if I did put in the time and effort bothering to convince you to agree with me, what would that get me? You. But I don't want you. So why bother? Now fuck off and go be wrong somewhere else. The amusement I get from publicly mocking you is the only thing that makes the time spent interacting with you worth anything.

I would give my life to fuck Sara Underwood 1 time


I see no specific point. Your concession is accepted.

>i dont care ton convince you

>i demand everyone convince me

lolol your idiocy is showing

Because they are too smart and powerful for that. They never do their dirty works themselves. They just drive men to do them.

Also the jews have conspired to keep white men down. On TV the white guy is always the bumbling idiot. The news runs stories about how men are bad, "toxic masculinity", the patriarchy etc. Boys are shamed by female teachers starting in kindergarten.

the point is you never gave evidence for you claim. that's literally all i've said the whole time i've been here. it was true then, it remains true now. i have no more points to make than that, and you prove it correct with every additional post

no concession here, i've never had anything to concede

cuz white bois can't even compete

and yet the further we move away from that attitude, the higher the suicide rate goes

you and me both bro

Teach your boys not to rape.

It's not false.

Because advocacy group have focused on females so hard and often due to their propensity to suffer from more mental issues.

I'm just a random user who has been messing with you lol.

It's okay to be male.

Because women can't be faggots.

They place more value on human life than men

Become more funny or less stupid. I'm not demanding nor inviting a debate on the issue. The proper response to "2+2=7" isn't "Convince me," it's "lol fuckoff assclown."

Teach black people not to kill eachother?

very true
