What does Sup Forums think of this album?

What does Sup Forums think of this album?

In my Top 5 Bowie

I love it, especially Bowie's vocals.

Rip spaceman i cry every tim

Masterpiece of modern music


best album of 2016

As a piece of art it's a masterpiece
As an album it's just very solid

It's no Mos Def and Talib Kweli.

It's genius

I still miss him.
Album is one of his best works. Fuck, i'm gonna listen it again now

honestly, one of the most mindblowing albums ever written imo. but I don't think it will age that well, as more and more people grow up not knowing the influence of his previous work

>I don't think it will age that well, as more and more people grow up not knowing the influence of his previous work

why would that be necessary to enjoy this album

You lose the impact if you don't listen this as his last work


I think the album still has impact

AOTY 2016. It was really good.

Beautiful, devastating. Masterpiece.

Bowie writing his own requiem.

Definetly one of his top albums

I think albums like the Berlin Trilogy or Ziggy Stardust are always gonna be famous.

I've only listened to Let's Dance as an album before this and love it

Best Album of 2016. #2 ist Blonde.

Critics naturally have a bias towards Beyonce and her 420 Songwriters it seems.

>albums like the Berlin Trilogy or Ziggy Stardust
most people that I've met only know the singles from the albums that you've listed. But that happens with every artist I suppose.

you should really listen to his discography chronologically.

yeah no

Why not?

70s - early 80s stuff is all great

>look up here i'm in heaven

Duuude wtf. Start with the man who sold the world and arrive to let's dance skipping pin ups, then earthling and outside. The next day and blackstar

Apart from Let's Dance, Tonight and Never Let Me Down almost all of his albums have something special in them and you could in a way connect all of his different styles to Blackstar, which makes it more enjoyable.

I kinda like Let's Dance. Though its pretty generic which is not something you want from Bowie

I dont think that many people listen to full albums in general.