New Dread

New Dread
Taking requests

Other urls found in this thread:

before spit roast


>before spit roast
>before a dead guy

Requesting mama peach griswaling her bismark as Toad and Mario walk the dinosaur and Wario jerks it with Luigi.

ahaha look at me weeeeeee

>Post the whole list of your repeats.

Hello thread how dead are we tonight?

draw this nigga holding a chicken wing in one hand and loli comic in another

Thanks for delivering babe.

It's alright dude, your sleep is way more valuable popo. I'm happy enough with these sketches anyway!

Really rushed this, but I ended up drawing three anons instead. Hope this is still alright.

Tiddy. re hot cuty! draw yourself plz

Spitroast doesn't post anymore

I'm doing well kahl, how are you doing?

pretty dead i would say. Pretty dead.

Haha uh oh

Hey, how are you doing?

Thanks for delivering! Saved

he was alive this morning...
the fuck did i lose?

Spitroast is gone m8. So is mamma smegpeach.

Who is this?!

haha elbow

Arooooo whooo uwu, yiff yiff!

no It was an user pretending to be him, the real one got a deliver yesterday and said he would not request the goat again

so sad! Good days they were, indeed!
Now we left with emptiness in our hearts

the fuck are you saying dingo?

Requesting a Cheshire Cat from the Monster Girl Encyclopedia being swallowed whole and alive by a giant snake. Completely nude would be nice.

If you could, do 2-3 panels, sort of like what is shown in the top right pic: one where she's restrained by the snake, another where she's halfway swallowed by it, but for the third, do like is shown in the bottom right pic.
If you only want to do one or two panels, the last one is most preferred


open bob, open cloth yes

Doin' aight, better than the pizza I ate last night.

funni noise man

Well as well my friend
that sucks but oh well what can you do

Requests? maybe?



Show boobulars

draw some panties around some ankles. barefoot or high heels.

Provo o's that you? Do you remember Sophie? That user That made u pose sexy? The one that love Jojo.

Amma just saying that's a hooot piece of taaail, arooooga!
This is getting hotter by the minute! Wawawa!

i really don't get vore, then again I'm claustrophobic... wonder if there's somewhere in the world someone that is both a vorarephile and claustrophobic... how would that work?

kahl, Kalll... hey, draw Boogie2988 trying to stand up from his sweaty gaming chair

>Well as well
That's good to hear man

looks shitty bro, redraw it!

Can I get some sort of large breasted android?

Mann, any1 can draw boobiez, in a week you could be producing some fine knockers.

Man's not hot

>New Dread
is the name intentionally misspelled to deceive anons?

Not the guy, but fuck you. Fuck anyone who doesn't thank a drawfag for their delivery, no matter how shitty.

I hope you get raped in the ass by a Jackal with a cactus dick that ejaculates flesh-eating scarabs.

yo, chill out

hes not wrong toh...

I hope that same Jackal forces you to eat out that other faggot's needle-riddled, flesh-eating-scarab-filled asshole.

draw Hiro from Big Hero 6(66) eating a dog poop

Oh yeah, you where there while I had my Jojo phase! Of course I remember you, you also collected drawfag dolls?
Imma gonna blow soon! Watch out!

why are americans so fat do they really eat huge portions and drink gallons of soda?

Blow load

i work as a McDonalds in Europe and we use American soda dispensers, we have the largest option greyed out cuz we cant legally sell that much sugar per portion
>or so my managers tell us

no, you're just brainwashed af, dumbass!

why are all middle easterners terrorists do they really strap on huge bombs and praise allah?


why are niggers so black do they really eat huge watermelons and drink gallons of grape drink?

cos you suck dick, and i fuck your dada?

Well I only remeber you, swordbro, a bear guy and "Nim" but I lost all the drawings u made for me. My collection is lost and every draw friend I remember is dead. But u r still alive! That's great! I really happy that u still remember me

why are all third worlders gay do they really sodomize eachother and drink goat semen?

>wonder if there's somewhere in the world someone that is both a vorarephile and claustrophobic... how would that work?
Maybe. My guess is that if they were, they'd probably be into the marco/micro stuff

what the fuck is this shit! He looks like a fucking charcoal!

wow, glad that part of their culture isn't being forced on other countries

you got it

why are why?


any rwby girl for a steam profile pic ;)

hey shitstain, wanna colour this sometime?


tell it to men who have harems filled with women

This is hilarious. Fucking ace kahl

Decaf is a Nogger.
A nogger that likes to "go fast" and pop pills.




When are you gonna get home my boi


Why don't you draw me some generic-loking pussy!

why are all brown skins wishful thinkers do they really compensate for tiny penises and live in shacks?



No, because you clearly don't.


she's hottt
Shitstain is actually here?


Sure, you were fun for the short time you were here. Everyone comes back.. eventually.

Fastest uv ever seen.
About an hour.
And even then ur only making it to the list. Ur battle application is still being processed.

gtfo /// >>Sup Forums

How are you doing btw man? Might I inquire as to which drawfag you are?


bumping my request in case it went unseen

kek, he looks like a reptilian dinosauroid

Man, this battle application was put in about 3 days ago. What kind of ship are you running?


>we need to go deeper
now use your dong

Ah, user, good to see you. How have you been doing?

can you draw some hovering metal robot-spheroids flying above ocean, turning into mini suns and back into their original form

Can you draw more like this? These are good reaction images




That's good to hear my man. This user is doing well