Cock Muppets Thread

Cock Muppets Thread.

Post your best cock puppet and how to do it.

I call this the Jabba.

>Stretch cock in between your balls and lift them up with your index fingers.
>Use thumb to make mouth.
The jabba.

the fuck



>Post your best cock puppet and how to do it.

maybe im just not creative enough but how many combinations of penis between balls do you think we can do mate?

also the fucks wrong with you my balls hurt just from thinking about doing that.


Not OP, but oldfag enough to remember OG Puppetry of the Penis Sup Forumsros. Will dump. 2/?

>kids these days haven't even heard of Puppetry of the Penis

This fag knows whats up.

lochness. i lost


>dick puppets
I lol'd hard.

5/5 I guess. I can't find any more on my pc. Sorry guys. These guys were on Real Sex on HBO many years ago. Very entertaining.

this is the greatest shit ever

I call this one the Diving Board

Reason for that is theyre too busy trying to figure out if their cocks are a pussy or not.

What's happening to the youth nowadays.

underrated thread

Op is just looking for a fun new way to wind up with a thread of cocks. I'll bite. This is the police baton.

I call this one
"Let Scared Turtel"

lmfao what?

Kek, I didn't know this was a thing. When I was younger I would do this and say it was a fly's head.

Forgot the how to
Pinch about Midway down your cock and roll it up until the head is hiding

Who would you say that to?

This isnt a cock rate thread you egocentric shit mining fag. Cock puppets are funny, a dick is a dick and if you look at a dick just to look at it you're gay.

Fucking kek. Legit original.

>the police baton
fuck, would you please beat my face with it?

Can I see your flaccid cock?

Fuck off slut

This is seriously a thing? Man, learn something new every day.

fuck. You would need at the very least 9 inches of penis to do this


>Cock Muppets
just when you thought you've seen it all....


Probably a dude or a tranny knowing Sup Forums


Fuck off *faggot* then
You too degenerate

Put me in the screencap this is fucking gold

Never change, Sup Forums.

OP needs to find a new hobby.


Or one really determined guy.

I screen capped this thread for anyone who cares... this shit is to funny to be forgotten...

see you on reddit

ew, no.

I've done this one before

I grew up in the 90' s. You got bored a lot back in those golden days.

I used to do this when I was a young lad, my some people are creative.

That vag has a wiener

Spoiler: The clit is what happens when there's no Y chromosome telling that part of the body to turn into a penis.

When you suck a clit, you're sucking under-evolved dick.


get out of here jaden/sean

Ah, the Rolex. I've done this so many time inappropriately at parties.
>Find half-drunk chick
>Hey, wanna see my rolex
>Stares hard for 4 seconds until they figure out what they're looking at.

...waits for photaochoppe

only in your case the y chromosome asked whats the point and turned it into a microbenis, faggot

can you even see your gland?