Kind user thread! :3

kind user thread! :3

Sup Forums can be really mean sometimes so let’s make a thread where we be nice to each other :o how is everyone? i have a lot of homework and it’s stressing me out :( but i’m getting a job at target soon!

get to work nigger

i’m not black and that’s really not a nice word to use!

Why do you talk all cutesy with emotes and such? Do you believe that you won't come across as nice unless you protect femininity?

*project femininity, dumb phonepost

this is just how i talk, user :3 if you don’t like it i’m sorry, you seem really sweet :’(

I'm not sure how you'd get that I'm sweet from one inquiry... I'm indifferent to it, really. I probably wouldn't bother entering the thread if it was written in a way I disliked. Makes no sense to do otherwise.

do you need a kissy?

I'm unconfortable

no! i’m sorry if i made you feel that way, here’s a kiss!


That escalated quickly. For the most part I was just curious about why you type the way you do, since I've seen your threads a few times.

nope, i turned 18 earlier this year :3

I like being nice cause it makes me feel good otherwise I wouldn't be nice but are you a neckbeard

i sometimes like to escape my problems by acting cute and little for my Sup Forums buddies :p

nope! i shave everywhere actually! ;p


Has anyone ever mentioned liking or disliking it before?

well, i am a twink in real life, but i mean i like acting extra cute on here ^3^

yes, a lot of people like me but a lot think i’m a faggot for talking this way :(


Are you calling yourself a twinkie cause I'm not into cannibalism

hehehe yes i’m a wittle twinkie!


OP I wanna cum inside you


Alpha males don't settle for the real thing

o...okay well if you really want to... I guess I could let you :3

are you on methenamine



Are they wrong, though?

Eat shit cunt


Bet you'd like to watch that faggot

that’s not nice... :(

that’s really mean, i’m sorry I made you so angry :(


Apparently a twink is a term for slender/fit gay boy so are you /fit/ or Sup Forums beta

It wasn't intended to be mean. It's an honest question.

Pretending to be


Asking if someone is a faggot or not isn't mean?

i’m skinny and smooth :3

I guess I am a faggot :’( my mom was right...


Calling someone a cunt and apologizing sounds legit. You're the one that needs to prove you're but you can't

I dunno. It wouldn't bother me. The way I see it, it's only an insult if you think either being straight or being gay is bad.

Posting only loli bunny girls

are you trying to say we’re the same person :o we aren’t


Saying faggot means gay is like saying niggers means black

Got any of the maid (boy)?


It doesn't???

Rabbit's gender is unknown.

hi wuts up

I have brain damage excuse me, read too fast, thought you were pretending to be the person who wrote eat shit cunt then apologized on their behalf

Faggot is an insult in case you didn't realize

Kys, faggot

hiiiii!! i’m sad but it’s fine because I have you guys! how are you?

What kind of guys do you like?

oo leme get in on this >:33

omg I am so so so sorry!! I didn’t mean to cause confusion.


p good but wuts wrong?


Yes, but what does it mean? Note that I didn't use the term myself, just asked if he was or not.

hehehe, cute ones XD ones that make me happy and can put up with me calling them my dad and my constant tantrums and need for SNUGGLESSS hehe :p

what are you doing to me???

just sad because I have a lot on my plate right now :’( but it’s fine :D

special stuff ;33

daddy fetish

dang, wanna talk about anything?

please don’t touch me in my privates! you can touch me anywhere else though!

That's pretty broad, though. Can you be a bit more specific?


maybe :3


hmmm... wut if we cuddle x33

eh, i’m just lonely. I have no friends :o and college is kicking my wittle butt >:(

dang that sucks, i wish i could help with that

Did you just use two consecutive emotes

fatherly-ness, hairy-ish body but shaved face, white usually, and average or tall height :3

that’s okay! but you better not touch my butt with your peepee hehehe XD

post butt OP

Can I do the kicking? Pinky promise to be gentle

That was a rhetorical question. Thank you for making it clear I was asking if he was gay rather than insulting him, though.

Good luck finding him, fam.

yeah it does, but oh well :o I have you!

maybeeee >:)

Did you just write hehehe XD

ill try but no promises ;3

well if it’ll make you happy, sure :3

Fatherlyness you don't got no daddy issues do you

ayy and i got you!

No, he didn't. Your vision is messed up from all of that cum your uncle left in your eyes.

yes, what will you do about it user >:3

:o you’re silly!! I like u hehe

oo i like u too ;))

maybe. mostly just parental issues. my mom hated my guts before she died :( and i’m sure my dad is disappointed in meh


are you flirting with meh :O

Shit dude you're right can you wipe it off