My old employer is literally the biggest retard ever. Have fun with these addresses.


man I'm gonna ping the living shit out of these
and when they beg me to stop I'm gonna finish it with nslookup
that's going to show them...

Here's a tip:

Literally no one has any incentive to do anything at all, because they don't know you nor are they in an army to be beckoned at your cheeto/dorito smelling calls

Here's a tip:

I don't give a fuck what you think.

congrats, you now see him how the rest of us see you

fucking moron

Bet he fired you for being incompetent shitlord NEET material

You're just as much as a faggot as op lmao kek

>• Feed

Yo, I didn't say "attack this fag", I said, "here you go". I guess you can't read either.

At first glance only the two IPs in the block seem to be related. They're registered to DigitalOcean LLC in New York.

The IP in the block is registered to FreedomNet in Byron Center, Michigan.

What's your endgame here, user?

To watch them fold. They cut all the talent that mattered, then turned around and hired "sysadmins" at $10/hr.

>Have fun with these addresses
>Here you go


I've been here too long and the faggotry as fucked me

Oh gee thanks
I'll put these IP's in my "stuff that I don't fkin care about" collection


i would if I knew how to do anything with that information

but i dont

im on fucking Sup Forums at midnight with my hand on my dick im not a fucking computer physicist


looooool the only thing you can do is to try to ddos. or get information about who has registered it and so on. We arent in a scifi movie where hackers apear as magicians who can hack a whole network with only 1 IP lol

> not using ipv6

If you're lucky one IP is all you need to pwn a whole network
ddos is not something you do without a more specific reason like disconnecting all users from a router so that they need to reconnect and you can monitor the handshakes
"hackers" that ddos a server just to have it offline are not hackers in any sense and are just fking retarded

>$10/hour as a sysadmin
I bet they're high schoolers with zero experience.

Hurrr... I'm gonna spend my time telling OP about how I'm not going to help him, incidentally I'll bump his thread until somebody feels like doing something.

get lost you fucking loser faggot

Edgy 14 year olds that want to be part of anonymous or lulzsec DDoS.

Ive contacted my local cyber police force

Here's a useful tip.

Quit always assuming of personal army requests, tard.

Well then what are we supposed to do with those ips then? Acknowledge them?

Why would you even put them out without any intention.

fuck off randy