How do you get over depression Sup Forums...

How do you get over depression Sup Forums ? I've been sutrggling with that for more than 10 years and I've never felt so helpless.

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Last bump.

Life sucks then you die.

I just try to do shit that keeps me distracted from this fact because suicide is for pussies.


Pretty much this. Life fucking sucks and then you die. Suicide is the pussies way out. You have to realize you matter to someone even if you think you don't. Don't be selfish. Everyone is suffering or will be suffering in some way throughout their life. You just put your time in until you're lucky enough to clock out for good.

You don't. It's something you live with, proudly, silently.

Recognize that it's a part of you and live it. Don't pretend it's not there.

Read the above until you actually understand it.

You will have moments when you're not depressed but depression will always be ground zero because you know it's more real than anything else. Use it.

Whats on your mind? What's bringing you down? Do you have anyone to talk to?

Therapy and pills.

There is no end to it, only a deeper shade of black.

I have children, I have to stay. But think of the sweet release of death daily.

Thanks guys though that sounds pretty depressing.

A lot, I just haven't studied or worked in 6 years due to depression being too much to handle, I had a shit life from the start and I don't see how that could ever change.

Just don't run out. Ever.

Graduating from jr high and stop hating your dad should work.

Honestly I have a lot of depressive friends who'd smoke 24/7, they were better at first but after 6 months/a year it doesn't affect you enough anymore. Besides, that's expensive where I live, so I don't think I can afford it.

LSD and antidepressants.

If you're going to smoke weed for something like depression or anxiety the key is to only smoke just enough (which is actually not much) so that those tolerances don't become a real issue.

It's not ideal and you probably could find a better solution, which you definitely should try to do first

Cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness meditation might work for you user.
It helped me get out of severe stress induced agoraphobia.

Not OP but does it really work for you? I tried it for sime time and my nose was runny and clogged all the time, mouth sore cause all of the teeth grinding. Besides it didn't make my depression better, I still felt like shit I was just extremely hyper. Couldn't sleep for days and the come down was brutal

Ok, this may sound shitty but if you realize that getting off your ass and applying for jobs, start working out, you're still going to feel depressed - but you're going to do it anyways, that's a start.

Depression is kinda like a power, if you let it be what it is.


By studying and working hard, that's how it changes. Do at least one thing. If you have to write an essay, write at least one word. If you have to screw in a 1000 bolts, try screwing at least one. Change the way you're living, pick up a hobby, take 5 minute walks. None of these things will help with depression but will help you as a person

if you're in a bad set and setting already how is LSD supposed to make things better

Therapy, unless you're an American, than there's always the noose option.

I've seen more therapists and went through more therapy than I can count. None of that helped. But I'm going to see a therapist that does EMDR so I'll see how that's going.

I've tried my best captain. I started working out again a month and a half ago, worked out 4 days a week or more, I enjoyed it but after a short while (a month or so) I just couldn't anymore. I still try sometimes, I go to the gym but then I feel paralyzed, like I physically can't actually get anything done and if I keep forcing myself I end up on the brink of crying. So yeah, it's hard as fuck. Hopefully new therapy will help.

Try DMT, research it, watch Jordan Peterson’s take on it on YouTube, a clinical psychologist. I’m not speaking like take it every day to feel better, a single session literally changes the way your brain is wired. You think differently even after the experience and your mind will remap in perspectives you can’t imagine. I do it once maybe twice a year, and in two years I can see how narrow visioned I used to be. Find someone you enjoy hanging with, have a good time, don’t do it when you’re low and for God’s sake don’t think the high is what helps, realize it’s only a tool to allow you to remap your brain. I researched for three years before I finally tried it, I recommend you read and listen to every source you can get yours hands on and really grasp the understanding that’s its a tool. when you get that, you’re ready

OP here. I wanted to try DMT a few years back for other reasons, but I couldn't find any. A friend who knows lots of guys tried too but where I'm from, it's hard to get some.

Hmm.... it sounds to me that depression is not your problem. It seems depression is more of a symptom of something a bit deeper.
There is more to it, isn't there?

I'm sorry to hear that, but it's only you who's gonna change yourself. Please keep at it, don't stop

Baby step to try first is dxm, aka cough medicine. Again, DO YOUR FUCKING HOMEWORK. Shits dangerous if you don’t take it seriously, and again don’t use it like a drug, don’t do it for the high. Use it as a tool.

Have you tried cognitive behavioral therapy though? It's rather different from other therapy forms.
Also the mindfulness meditation really can help a lot, they've done studies that show significant differences for the better in what goes on in the brain activity of depressed people after they went through a mindfulness meditation session.

Depression and anxiety, mostly.

huh, that became a running sentence, I hope my sentiments come through alright.

I haven't, no. How does it work ?
EMDR seems nice to work on my traumas and depression, apparently it's really helpful. Only downside is no therapist is paid by my insurance, so I have to pay for it myself and it's expesnive. But it's worth it.
I haven't tried meditating, I'll give it a go, thanks Sup Forumsro.

How did it help you, exactly ?

I might say anxiety is causing your depression. There is still something missing. Either you're not sharing or its something you aren't very aware of.

Google how to make it, civilizations and tribes have done it for centuries. Watch that YouTube clip I mentioned it fascinating. Making it is easy, it’s the root bark of one plant that contains it and then you use another plant to extract the dmt. I’m no chemists but I just follow the steps to the T

Not OP here.
I've never tried LSD but been looking into micordosing it to deal with depression, gonna order some soon.

Any experience with it? Never saw anyone recommend DMT for depression, only shrooms and LSD. I'm way too afraid to take a hit of DMT or a full dose of LSD...


Cognitive behavioral therapy basically works through explaining to you what your brain is doing while you are feeling anxious or depressed. Gives you tools to deal with the thoughts and emotions and supports you in being exposed to the things that affect you in small doses, to teach your brain that no danger is taking place, in spite of you feeling anxiety.
Mindfulness meditation works really well with this, because it trains you in finding the part of your mind that can observe emotions and thoughts without judging or being taken along for a ride by them.
I can highly recommend these two things in combination with each other.

I don't really know what else is going on honestly. All the therapists have given me the same diagnosis, basically "Personality disorders".

I thought anxiety was the cause of my depression, turns out I had ADD the whole time and was prescribed Adderalls, both my anxiety and depression are pretty much gone now and every aspect of my life has pretty much improved, this got me through college. Something always worth looking into, many people live their lives without realising they've got this crippling condition.

Dxm opened my mind up during the high, it takes you back to a very infant state of mind. I was able to really step back and think about things. I would go for three hour walks or sit and listen to music. It allowed me to take a look at my natural thoughts and see how ignorant some were, and I mean that in the true sense of the word. Once you start seeing where your biases are, you can understand how you think and how to think differently and I would say better. Where you really understand something rather than just I think this because I just do.

I agree with this but only because suicide hurts others so much. Otherwise I don't think there's a real weak or strong way to go about things.

Just focus on stuff that has nothing to do with people. People mess up your focus. Think about achievements in history, of biology and science and mathematics and great writings. Never current events or the people directly around you.

Thanks, I'll see that later. For now I'm focused on that EMDR thing.

see I don't wanna risk having a bad trip taking that shit while I'm at a really low point in my life.

Oh I see. That's the sort of deeper thing I speak of

Which personality disorders?

It's become a dull pain at this point.

I hope it helps you user, having been depressed myself, I wouldn't wish depression on my worst enemy.
Just remember, no matter now bleak things seem, there are times when shit ain't that bad. The more you learn to enjoy those times and appreciate them while they are there, the easier it gets to be in that state and figuring out what situations leads to it.

Honestly they didn't know. I have signs of different disorders but I don't fit entirely in anything.

I don't know if this will help you, but back when I was suicidal I took comfort in knowing that I wasn't unique in being in that state.
Many other people feel like this and that somehow made me feel less alone.

Honestly This

I thought I finally snapped out of it for good, I didn't

The worst is not the pain or sadness. The worst is lacking motivation, it's seeing people enjoying life, doing what they want when you're just sitting there, waiting to die. Not necessarily sad, just unable to do anything of value, because nothing has value to you, you don't want anything.

This, life is hard and it really sucks sometimes, you can either suck it up and come out stronger or pussy out and take the easy way. I won’t let this world beat me, I’ll continue to do my best until this meat sack I inhabit breaks down and dies.

This. You deal with your depression Out of laziness/Low energy. Go out with friends. Work. Have an dream/target (little things). Do sports. Be constructive

Arigato user-dono.


I see.
If you're going to be seeing another therapist this is all important to discuss. Try to avoid the situation where you only get treated for the symptoms while the root cause is ignored.
Good luck.

Solid advice

>life is hard and it really sucks sometimes

You're welcome. Part of my not being in a suicidal state is offering other people small kindnesses like I did for you. I use it as proof for myself that I am not the horrible person that part of my mind tries to convince me I am.
I know for a fact you can get better, because I've been in your shoes and I did.

what if you literally never had friends and never had a social environment to learn social skills and build up a personality in, literally what then. am i that fucked?

Are you me?

Probably fucked, yes

You're human user, humans are known for their capacity to learn new things.
If you want to learn social skills, join a group of people in a similar situation to you. Most cities have stuff like that. Also find a social hobby that can keep your interest and go somewhere to partake in it.
Just be open about your needs while in this situation, so people don't get confused if you need a little air break or something.
People are surprisingly open to be tolerant if you honestly let them know your needs up front.

Were you trying to make some kind of point?

yes, that life is only suffering and a waste of time.

The reason I said sometimes is because it’s hard 100% of the time but doesn’t suck 100% of the time. There are times when it’s not so bad (it’s still hard) those moments are few and far between.

those few glimpses of hope every now and then pull you down even more, it's like the world is just making fun of you and is showing you what you will never have.

That’s because you choose to look at it like that, personally I enjoy the good times while I can, I know it won’t last forever.

find a purpose in life outside of the usual grind to survive