You lose you get deported

You lose you get deported

100 I think

He lost $30 bucks and a fuck ton of merch

counting goods 100 dollars. so 100 dollars.
not counting goods 30 dollars.

I'd say he's out about tree fiddy

170 you stupid ducking Americans rofl

1. he lost 100 bucks
2. he lost 70 for the merch
3. he gave away 30 bukcs
together 200

he lost $200 and gained $70


are you retarded? she didn't steal the merchandise

>steals $100
owner lost $100 faggot

Can't tell if you guys are trolling or retarded. The answer is $100

Not the point it says how much did he lose you fucking sandniger
170 us the correct answer

Dumb cunt its 100

1. lost 100
2. gained 70
3. lost 70 at the same time
4. still lost 100

God damn it I ain't givin you no tree fidy

He gets $70 back but he loses the merch. He probably paid less for the merch because he has to make a profit. So he lost about $63,76

European education

Well it depends on the retail markup of the goods he sold her. If he sold her a bunch of fidget spinners that he bought for 3 cents each from China, he didn't lose too much.


He lost 100 in profit, idk what he paid for his shit tho so overall who knows

No, you fucking idiot. It's already been explained
1. lost $100
2. lost $70 merchandise
3. lost $30, but recovered $70
4. collected insurance money on lost items

He obviously gained $500 because he's a jew and lied on his insurance claim.

no, he lost 200 and gained 100
it says she pays with the 100 dollar bill, so if you count the 30$ he gives back, you have to count the 100$ he gains, too


point 3 is wrong, he lost 30 and recovered 100


one sane answer in here, wtf humanity

The clearest way to look at this is how much does the lady gain.
She ends the scenario with $70 worth of groceries plus $30. Total utility value of $100. Therefore that is what the store owner is losing.

Steals a 100$ bill. Buys 70$ worth of good with the bill. That means she now has 30$ in bills and 70$ in goods. So that means that the owner lost 100$?

> European education 101

Yeah but then he loses in court so now he's down about $45.678,45 and about $20 in cab fees

1.lose 100
2. lose 70
3. get 100
4. lose 30


100 stolen -100
100 earned 0
70 lost in goods -70
lost 30 in change -100

Did you drop out at age 5 or something? You aren't factoring in time spent in jail for felony fraud. He will be making gains on the inside at his prison job. Obviously he will be losing currency to buy things like coffee, cigarettes, and shanks for when a riot kicks off.

>steals 100
Lost 100
>uses that same money to further rob the man by purchasing goods and getting change

Technically he lost less than $100 but more than $30 unless he is stupid and was selling the merch at cost.

Slinging dope in jail gets him another sentence so now he's in for life.

So the answer to the question "how much did he loose?" Is


The $70 she bought is $70 of lost revenue...the cost of goods sold is really what he lost here, which we don't know. If it had a 50% margin he only lost $35 in this part of the scenario at least.

Well the owner probably did not buy the 70 worth of goods for retail price ... And since we don't know how much that 70 worth if goods actually cost him to purchase ... This question cannot be answered. It's most likely that none of those are correct though.

ITT: guys who can't do business.
The answer is 100 dollars.

70 dollars worth of merch is gone, plus the 30 as change. None of which is being covered by the exchange of tender for products.

You failed before you started.