All white males fit the profile for a mass shooter. The profile for a mass shooter is "WHITE MALE"...

All white males fit the profile for a mass shooter. The profile for a mass shooter is "WHITE MALE". All white males should be put on a watch list and banned from owning guns.

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw I lost contol of both hands in a boating incident

I could agree to this, if you support jailing all male niggers for life in order to prevent them from becoming the criminals that they are destined to be.

The sun shines worldwide,
Africa has resources again,
Middle East only in turmoil with itself
Black people are at peace
All Is Finally Good



You can see it too. It's getting within reach

With that logic all blacks should be in prison from birth as they all fit the profile for criminal.


Ban all Mexicans, Muslims and Jews
use blacks as target practice

You seem obsessed with black people

I think you're the kind of person that talks loudly on the phone and then blames people for listening

black people who arent influenced by "the hood" = perfectly fine
that seems a bit racist to assume only black people are the ones that are given police records at a young age too

Whites are encouraged to kill black kids. White police officers are given promotions and paid vacations for arresting or killing black people


The thing about that is that we'd be paying for this. Howbout just ship the off back to africa. Then we wouldnt need prisons anymore


Thats a nice picture, it really reflects the diversity of this great country.

>All white males should be put on a watch list and banned from owning guns.

And who is going to do that?? Other White Males? LOL silly faggot,btw the shooting 2 days ago was Atheist guy killing Christians.


You need these traits to spot criminals?

You do know not all white people are cops right?
If black people can't be considered a hive mind that only have one mind, neither can white people.

Dubs of truth

WTF? Is this real? Gonna become a murca cop now.

I have a dream, that one day all these colored folk will return to Africa. Where they will no longer face oppression from other races. Where they can rob, rape, murder, pillage, steal, bang bongo drums, huff jenkem, and take cow urine showers without the contempt of human beings. Where they truly can be free from all criticism. I have a dream, that one day white children can all go to school and learn without the bullying of these creature known as the Dindu Nuffins. I have seen the promised land, I have seen the lack for need of prisons due to 75% of their inhabitants are no longer among us. I have seen whole neighborhoods, occupied by hardworking people and not section 8 garbage living on the tax dollars of the hardworking American people. I have a dream, that rappers will go bankrupt because no one will watch their movies and shows promoting this destructive ghetto lifestyle which degrades women, glorifies drug use, promotes violence against law enforcement, and racism against white people. I have a dream, that one day it will be safe to eat at McDonalds again if you so choose and take your children to Chuckie Cheese without fearing an onslaught of dindus. I have a dream.

Think of it this way, just assume every nigger wants to rob you and every nigger is drunk and on drugs and every single nigger will end up in jail.


I'm not that Mexican halfbreed, and I'm no minority stricken nigger, can't get a job and lives off welfare, sad they don't get jobs

No thanks, I meet people as individuals and treat them like they're decent people until they give me reason not to.

You've honestly never seen a "African American" you'll lose hope eventually

Kill yourself

When the dubs lord wants to see niggers stomped too


Oh yeah! Everyone wants to live in those black neighborhoods because they all feel safer. That is why those majority black and Hispanic communities have such high housing costs. And the gated minority communities are even BETTER!

Its funny when they quote mlk but they do the exact opposite of what he intended

I met plenty of them on my visits to the US.
Most of them were decent people with interesting stories to tell.
I did meet a few assholes, but every group out there contains assholes.

I like you, can I refer you to some of my work?

But they are. I dont think ive ever passed by a niggre and felt safe. Even just driving past them in my car

This is that guys sister

You toured right? So you have seen the select great places we have to offer? We'll have you ever looked up worst black neighbourhoods and have actually visited down there.... drug mules on every corner and old used up hookers asking for dick, and that's if you don't get your "Whip Jacked"

Would fuck

You're just a pussy projecting your own hostility onto them

Face 5/10 body 8/10 tight and white I'd probably smash

Black people.


>Not all muslims
>Yes all white people
Libtards.. lol :^)

You've obviously never lived in a bad neighborhood.

Lol, nobody's a pussy just because they want to feel safe, I rather have my concealed carry everyday, but some days you may forget, or your in a hurry and shit goes down, then what? Don't act entitled to everything and we won't put you down for touching outr shit?

Jesse? Is this Jessie Jackson?

Definite smash,

Except it is all whites. The things you guys do are inexcusable.

I'm sure that is part of it, that I went to the great places mostly.
I did see some poor places as well though, I've hung out with poor black people, poor white people and at one rather special occasion I went to a grill party attended by hispanic cops and gangbangers who happened to be related and on good terms.
In all of these situations I talked to friendly people, but that is still through being introduced to them through my american cousins, so it's still a manufactured good situation I guess.
We did avoid some poor areas out of self preservation while visiting as well, so I'm not totally against your point.


Like? We purchased your ancestors from BLACK SLAVE TRADERS and they would have either died or raped and murdered, WHY ARENT YOU THANKING US FOR HOUSING YOUR SORRY ASSES ON OUR CONTINENT FOR THIS LONG?

I dare you to walk up to a group of niggas and make friends with them.

That is a senario I'd like to witness from my car with some popcorn and soda :)

This picture is stupid. A crime is a crime, regardless of age.

I got arrested when I was 13, cops almost shot me. Guns on me and everything. I got tackled, roughed up, etc.

The difference is that I learned my lesson. I took a good look at my life and what I was doing and I changed. I'm now a fully functioning adult with a good job, money in the bank, successful LTR, and good social network.

I'm not going to say that these black kids don't grow up in shitty situations; because they do. I can completely understand why it seems too hard to get out of those situations to many of them, and why they continually turn to a life of crime. I get it. But to insinuate that the police are the ones causing the destruction of their future is ludicrous. The only people fucking those kids future over are their toxic parents and their community.

Shut up Nigger Shecklesteinberg

not people, just black

Dude... my son is named after a black man!

>We bought them from black people so treating them like cattle is okay.
Mfw retards actually believe this

You named him after his dad?

I think this thread calls for some dutch tradition called "black Pete"

Black Pete's are the helpers of Sinterklaas


>African American
just call it Nigger

It's okay it's for kids

You need to watch chris rock niggers and black people


Nope... after a friend (non-sexual).

Do they come to America?

I hope

fuck ya'll

Lost his guns in a boating accident, what's there to be confused about, ATF

Jew Slave auction traders from Jew owned slave ships.


Illegal guns are the problem

In the hands of white people

>our continent
Calm down Sitting Bull.

>British pirates, Danish, Spanish, Americans, and a handful of Jews
>all Jews, all the time

Didn't realize it was white history month.

sure kid 0/10

given the overpopulation issue, shouldn't all white males be issues with a range of firearms ?

As 'll black males got the profile for gun crime
Three profile for gun crime is black male.
All black males need to be banned from businesses, parks, and certain water fountains.

Keeping it classy Tyrone.

Just ship all criminals over to Africa.

It's fucking crazy that we have like a full third of the nigger boy population in prison and they STILL somehow managed to commit more than half of all the violent crime. like 2% of the population committing 60% of the crimes. Holy shit all niggers must go back.
You can take the filthy fucking animal out of Africa, but you can't take the Africa out of the filthy fucking animal.

But only after Islam is banned as a terrorist organization.