Holy FUCK, why is it so good?

holy FUCK, why is it so good?

I find this has some of their best songs but also some of their worst. I'm left torn on this album :(

Because half of it was singles and half was top tier psych


I wish could judge Beatles without bias. They're the first thing I listened to so I'm obviously attached to it.

Which do you consider their worst?

Not the guy you responded to but I don't really like Fool On The Hill, Hello, Goodbye or the title track. No outright bad songs though, I like it a lot.

MMT is a god tier track, FotH is good too

Ill give you Hello Goodbye

It's literally impossible to judge anything the quality of which is subjective you fucking moron. Typical Beatles fanboy. Retarded.

Their wurst album lmoa

Fool on the Hill is the best song on the album and the title track is the best album opener the Beatles ever recorded.

1) it's non self conscious because it wasn't really an album
2) drugs

"Flying" is F I L L E R

How so it filler?

It's not.
You just discovered babby's first psych and now you feel enlightened.


I'm the dude who originally responded, I'm not much of a fan of Baby You're a Rich Man with its two chords, I find Flying to be filler, and Your Mother Should Know is so goofy to the point that I can't get into it at all. That's just me though, I love the rest of the album

>I'm not much of a fan of Baby You're a Rich Man with its two chords
Confirmed for non musician

>i wish i could take away my own personal memories and sentimental attachment to it so i can autistically judge it solely on musical merit

I'm more referring to the main part of the chorus where they just go I IV. The main part of the verses as well is the bass pedalling on the I while the piano and guitar go between I and IV. Yes, the song isn't completely made up of two chords, but it still bores me. I understand why people would like it, it just doesn't do it for me

So you misspoke