3x3/4x4/5x5 collage thread

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Heard safe as milk today too, really liked it. I don't really like much of your other stuff, I like Ulver and King gizz. I really should check out Tom Waits and Zappa already.

+ Zappa, Beefheart




Oh nice, it's not everyday you find someone listening to Republika.

Plays the music of Twin Peaks is ++++++

Nicerino, my dude.


+lola's ass

+ tokio shoegazer
++vince guaraldi
+megadeth, velvet underground, muse, anthrax, iron maiden
++odessey and oracle
~melodys echo chamber, amy winehouse, bowie, elioth smith
~the national


+Tom waits, LCD, national, Anderson Paak, Captain Beefheart
Need to listen to new mogwai and national albums, are they any good?

+minutemen, Black Flag, Funkadelic, Prince, emperor
Have u listened to Jerry's Kids? Is This My World is a great album

+J Dilla, GFK, GZA, Bowie, VU, Iggy, Mayhem, the cure, Elliott, Cocteau twins

+DG, van Dyke Parks, Twin Peaks
the RBT archive has the a big box set of twin peaks music which is pretty fantastic if you want to listen to the Miss Twin Peaks music

I guess

>Have u listened to Jerry's Kids? Is This My World is a great album
Nope, but I'll check them out.

++dilla +talk talk, best coast
rites of spring maybe? u probably already know them

don't know these :( what would u recc from your chart?

midori fuck yes. how is that new lcd?

Good dancer.
Drives like a madman.
Blazer enthusiast.
Has considered making a wine cellar.
>Polkadot Stingray
>Iron Curtain Innocence
Holy fuck, fantastic taste.
What the fuck.
Pianist. Kinda weird.
I sort of get the feeling you have a drum machine.
Fugazi is the best thing you have there by far.

>what would u recc from your chart?
some favourites
there's nothing on my chart i wouldn't recommend though

>Has considered making a wine cellar.
nah not really my thing

+kangding ray
black merlin - phase one
emptyset - borders
+dalek, brand new
how much of dalek's discography have you checked out?
yellow swans - at all ends
francisco lopez - absolute noise ensemble

you used to be a massive gamer but now don't really like them

>you used to be a massive gamer but now don't really like them
me too lol
nice nico

>The Gordons
They've been reccomended to me before, I'll look into them.
>yellow swans - at all ends
>francisco lopez - absolute noise ensemble
That's new stuff, kinda interested in that.
Nah, I still play games a lot, though less now more due to time constraints.

are you from poland


Not as eclectic as you think you are

++TV girl
++Big joyous celebreation

>haruomi hosono

my man

hey, fellow polishman (i assume)
++james blake
+the bends

+swans, wueens of the stone age, mars volta,run the jewels
~everything everything, justice

fuck kanye

y tho :(

Man, I really liked it but I still don't know what to feel about it in comparison to their other albums. How do you sleep is fucking GOAT, tho.

is this thread still alive?
good morning, everyone

+tyler, +night lovell, +frank ocean, +kanye, ++brockhampton, +quelle chris
~bones, ~wifisfuneral

+Queens of the Stone Age
+The Mars Volta
+Xiu Xiu


1/1 indie af

+Sonic Youth, +Low, +My Bloody Valentine

Guess my age.
Guess my upbringing.

23 or 24
you were brought up in a different country from the one you are in now

You're stuck in the 2000's. Stop and grow up.

he is lol

Guys I slept 12 hours I didn't mean to help
Favorite eels album
Favorite mbv album
Favorite big black album
Checks out, nice
Have you listened to villains yet
Are you my friend Derek because this is the kind of Crap he listens to
What's the appeal to metal machine music
Hey thanks for reccing me go sailor its jammin
I don't like Taylor swift
What do you think about moth

>Have you listened to villains yet
yes, it's bad
the singles are kinda nice though

What can I say? My music taste solidified in freshman year of high school with those bands' early albums and 95% of what's come out in the 2010's does not match what was coming out during the release of Sam's Town or Silent Alarm or In Ghost Colours.

Take: 2010's has been an incredibly lackluster decade for Indie/Alternative/synth rock lovers.

That sucks.

Nobody on /britfeel/ knew the albums/wanted to rate

P-please validate me lads...

wears leather jackets even when its sunny

Huh? I don't even... um, how exac-wha?
I don't even own one.

just my stupid flash judgment sorry about that


thats about it, sorry user

no worries lad, cheers
cheers bud, better than I was expecting so thanks

the new national album basically confirmed them as the american radiohead.

the new mogwai album is a mogwai album. it's pretty good.

wish i could sleep for 12 hours, sleeping is fun
but yeah moth was good
also gonna listen to belladonna of sadness, i think you recced it to me on an older thread