Why don't people talk about this classic anymore?

Why don't people talk about this classic anymore?

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they do,,,,

It was never that good

Really? Cause I don't see anyone mention it anymore

It's really good, but exhausting to listen to.

It's fantastic. Industrial Broadway :)

Because a majority of Sup Forums has gotten so contrarian that they are now counter-contrarian and anything that was seen as an 'underground classic' before is now poseur-core

we do

we just don't circlejerk about it anymore because we don't feel that it would help us assert our cultural superiority over others anymore.

If you change some of the instrumentation that's used in this record, but keep everything else the same, it sounds like a nu metal record.

No, not really.

not really. Both combine edgy lyrics and industrial rock sounds with retro, corny music influences but they're different retro, corny music influences.

Nu-metal takes elements of funk, disco, reggae and hip-hop.

Foetus has elements of surf rock, doo-wop, swing and Big Band jazz.

The edgy lyrics are pretty identical, the guitar parts are also pretty identical often going the boring ringing chords route, the drums also take a groove centric approach whether it's funk influenced or swing it's very similar, it's just that Nu Metal often uses more electronic bits backing all this rather than jazz with a bit of real industrial. Nobody would give a damn about Foetus here if they weren't associated with the industrial scene.

No. As an apologist of nu-metal I have to call bullshit on your transparent attempt to disceedit Foetus by associating them with Nu-Metal.

The swing groove is very distinct from the funk groove. If you wanna hear what foetus sounds like with a more metal approach, try PIG. You'll notice immediately that it sounds nothing like Nu-Metal.

Between Feotus and Nu-Metal, the only strong similarity is the absolute madman theme that leads to very wild unpredictable dynamics


This shit sounds like something Korn or Marilyn Manson would've written. Boring chord based guitar work with groove centric rhythm section that has edgy ass lyrics while also being backed by some electronic sounds. The only difference being that the other backing arrangement in the latter's case isn't as jazzy as it is here.

If you think Foetus has any real jazz influence in their music outside certain instrumentation choices, I don't think you have actually listened to jazz.

Not at all.
But who am I kidding, you use the term "edgy" to describe the lyrics, you're probably 15 and listen to trap.

The lyrics are literally edgy though wtf are you on? Sounds like you're the 15 year old that thinks of that word in its meme connotation rather than what it actually means.

Well it's very clear you don't understand artistic aesthetic, and probably never will. But give me an album you think has good lyrics.

Nice try, but Marilyn Manson isn't nu-metal. The closest they ever got to Nu-Metal was on TGAOG and it was mostly just the guitar tone

And it sounds fucking nothing like anything Korn would have written.

Stop confusing industrial rock and nu-metal

there's dozens of very different ways to make "boring chord based guitar work with groove centric rhythm and edgy lyrics"

groove metal buttrock industrial rock industrial metal no-wave sludge metal djent nu-metal funk metal etc etc etc

I don't listen to music for the lyrics though. Not sure why you are getting so triggered over an observable quality of lyrics here.
>groove metal
Not at all, even the most boring of this kind of stuff still has actual semblance of riffs.
Somewhat, but it doesn't match up with the thing about backing arrangements and isn't usually this edgy.
>industrial rock/metal
Yeah sure, I would agree here, and I should've brought this up as well in my first post itt. Still boring as fuck though.
>No wave
Way too minimal.
>Sludge Metal
Riffs for days wtf are you on?
Is this a joke? They don't play chords like that at all as even the guitar work here is part of the rhythm section often.
>Nu metal
I agree
>Funk Metal
Rarely if at all just plays chords straightforward and ringing like I said.

oooooh you're talking from the "douchebag who only cares about how much fun it is to wiggle his widdle fingers on the guitar" perspective. Not from the listener's perspective.

I see.

>imagine being so deaf he can't hear guitar chords

>sounds like something Korn or Marilyn Manson would've written.

They're cruisin' for a bruisin'

Because Hole is a better album.

FLOW is his best work