How did he become better than all the rest

How did he become better than all the rest

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i think he tried to kill himself in the ocean but found god or protien shakes or something.

Mountain biking's a helluva drug

Because he is a genuinely good person who can actually handle himself and knows how to make good music. The rest lost their musical abilities or were just flukes.
also tront stronk.

in what way?
skm whole discog shits on Nine inch nails.

he's a real man with a real wife

and a family man

The others either wallowed in their depression, used other drugs, or found god.

Trent did the best thing which was to not only get help for his problems, but then built himself back up through working out. The kind of discipline and mental mindset that working out built for Trent did much better for him than continuous whining, God, or other drugs.

I think Kiedis would look a lot better if he shaved his moustache and had a normal haircut

Billy Corgan is fat as fuck lmao

he found gym and steroids

wont fix his music though


My father has his body and he never went to a gym

He's not better than anyone, stupid user. He just appears happy in that pic.

your dad is on trt. fucking dumbass

Shut the fuck up, you skeleton.

rofl post pic of your dad right now


You think that Reznor looks big? Pathetic.

trent's body is above average. not skinny, but not anywhere near bodybuilder status either. the average working male up until the 1980's had this body

post your body right now faggot

>he calls me a faggot
>wants to see my body


no pic? weak faggot

If this is what you call big then there's no need for me to post anything else.

no pic.

Posting a 7 year old pic
Gotta bulk to get that cut

you're still this butthurt about seeing without a shirt
you're the real faggot, kid

When people refer to Trent getting ripped they’re most likely talking about the with teeth and year zero era. 10s Trent has slimmed down quite a bit.

p-post daddy pls user uguu

no pic
weak faggot dyel

>tfw everyone expected you to die in the bottom like many of your contemporaries, but you came back stronger than ever.

At his age it probably is test m8. He's not radically big for a young guy but as an older guy he'd injure himself training that often.

>That genuine happiness
Happy Trent makes me cry genuine tears of joy, god fucking dammnit he deserves it.
I just saw how other celebrities can be vile (recent xxxtentacion situation), I won't act like Trent was always a good person, I can bet his young self was a genuine asshole, but he has grown into a nice guy to look up to, not just for his personality but for his talents.
He has never dissapointed me in any of his records and each NIN album has something to say or to do something different and I love all of them.
I genuinelly feel like NIN discography gave me something meaningful, I won't say it "changed my life" but it has helped me.

Mark Kozelek was, is, and always been the best artist out of any of those.

I guess you could say he came back haunted.

you're one of the good guys user

now im reading the interview with that story about him getting sober and going to see david,

its giving me some kind of feel man

>young trent was an asshole

ummm no sweetie.

This is before TDS and The Fragile. People left Trent and he wasn't the best person, thanks to the fame which got into his head and the drugs.
Just look at some performances.

Send these performance videos to any idiot who claims that Trent was "best on drugs"

I'd say Yorke and Kozelek are doing pretty well. They're both tremendously talented, and still put out great work.

Reznor was always a god-tier talent, even Bowie recognized it. I think as his compositions became purer and purer, it became easier for people to recognize it, especially after his youthful angst and industrial rock influences wore off (though my favorite is still The Downward Spiral).

RHCP always did shitty music. I think the thing was, the 80s underground was really uneven, and in that scene they stuck out for the simple fact that they were a particularly tight band. They also had a really good bassist. But the actual songs are terrible, and the best thing they ever did was actually a Stevie Wonder cover.

Manson was a talented lyricist who probably grew up on the deathrock scene, but decided to make a goofy Halloween-y alternative rock band. Reznor made them slightly less campy with his production, which enabled Manson to break through.

Billy Corgan is a prime example of when a complete fucking idiot has god-tier talent. It's just that now he's past his musical prime, so since the quality has slightly deteriorated and his music is less transcendent, people find it harder to ignore how much of an unbearable fucking idiot he is.

Anyone else feels that these NIN threads are very cringy and stinks of 9gag/reddit?


I know man, they actually discuss music and the artist and how they have progressed and what makes them so great.
Man, it's so cringey to write about why you respect an artist and look up to them.

Those are the people Trent's cringey, sophomoric lyrics attract

Recently I have been getting into The Slip a lot, I found it suddenly very agressive and raw and I can't stop listening to it.
I just fucking love The Slip.

Post link please

Trent Reznor saying goodbye to David Bowie by covering his final song off "Blackstar"

I mean it like reading youtube comments. you can't even tell if people are so moronic or just pretending.

some dumb celebrity worship and trying emphasize with some millionaires who themselves don't give a single fug.

hur dur david bowie, so hard man. Bowie was fucking degenerate drug addict and by no means a role model for anyone.

can't this jsut be a beyonce thread plz?

You seem like a really unpleasant person.


yall niggas need jesus. trent would tell u to fuck off

aww, dont be a party pooper user, go make another grimes thread, k?

You mean like the time Trent facetimed with a terminally ill fan mid concert?

yea wew he must really hate his fans

wow one fan out of the millions
jfc he really loves you guys

Jesus Christ that was beautiful user. Thank you.

>tfw when now Bowie-like mentor.

imagine being this assblasted for no reason


im in my bed listening to carlos nakai. im chilled homie

Have Trent Reznor being happy with David Bowie.

Highlights include
>David Bowie and Trent discussing the Warm Place's resemblance to Crystal Japan
>Trent being happy throughout the entire interview
>David Bowie poking fun at how small Trent is, yet how massive his voice is.

>"This is his formal attire."


>We live in a timeline where Nine Inch Nails were on PBS

Thanks user. Much needed.

I don't like all this random RHCP bashing ITT. Bands who make decade defining albums are not shitty.

Blood Sugar Sex Magik I'd say made its mark on the 90s and the 00s had Californication the best and most beloved album of that decade with its biggest hits.

Whats especially remarkable is that BSSM was able to become a massive record though it was released on the same day as Nevermind, one of the biggest weeks in rock history.