Is this a good chart?

Is this a good chart?

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Arse my eyes deceiving me or is there seriously no Paranoid Android?

Next to Queen - Innuendo.

It's there, 6th row from the bottom.



Sledgehammer shouldn't even be on there

I'd say AIFOL is a more interesting watch than I Miss You.

Animated by Aardman, you tasteless cunt.


Captain Murphy?

who wants to make this into a youtube playlist for me?

Any chart with Do the Evolution is a good chart, OP.

switch Feel Good Inc. with El Manana or On Melancholy Hill

>no Digital Love

Weird Al has a lot of funny animated music videos

Meh, it's okay

Id definitely put in noisia-could this be, deadmau5-the veldt, kill the noise-black magic, 16 bit-dinosaurs, and London electricity-meteorites. Sup Forums forgot some incredible animations

>Ignoring it was already on the list

Disregard what I said for the veldt

>The entirety of Interstella 5555 isn't there

a lot of cool shit

Let's no forget the lofi hip hop videos which just play over a bunch of random anime clips


I would also add young folk by Peter Bjorn and John and

You Me Dancing by Los Campesinos

DyE Fantasy is literally just hentai

Good but I would include this kino

Despite all our feelings for the band, , Royal Blood's Out Of The Black should be here

it needs animal collective - floridada or panda bear - boys latin, otherwise great list

Lorn's gotta be on there, c'mon.

is yellow submarine there?

if not it should be