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2010s is numale

I miss '80s gothic rock.

all poser fags
the second that mohawks were introduced to punk rock, it was already dead

What artist/band is the 2010 shirt of?

are these the guys who had some "sexual abuse of young girls" scandal

Probably not.


Actual 2010s:

pizzacore is such shit

This is so true


Greenday was huge in the '90s. Cobain, and Nirvana, died before the decade was even half way over and punks didn't listen to them... or Greenday. '90s punks were into shit like Operation Ivy, Gorilla Biscuits, Fugazi, Rancid...

>punks didn't listen to them
They did before they sold out, but that was only up until about 1990/1991

accurate af

thats botdf

Right, but green day t-shirts were huge selling by the american idiot era.
And then how did 90's punks looked like? I'm kinda young

nah, he needs a comical beard

Pizza was 90s, 2010s is tumblr SJW shit

2010s is:
>Hitler youth or that horrible overgrown sidepart thing
>Giant beard and mustache combo
>Thrift store pants
>Sneakers with no show socks

2010's are represented by Autistic Tumblrcore?

>Right, but green day t-shirts were huge selling by the american idiot era.
Yeah bought by mallcore kiddies that also listened to Hawthorne Heights and MCR.
>They did before they sold out, but that was only up until about 1990/1991
Even then, not really, they were embraced by the locals and then nationally after MTV appearances, but that was by mainstream youth, not the "punk community" necessarily. To everyone else it was seen as softcore punk for your little bros friends.

When it comes to "punk" it's definitely the dominating trend

I knew a guy with spiked hair like that in the '90s. Clothes wise there were hardcore/crust punks with patches and denim like in the 80s and less hardcore punks that dressed like skate boarders.

The pic is weirdly uneven. The 80s kid seems to be a kid in the hardcore scene. The second seems to be a mainstream alternative MTV fan in middle America. The 00s kid is a Hot Topic scene kid. The 10s kid is part of the modern pop punk "pizzacore" scene.

In other words, 80s and 10s are legitimate punk kids, while 90s and 00s are "posers".

To give an overview, and I already know I'm gonna miss some stuff, but the 80s punk scenes would've been:
UK82 - spiky hair, spiky jacket, colorful pants, piercings, beer
anarcho-punk - ragged dark clothing, matted hair
Crust/grind - basically a cross of the above two, plus Mad Max - dark, ragged, and spiky
New Wave - bright hair, colorful tight clothes, make up
Deathrock - poofy black hair, eye shadow, fishnets, S&M gear
Hardcore - leather jackets, jeans
Youth Crew - crew cuts, t-shirts, basketball shorts
Grunge/alternative - flannel, shaggy hair

post-hardcore - button ups, nice jeans
Pop Punk - jeans, bright t-shirt
Midwest Emo - bright t shirt, shorts, dress like you're 12
Beatdown - camo shorts, hoodie, tattoos, muscles
Gutter/street punx - spiky hair, spiky jacket, literally see 80s guy
Crust - beards, dreads, raggedy black clothes
Screamo - button ups, tight black jeans, tattoos
3rd wave Ska - bright t shirts, track pants, bright hair
Garage Punk - t-shirt, jeans, non-punky leather jacket

Scene kids - guyliner, band t, sway hair
Post-hardcore - same as above
Skramz - same as post-hardcore, but less dark because trying to distance themselves from Hot Topic kids
Crust - t-shirt, jeans, beards
Straight edge - athletic shorts, t-shirts, ear gauges, tons of tattoos
Garage Rock Revival - clean designer clothes

Pizzacore - pick is accurate
Folk Punk - crusty rags, DIY tattoos
Crust - t-shirt, jeans, beard (now mostly non-crusty masculine hipster lumberjacks)

Note that grunge was really only punk in the 80s

when has punk not been about social justice

wow i would fight you in high school

Why would you fight me? I literally just listed the dress patterns of the major punk movements. None of this is controversial. Be less angsty.

what about post-punk, art punk and college rock (it was kinda punkish)?

All fair additions. I was just hitting the stuff off the top of my head

wtf is pizzacore forgive me i am no longer young

Slang term for the modern pop punk scene, which incorporates influences from hardcore, emo, and 90s alternative

new shitty pop punk that all

Surprisingly accurate, eloquent, concise way of saying it

Fact: pop punk peaked in the 90s, but it's much better today than it was in the 00s

Fact: You're retarded

Rites of Spring was a mistake.

No. I was a teen in the 00s, and that era of pop punk was fucking unbearable. Thank god the garage punk scene was big.

RoS was great, though I prefer Dag Nasty.

How the fuck can you like this garbage? Neck Deep is like the only tolerable band unless you listen to the older sounding shit like caffiends, queers, etc.

How the fuck can you like bands like Simple Plan? Way worse than stuff like Modern Baseball.

>shitty nasally whiny band is better than shitty whiny nasally band
also modern baseball is emo.
id much rather listen to blink, sum 41, midtown, millencollin, lagwagon, than tssf, four year strong, such gold, a gay to remember etc.

Out of all the trends to revive, why would people choose late 90s/early 2000s pop punk and emo of all things?

I'd say the second Modern Baseball album is straight up pop punk.
blink-182, Sum 41, and The Ergs are fun, but it seems like they were massively outnumbered by bands like Simple Plan, late Yellowcard, The Starting Line, and really bland mainstream pop punk like that. I'd much rather hear bands like Modern Baseball, PUP, The Story So Far, and Knuckle Puck - even if it's not great, it's not nearly as bad.
Maybe the issue is that we think of different bands when we think of 00s pop punk.

Fair enough.

Probably because the look is more exploitable.