Going to concert alone

An artist I am interested in is playing near where I live and I figured why not. The problem is no one is that interested to go. I am not a frequent concert goer but I thought I might as well enjoy my free time I have. Do you have any experiences or tips with going to concerts alone? Please do not judge me I am not lonly person just no one is free on the day.

Just go and enjoy it I guess?

I don't get why this question is asked so often

What are you afraid of happening if you go alone?

Just go, nobody fucking cares

The young fir that falls and rots
Having neither needles nor bark,
So is the fate of the friendless man:
Why should he live long?

I imagine while waiting in the que outside being surrounded by groups of friends and im the only one that is by himself. I am not comfortable in this situation.

I travelled 5 hours on a coach to go and see homeshake by myself last year and didn't talk to anyone. I just chained smoked cigarettes all day. I had a fun experience. Enjoy yourself man and have a good one!

No one gives a shit about you user, don't worry

i've gone by myself plenty of times. i've been the guy who awkwardly plays on his phone and the guy who actually talks to new people and makes new friends. no one really cared either way

i have very few friends and the ones i do have don't like to do anything besides play video games so i end up doing a lot of shit by myself. Just got back from a week long road trip alone. Did a ton of shit by myself. No one gives a shit and neither should you

>4 second response

damn nigga slow down

do u know hoe to count m8

>concert has a no singles policy

>Work up the courage to go to an Animal Collective concert alone after reading a similar thread to this and people say no one cares if you're alone
>I turn up a couple minutes late
>As I walk into the event, the whole crowd turns to look at me
>One of them yells "HOLY SHIT, HE'S ALONE!"
>Whole event laughing hysterically as I take my seat
>Calls of "weirdo," "creeper," etc.
>Want to die
>After the concert, the entire audience mobs me in the hallway
>They start dancing in circles around me, chanting deliriously and laughing
>They start singing a nursery rhyme about how only virgins go to concerts alone and how I should kill myself
>I can't get away because they've joined hands and won't let me escape
>They start throwing their drinks and candy and stuff at me
>Security comes by
>They look mad but then they see me in the middle of the crowd
>One of them says "wait, did that fucker come here alone?"
>Security joins in, start using supersoakers to shoot artificial butter at me
>I'm lying in the fetal position sobbing at this point
>The dancing and chanting continues for over 13 hours
>I'm completely covered in soda, butter, and bits of candy
>Crowd finally disperses
>Panda Bear comes by
>Leans down, whispers in my ear "Never come here again"
>All I can do is whimper yes sir

I'm going to X on Monday by myself. I love going to shows by myself. Don't have to worry about anyone and I can do what I want.

This actually sounds like fun

lmfao that's the kind of shit my mind would come up with when I had anxiety

holy shit, same thing just happened to me like 10 mins ago

literally me

I went to a show alone once and I was overhearing the conversation behind me, because that's what you do when you're shoulder to shoulder with a bunch of fucks waiting for a show to start.

Anyway, they fucking started counting how many people were there alone, which gave me a panic attack. However, my anxiety succeeded once they got into the 20s.

This has been a story.


Bring a 3ds


Get high
Get laid

I went to see BBNG by my own a couple months ago. It was a great experience, except for the fact that 90% of the people on the crowd were either drunk or high, so I had to push my way through to move around.

Going alone you feel like you dont belong there, you feel stupid, you feel bad from being surrounded by people who may or may not want you to fuck off

Don't go alone. People who go to concerts alone are pulled from the audience and killed by the authorities.