Is anyone else learning this or maybe you are already good with it. Shits frustrating. Any advice?

is anyone else learning this or maybe you are already good with it. Shits frustrating. Any advice?

I used to use FL Studio cause it was so much
easier to go in without tutorials.

I watched like a 30 minute YouTube video on shortcuts and keybinds and stuff, and then I just learned from experience.

I could offer you advice but I really only know how to use it for live instruments as that is my primary focus at the moment.

Ableton is great. FL was my first DAW and within the first month I was making decent tracks, something about FL is just much easier to get your shit sounding good, but it feels like cheating so I stick to Ableton where it takes actual knowledge and practice to get good.

I bought which is a shit ton of tutorials and other shit so I'm working through em and trying to be comprehensive but wrapping my head around it is still evading me. The shits hard but I'm gonna stick with it. What plugins should I get besides Serum?

All you need to learn are how to route I/O and use clips to control automation. Also download some good synth vsts and other effects.

sick thanks dude

Some good plug-ins for ableton are

TDR Nova (eq)

DC1A (compressor, but I just use the stock compressor on ableton)

Anything by Airwindows. This guy makes so many great plug-ins and puts them all out for free.

E phonic tape delay is a pretty good free delay plugin.

Mo' verb. This is my favorite reverb plugin to use.

And for synth plug-ins I used to use nexus the most until I got serum, now I really only use serum.

Kontakt is really good for emulating live instruments but it's really expensive, and it's complicated to torrent.

Personally, most of the plugins I use come from airwindows because he makes a lot of quality plugins.
Also if you need any drum samples I have a huge library of them.

thanks I already have Kontakt for some reason so that's cool. That's actually insanely helpful thank you v.much. Should I buy Serum, is it piratable? Thanks again

Yea, serum is piratable.

I noticed I don't have anything in my max for live folder. What is max for live? How does it work? Is it good, should I get it?

I personally don't have it. But basically it gives you tools to make your own synth or effect plugins, and then you can share them with other people who also have max.

Since I don't have it I couldn't tell you if it's good or not. But if you pirated ableton then you shouldn't get it because it's all online

that sounds over my head at the moment but incredibly powerful once you master the program to the level where you are mixing full songs. Eventually I plan on purchasing a Push since my Maschine MK2 seems pretty horrible for controlling ableton, so I am considering buying the full version of Ableton when I cop it. Also need a keyboard, any suggestions? I was looking at the s49 since it's super shiny and comes with a lot of nice sounds 'n stuff but I'm apprehensive because it's Native Instruments and I want to get away from Maschine for obvious reasons.

At the moment I only have a yamaha ypg535, I can only play presets on it. I am looking into the roland Juno 60 or the d50, or a yamaha dx 7.

i have live.

previously learned protools (and had like cheap cakewalk afterschool) - so can drop into pretty much any sound program and find my way.

i think ableton live gave me a few wtf? moments. think i dropped it in frustration than came back later to it and can do pretty much anything i want with it.

get the fundamentals of ALL sound programs
learn the quirks of the one you want to invest your time in

use the online forums (dont post about your stolen shit - just read everything)

you will have to troubleshoot your specific problems ALL the time.

there will be a few "wtf why did you hide that shit there" moments that you solve by reading between the lines in forum posts

best way/hardest way: just start making something you weant - solve every problem along the way - profit

cant find a working torrent for this shit. been looking for 2 years. no the pirate bay one doesnt work idiots

I'm a retard and I figured it out, you'll get there.

rutracker has ableton and tons of other good vsts too

This is the easiest DAW ever. Look up youtube videos.

nah i think i tried that one already

I use Reaper, free trial and pretty fuckin good for an effectively free DAW

PLUS the free trial pretty much lasts forever

>no the pirate bay one doesnt work idiots
Really? It worked for me - got Ableton Live 9 Suite, works pretty flawlessly on Win10

i drat the auth file to the folder and nothing happens

>FL is just much easier to get your shit sounding good, but it feels like cheating so I stick to Ableton where it takes actual knowledge and practice to get good.
What kind of backwars logic is that.