Nu-male Repellent

Show Me some.




Do you think Nigel is a nu-male?

absolutely not

b-but then you would be repelled by it user

The mere usage of the term nu-male shows the collective exhaustion of the whole of society. Someone using the term "nu-male" is nothing more than another delirious ape living in his decaying civilization.

t. nu-male

t. nu-male

The Faustian character is a tragic figure really, because he turmoils fully with the knowledge his fight is futile.

Anyone who unironically loves ITAOTS is a nu male.

Digits confirm

Piece of shit overrated 4chord potato album that literally represents everything the nu male is


have you literally ever read xtc lyrics? dont think you would agree with them lmao

pretty much. Josh Magnum only wanted Anne Frank because she was deaf and blind, and therefore the only fictional character within his nu male grasp.

t. nu-male

oh i get it funny joke


Favorite albums?

no you don't get it
get fucked honestly

t. nu-male

this is God-tier nu-male repellent

(also all their albums)

I'm loving these posts can you post more please?

Like I'd tell you that my favorite album of all time is Mesmerize by System of a Down


this is used to make people Anti-Trump? ugly people? try again.


reminder that everyone who isn't /radcen/ is a nu-male

they all look the same



stop fapping to traps and trying to redpill your mom trumpkins

Yes, Donald Trump is the first stage of Caesarism in the Faustian civilization. With this, old religion makes a reappearance and art decays. The man will never see the whole of a garden if he focuses on the flower.

damn now I regret voting for Trump..
Oh wait no I don't lol

epic win Sup Forumsrother

traps are gay. try harder with your epic memes, frog.

art is not necessary, it makes people believe depression is real. he's president because Obama fucked up.

stop fapping to traps and anime you loser

>fav albums?

Spleen and Ideal
Blue Lines
The La's
Everybody Else is Doing It, So Why Can't We?
Urban Hymns
Psyence Fiction

Did you get your taste from 90s bargain bin?


Big Rare

and the nu-male has been repelled

also knuckle down is an anti-fascist song

I was born in 1986, those are my favourite albums, kid

Get off Sup uncle


No, no. Of course not.

All civilizations go through the same process through history, Babylonian, Egyptian, Persian, Greek, Roman. The West, i.e. The Faustian civilization, is currently in its stages of winter time. Just as Spengler predicted 100 years ago, the United States would enter its Caesarism (desire for an eccentric and authority figure [Sanders, Trump]) a little after the turn of the century. The populous becomes exhausted from its lack of culture, attempts to return to its old religion, and ultimately turns into chaos and dies out. You and your pals are just too fucking stupid to know this.

Who did you vote and what city/country are you from? The country would be worse with Hillary. Your presumptions are hilarious btw.

Avatar retard

t. neo-male


Fuck, you got me. I will leave your country. It's yours anyways...

>Christian revivalism is huge right now
>Art is the worst it has ever been in human history
Is this why you moved to England, David?

I'm not David, I'm a random guy on the internet who uses his smug facial expression to exhibit how I feel in this thread.

t. nu-male

You are this fucking retarded

>not reemerging
You are this fucking clueless.

There's a difference from accepting you're a dumbass and thinking the future is going to be hell if X doesn't happen. Live and be happy; hurt those who hurt you not just physically.

Nu-males fear glam metal. It's about strippers, coke, bikes and booze. The archetypal glam metal character is a fearless romantic rebel who disregards society and good manners. If male, he objectifies and collects women. If female, she scorns weak males. In both cases they express their deeper emotions through bombastic, theatrical power ballads, which nu-males are too insecure to even consider.
Glam is bold, brash, sleazy and lurid, it is everything nu-males aren't.

Go get some anxiety pills too. Call your mother and tell her you love her as well.

damn how will numales ever recover?

t. neo-male

Not the guy you're responding to, but curious.
How is christianity actually reemerging?

never ever

they are already jumping out of the hipster black metal bandwagon and back into the safer territories of emo and indie

What about the revival of electronic santanism?

Sam would fuck you up big time.

It's just starting to. Just the word atheism is associated with the rejects of society. Go on /lit/ and it has become obsessed with Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

Is this already a pasta? 9/10 m80

>Go on /lit/ and it has become obsessed with Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

Just how delusional are you?

I am not anxious, and you shouldn't be either. Its important for us to stay strong during the worst days of our life, friend.

>virgins who think they're smart because they read high school books are turning to Catholicism as a last ditch resort to find a women who is willing to marry them
>This is somehow indicative of a larger trend
80% of people under 40 in every country west of Poland is still non-religious.


I sense panic in your posts. Like the unhealthy kind.

Every civilization before us has had this happen. 200 years of rationalism and materialism centered in the city which bursts back into religion. Do you really think we're different?

Atheism is obviously viewed much differently in America than Europe

Yes, we have the internet and mass media. We are objectively VERY different from every other civilization in history.