Rank these


Is this it> unknown pleasures> bright lights> twin fantasy

Is This It > Twin Fantasy > Unknown Pleasures > Turn On the Bright Lights

II > I > IV > III

up > totbl > is this it > twin fantasy

this boi got it

TOTBLT > Unknown Pleasures > Is This It > garbage > Twin Fantasy


Unknown Pleasures > Turn on the Bright Lights > Twin Fantasy > Is This It


Twin Fantasy = Turn on the Bright Lights > Unknown Pleasures > Is This Is

Interpol > Strokes > Joy Division > Derivative indie garbage

Any ranking that put Twin Fantasy last is acceptable.

Unknown Pleasures > TOTBL >>>> lol who cares about the rest

Unknown Pleasures >>>>> Shit >>>>>> The rest

I agree.

So you like to consume trash?

why do people insist on worshiping the most boring band on earth (intershits)

Still better than The Strokes

No but Beach Life in Death is GOAT and i prefer TOTBL to Unknown Pleasures despite agreeing that Unknown Pleasures is more important and innovative. Is This It is overrated af

t. will

Um thanks?

>Anonymous 09/09/17(Sat)11:21:23 No.75053709▶
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> t. will
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t. will




I like them all equally :)


Turn on the Bright Lights > Unknown Pleasures > Is This It > Twin Fantasy

Twin Fantasy > Unknown Pleasures > Turn On the Bright Lights > Is This It

idc about a single one of these, but I know that Unknown Pleasures should be last.

TOTBL > Is This It? > Unknown Pleasures > ????

lol joy divisions so shit, least that album is

Twin Fantasy > TOTBL > Unknown Pleasures > Is This It

Is This It is the only good album listed

Unknown Pleasures >>>>>>>>>> Turn On The Bright Lights >>>>> Twin Fantasy = Is This It?

Where are these niggers and nu-males coming from?

UP is the second most nu-male album in the pic, mate


UP>Is This It>TOTBL>>>>>Twin Fantasy

Twin Fantasy > Unknown Pleasures > Is This It > TOTBL

UP > ITI > BL > My Favorited Trap Hentai Manga> TF

Is this it? is essential numale repellent, twin fantasy on the otherhand

Bright lights> unknown pleasures>is this it >twin fantasy

>Is this it? is essential numale repellent
How? It was the hipster thing of its time

>people itt actually putting twin fantasy anywhere close to the other three albums

jesus fucking christ this board has gone to shit

The only albums comparable are UP,ITI,and TOTBL

Closer>Antics>Room On Fire>all the debuts

>antics better than totbl

>hipster thing of its time
>not turn on the bright lights
Is this it? was alpha as fuck.


nah there's a point where it becomes objective

Is This It?>Unknown Pleasures>Turn On the Bright Lights>Twin Fantasy

and who the fuck are you to decide what's the point
these albums are all in the same level of quality and you're only saying otherwise because the other three albums are big, critically acclaimed releases

Unknown Pleasures>>>>Is This It>Bright Lights>Twin Fantasy

Beach life is arguably song of the decade

>these albums are all in the same level of quality and you're only saying otherwise because the other three albums are big, critically acclaimed releases

no they're not you fucking retard. Twin Fantasy doesn't even come close to the other three albums.

i don't get why there's this delusion in society that all art is just "subjective" and that it all comes down to taste. i think it's literally objective that illmatic is better than the soundcloud album made by some inbred from my high school. just like Joy Division is better than fucking car seat headrest

Unkown Pleasures>Is THis It>Turn on the Bright Lights>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>garbage>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>twin fantasy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(anything radiohead)

>(anything radiohead)

>no they're not you fucking retard.
but they are. you can make the point about UP being better because of how influential it is, but the other three albums are pretty much at the same level. crying about "muh objectivity" won't change that.
and you're only saying they're objectively better because, again, the other three albums are big, critically acclaimed releases, while TF is a bandcamp album.
it's all just opinions anyway. go back to droning p4k.

no, you're wrong. aesthetics are objective and you're in denial if you don't believe that. we can all agree here that The Beatles are better than Celine Dion or some shit pop artist.

We can all agree that a rainbow looks better than a pile of trash. This isn't the same thing as "I prefer red to blue" or "I prefer strawberry ice cream to vanilla ice cream". This is clearly different. We can make good arguments about why certain music is better than others in a way that we cannot do with colors or flavors. There are pretty coherent critical consensuses on albums that don't exist with other things

then explain what makes Twin Fantasy objectively worse than the other albums, because so far you didn't say absolutely anything about the music itself

it's objectively less original and the melodies are not as memorable or interesting as the other three albums

it's also meme tumblr bandcamp shit

Unknown Pleasures > Turn On The Bright lights > Twin Fantasy > Is This It
Please don't bully I just don't like The Strokes.

protip: the beatles are some shit pop artist

>it's objectively less original
orginality =/= quality
>the melodies are not as memorable or interesting as the other three albums
>it's also meme tumblr bandcamp shit
oh, so you're a fucking retard. good to know.

>le quality of art is entirely subjective meme

reminder that if you genuinely believe this, you should append a signature to all your posts pointing this out so we can all know to disregard your shit opinions.

certain facets of art may resonate more with different people, but artistic quality is a universal trait common to all art, one the transcends art form and genre. although they may lack the critical understanding of art required to explain why, even the most plebeian of plebs is able to recognise at a glance that "Bah Bah Black Sheep" is of a lower standard than the paintings of Van Gogh.

only contrarian, pseudo-intellectuals deny this.

>runs out of arguments
>makes a different post to try to save face
you still didn't explain why Twin Fantasy is objectively bad
I literally never said that art is entirely subjective btw

this. plebs need to read hume

that wasn't me. i'm and

TOTBL=Twin Fantasy>Unknown pleasures>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Is this it

all of them are bad next thread

Uknown Pleasures is the only good album there and it's like a 6.5/10 at best.