Songs for traditionalist classical romatics?

Songs for traditionalist classical romatics?

Stuff that celebrates the beauty of pure love, masculinity and femininity, family and duty to goodness and rejects concepts like hypersexualization or corruption of the mind.

Degenerate artists are perfectly fine if the song can be taken that way, some examples:

Additional requests:
>I'd prefer for traditionally conservative musical genres to be avoided, ie Country or Religious or Classical or whatever

>female vocalists are preferred but if this is insanely specific hit me with whatever you got

Thanks for indulging my weird taste Sup Forums, if you need more examples just ask.

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Futile bump.

I wonder why most music focuses on the decaying apple of existence so strongly, like a child transfixed on their home burning down.


Don't know if this is what you're looking for but made me think of this, maybe i'm just high

Initially laughed because I thought you were meming me but this is way closer than I expected.

This is more of a subversion of what i'm looking for, like bits of light shining through a window of filth. Despite succumbing to rap conventions of muhdick and featuring a duet of truly ruined human beings the visual of their love song hanging through the airwaves of the universe as eternal proof of the existance of humans is beautiful in a way.

Interesting song, but one level of irony too much for what I have in mind. Thanks anyway user enjoy your high!


Get yourself a copy of the American Graffiti soundtrack and thank me later.

Wow that was pretty, very passionate. Most of my lovey dovey songs focus on the contentment of love and the fufillment it brings, but this song touches on the other aspect, the raw overflow of passion that love brings and the inward torrent of emotion as you experience her. Thank you.

American Grafitti is already one of my top 5 films and the film that convinced me Lucas wasn't an accidental genius. Good recommendation though, thank you.

pol has warped your brain, i hope you can escape it

have you seen how this guy posts? he belongs on plebbit

Get with the times, old man.

Sup Forums is an angry place full of confused people. I'm not here to disparage or hate, just to experience beauty as I see it through song.

[spoiler] if anything Classical Literature, Fairy Tales, Silent Hollywood and my own Romantic nature has warped me, not some image board.

I'm only 22.

I'll admit i'm not from Sup Forums, i'm more of a film/literature guy, but I'm not a redditor.

I have no aversion to filth in art or disgusting music, but it is a headspace that i've explored to death as a teenager. I'm tired of this kind of music. Glad you got a momentary pang of schadenfreude from posting what sounds like a man burping for a few mins.

Chanson de geste

user are you okay? Do you smell toast?

Very cute, the background beat sounds like a nice desert level in a PS1 era game, and I like the way he plays his voice almost like an instrument (sorry i'm a music pleb if i'm not using proper terminology) way better than most twee or indie I stumble on production wise. Nice sound.

Of course I love the Beach Boys, lovely harmonies as always, makes me feel like drinking a Hawaiian Punch on the beach.

user are you still here? I wanna talk with you, this is the exact kind of music i love and write

Leave me an email to catch you with in the morning

You'll never know what you'll find when your head goes so far up your own ass it can't find its way out. Ignore my readings or philosophical ramblings, like I said, romantic person.

Interesting, not quite what i'm looking for but old world music is interesting to me. I really like the Henry V recording of Non Nobis Domine:

Yes i'm here, i'm afraid I wont be of much help but let me get you a Sup Forums friendly email i'm comfortable posting.

[email protected]

Like I said not going to be the hugest help, I was looking for more music like this from here because I knew so little that worked for me, but anything you wish to talk about i'm here.

Kill yourself

I'd only heard one song by this band, but for some reason it came up on spotify today despite being nothing like what I normally listen to.
Pretty sure I'm emotionally damaged, because when it came on I started crying in my car and I've been listening to the fucking thing on loop all day.

Anyone know if the rest of their stuff is any good? I know nothing about them.

OP here, that was really good, thank you!

Afraid I haven't explored them at all, but this is right in line with what I was asking for. More from a hopeful and fufilled angle from the perspective of a family man instead of purely love.

Alright, i've got to go to bed, thanks for the serious responses to what I assume is a weird kind of thread here.

Here are a few more of my favorites for any interested lurker, i'll keep this on auto refresh if you post anything after this, not sure how slow Sup Forums is and if it'll survive the morning. Wish me luck in this storm.

And lastly some weeb shit to close us off

Goodnight Sup Forums.