What's the best starting point Sup Forums ?

What's the best starting point Sup Forums ?


The Seer

White Light

The Great Annihilator

these and Children of God



Children of God/World of Skin

How I Loved You


then the seer

their new wave stuff is pretty bad t b h

their first fucking album


If you can't handle Soundtracks For The Blind, you're a pussy and you don't deserve music. But The Great Annihilator is where I'd start.

I started on filth, try something from every decade because all their albums are different.

Look on the wiki newfag

>if you want to kill your motherfucking self
>Soundtracks For The Blind

I've only listened to soundtrack for the blind anons, I liked it but not that much, what should I check out next?

Swans are honestly a band where it's best to listen to their most significant releases chronologically as they have a very palpable progression from release to release. I'd say listen to their no wave stuff first. If you don't like that maybe you'd prefer their new stuff instead.

here you go

There's no definitive starting point, their discography is so varied that it comes down to preference really.

Some highlights
>industrial/ no wave
>neo-folk/ goth-rock
White light from the mouth of infinity
The great annhiliator
To be kind (alternatively "my father.." it's way shorter)

The neckbeard store


Don't be a pussy


There is never a good starting point. Just learn to enjoy music for what it is faggot.

Listening to Public Castration is a Good Idea is a good idea

>Play at maximum volume


I firmly believe that Soundtracks surpasses everything that came before it and should have been their last album. The new material is horrible.

It dosent sound like anything they've made before or after it.
Why don't you like the new albums?

>It dosent sound like anything they've made before or after it.
It doesn't sound much like anything anyone has ever done. I like 90's Swans but in my opinion this album is their best.
>Why don't you like the new albums?
To me they sound and feel jarring. As if they only had a couple of ideas and then stretched those to fill the running time.

I feel like it was intentionally repetitive for a hypnotic feel. Also, as many others here have pointed out, it's Swans doing a Glen Branca tribute, which I like as well. I might be wrong, but I loved their new material, especially The Seer

understandable. I'd argue that soundtracks has a lesser focus than their new albums, since it's trying out so many ideas, still does come together well.
the new records are just a little tighter to me.

Somehow I just feel like it didn't suit them. Maybe it just wasn't what I expected, because I have no problem with Burzum's Belus for example and that album is probably as repetitive as an album can be.

I'll give them that. When I first listened to Soundtracks, I thought it was a mess but little by little I started to get a feel for it. I think it helps a lot, if you actually listen to it as a soundtrack and not as a coherent album. It helps set expectations.