Twin Peaks

How did Sup Forums feel about that finale?

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You could have at least tried to make this music related.

even shittier than the s2 finale

how so

I thought it was great.

I loved the whole season. It was challenging and completely Lynch.

The "live" music sucked though. Lynch has never really had good taste in modern music.

By saying literally anything about the show's music, the roadhouse performances, the sound design, any of that. If you're just going to just talk about a tv show, take it to Sup Forums. It's amazing that this has to be explained to someone who's presumably at least 18 years old.

Season 3 is the best season. So glad they went FWWM instead of pacifying the prestige tv plebs
I wept. Such a beautiful moment.

It was good to see Julee Cruise again though

Agreed honestly
As good as Twin Peaks is I've always been a bigger fan of his movies and Season 3 is way closer to those than anything else. Glad he got to make something without compromising.

The finale was so fucking good. Richard and Carrie just driving in silence was somehow the perfect image to end it on.
I get that a lot of people were disappointed because they expected closure but after that entire season I dunno what else they thought would happen.
The music was really shit though I had high hopes after Chromatics in the first episode but after that he really did drop the ball desu


Also that Platters song he used was a pleasant surprise.

Its exactly what I expected for the past several episodes.
More questions, no answers.

Also, I hope we never see that Diane cunt again.

We're never seeing another new Twin Peaks episode again let alone Diane

Everything after halfway through season 2 has been garbage

SHE'S GONE SHE'S GONE AWAY was the best track

Pretty gut-wrenching desu

Looks like a good place to ask:

is it true there are some quality issues with the pressing of both soundtracks on vinyl?

Cause I'm ready to throw all my money at Lynch and his friends, but I don't want to find it more dreadful than the finale itself.

You would think Lynch himself wouldn't let that happen, right?

Finale was fucking great. Loved the whole show and that ending was disorienting and harsh in the best way possible. The music in the show was kinda hit or miss. I liked it when Lynch would play warped 60's pop songs in some moments. There were some really good Roadhouse performances, but others were pretty average. NIN, The Veils, Cactus Blossoms, and the band that has David Lynch's son and Dirty Beaches, were the best ones imo

I think only Lynch knows what actually happened in the world of Twin Peaks. On the other hand, Kyle Maclachlan deserves an Emmy for this series.

Torrent before buying.

I already did, I just want to know if the vinyl is worth it.

Cause the soundtrack itself totally is.

>tfw when JUST YOU kicks in

Maybe the best season of television ever aired


Needed more Dirty Beaches.

Should have ended with the episode before it