Tfw you just released your worst album to date

>tfw you just released your worst album to date

he thinks it's his best, he is only going to get worse from here

TPAB was worse.

Yes I know it wasn't supposed to be a straight up rap album but an ode to black music in general but Kendrick is not nearly talented to produce something like that.

being this contrarian

Oh don't worry. The next thing he's gonna make will be his masterpiece to make up for it.

>tfw your worst album is your most popular and successful

Is it really?

This is a scarily accurate comparison

Yeah HUMBLE was #1

Agreed, could never get into TPAB. GKMC is his best imo, at least the album I enjoyed the most, consistently.

TPAB > UU > .80 > GKMC (pop rap garbage) > DAMN. (pop rap garbage)

good taste

I legit feel bad for how braindead you two must be. Garbage taste.


lol what is your favorite album fucking contrarian

GKMC > UU > OD > Damn > TPAB > S80

GKMC... DAMN, UU and .80 are all also pretty good. TPAB is for dickriders.

Do you also enjoy Kanye, RTJ and Drake?

Do you gargle on pitchforks cock any chance you get?


Pitchfork rated GKMC higher than TPAB


American Dream AOTY

I didn't realize hail to the thief was a pop piece of crap

I never thought of TPAB as an ode to black music but that's an interesting way to think of it

no, bad user