Redflags in music

>artist is feminist

>artist makes love songs

>artist is Grimes

that is an oxymoron

>genre starts with "r" and ends in "ap"

>band isn't Battles

ever considered that you just hate women?

"Wah wah women suck I'm MGTOW"


Feminists hate women, that's why they go around instilling victim complexes and telling them they can't do anything because the system is rigged against them.

There are occasional exceptions

>band configuration is a female singer and 1-3 nu-males

>sleigh bells

feminism is just movement from1960s it has nothing to do with being female, unless you dare to claim that there were no women prior 1960.

you are just brainwashed

I almost thought that was Mayli.

Phew! For a second there I thought you might've been attacking hip hop, which is completely safe, along with boom bap, Memphis rap, cloud rap, gangsta rap, g-funk, abstract hip hop, jazz rap, experimental hip hop, hardcore hip hop, and Latin rap, among many others. What's the genre you're referring to in particular? It certainly couldn't be simply, "rap," as that's a vocal style and not a genre!

and wouldn't it be ironic that in 40 or so years every male would identify as MGTOW just because they were born with XY chromosomes?

Just another example why feminism is stupid ideology.


Sup Forums - music

>Sup Forums - ignorance

that what big music industry wants you to indulge into, just don't forget to smoke enough weed for a bonus track

do you know what youre saying

music is highly politicized, a tool for indoctrination. closing eyes for it is like committing suicide.

band members are dating/dated

>Track has "Ronald Reagan" in the name

mgtow isn't about hating women
read more

>Bikini Kill
>White Lung
>Christ Vs. Warhol

Yeah feminists sure get BTFO

you have no idea what you're talking about
biggest wew for you

[triggering intensifies]

....wat in gods name is this? is this what straight men jack off to?

What you guys hate is 3rd wave liberal feminism. Radical feminists and marxist feminists would agree with and help tackle male issues

>caring about the artist beliefs

>Track has "Reaganomics" in the name

Yeah. And she loved every minute of it.

and u guys have the gall to call the gays degenerate

>being this blatantly incel

I've put up without snooty sociopathic bitches in my time and nobody complained about them so let us have our fun now, huh? Stop being such a wimp and keep your pimp hand strong. Also, next time bring your A-game.

>comparing gay "culture" to porn
uh man, I don't really think it works in your favor

*with enough

diverting objective truth with ad hominems.

>objective truth
top kek, incel
>ad hominems
you mean the objective truth

>people were mean to me so I get to be mean now
are you literally a toddler

>feminism started in the 1960's

Hey, i'm polite and nice to everybody, always have been, maybe you should grow up and be more polite and civil. Some people are just assholes, they deserve punishment, they're degenerates and they get it. There's no excuse for being an asshole.

hes lost it. the absolute madman.

Take your meds and be a good citizen.

See you just don't understand.

Feminism is not philosophy or way of life, it is merely a movement with it's own rules.

Same is LGBT, it doesn't repressent gays, it represent movement. thats why you can't remove trans people from it. Because they started the movement.


>artist isn't Greg Ginn

....bitch wat is u saying??

>someone who watches abuse porn calling other people sociopaths


>implying i watch abuse porn
I just have some gifs to trigger the feminazis. You assume a lot. Wew!

feminist movement is no better than some religious sect.

>Feminists hate women
What did he mean by this?

translation: Feminism allows women greater freedom in society, which means men have less control, which means it is harder for me to get my dicc succ'd and this is fucking awful and if a womeme don't suck my dick they're really just hurting themselves. Feminism therefore hurts womem and feminists hate womens

Women subjects themselves to rat race competition (women are more social so all ills of it affects them way more then men, you could observe it in every work environment with lots of women) and in the end even after successful career and number of achievements they are unhappy because all of this means nothing in real human life at all and they are left undesirable while wasting their best years for chasing feminist approved ideals.

While it is nothing wrong with career, feminist pushes agenda that every woman must be chief, ceo, director etc. It is unhealthy and stupid, unnecessary pressure.

>I just have some gifs to trigger the feminazis
is this as pathetic as it gets

>feminist pushes agenda that every woman must be chief, ceo, director etc
you have some devoutly retarded ideas of what feminism is

there were numerous publications about modern women unhappiness due to unsound expectations.

Haven't you heard feminist mantra "girls of 3rd world countries will save the world"?

>t. triggered



>everything that makes feminism look bad isn't real feminism
Get fucked, retard.

who said anything about "culture"?

Tired of this lie being propagated.

angry TERF detected


>Band promotes themselves for their identity instead of music
A lot of queer and minority bands do this and it's disgusting

this thread is shit

you are part of it

It's all shit to me.

>Marxist Feminism