Bill Clinton swag

rec, r8, hate, guess personality, etc

Gimme a rec based on this pls.


you probably enjoy the feeling of lying in the sun a lot
try apples in stereo
tone soul evolution or fun trick noisemaker



What's the one Bill is holding?

Recent Favourites

Has friends but tends to underestimate how much they actually like them

Only recently began to really like music and finds that Sup Forums is a great resource
Also Oasis are complete shit, you should be ashamed of yourself


In Heaven by Twin Sister.
Also nice dubs.

i can't rec anything good

Last four listens.
I really couldn't get into Unjust Malaise except Stay On It which I personally love. Wish he didn't take fucking forever to introduce changes in the music. In terms of cool takes on minimalism, check out Midori Takda's Through The Looking Glass.
Looks like you're subtly getting into darker stuff. Have fun. Check out Deathprod's Morals And Dogma.
Stringy strangy lo fi wangy. Check out Third Ear Band's Elements.


>I really couldn't get into Unjust Malaise except Stay On It which I personally love. Wish he didn't take fucking forever to introduce changes in the music
Did you listen to it all because I think you would love gay guerrilla, evil nigger and crazy nigger?





T. Sup Forums slave

Let's hope that I can get some (you)s this time around. Pic related is my last 4 listens
You have a fear of public speaking
You feel dissatisfied with the current state of the world
You have a good sense of humor and don't get annoyed very easily
You like taking long walks
You spend a lot of time zoned out and daydreaming about living a better life. (Also shoutout to those Wilco and Flotation Toy Warning records. Good stuff.)

You guessed correctly

Cherry Bomb is hot garbage/10
Give me some recs senpai

Braving the Seabed - Braving the Seabed
American Football if you haven't heard them already
The rest of Andrew Jackson Jihad's discography
Tyler, The Creator - Bastard
Tortoise - TNT

I listened to the whole thing. Just didn't like it. If I didn't relate so much to Stay On It I probably wouldn't have liked that either. Personally prefer sorta off takes on minimalism from the likes of Feldmann, Stockhausen, and Boulez.


im new to music

Welcome to mu fren