Track is 4:20 long

>track is 4:20 long

Other urls found in this thread:

>track is a second long

>track is 14:88 long

>track is 6:90 long

>track is 69:69 long

>track is a year long

>track is 6:66 long

>track ends 3:16
>secret track kicks in at 4:20

>album has 69 songs

>Album is 04:20:00 long

>album is 01:00:01 long

>Secret track is a 69-minute recording of your parents having sex

>album is one track

>album is longer than how old the universe is

>the album is 45:37 of silence

name ONE (1) album that does this

Lou Reed and Metallica - Lulu

>deluxe edition
>song get worse with the "remix" version

its the second secret track on Kid A

>discography compilation
>not all of their songs are on there

>track is 2:59 and not 3:00


>album is 59:59 minutes long

>track is 4:44 minutes long

>track is 53180:08

>album is 3.343 quindecillion years long

>album is 66:06 long

Name one album that does this besides pic related...

>album is 4 hours 20 minutes long

>track is four minutes and thirty-three seconds long
>track isn't actually music

>{insert meme here}

>track is 9:11 long


>song is called 747
>is 7:47 long

still one of my favourite songs though

>track title is a meme that says [insert track title here]

>Track title is the length of the track
>Album title is the length of the album

>song is -5:04 minutes long

>song is called 68 8
>song is 68 minutes long

Global Communication are GOAT

>album is called Untitled
>all the songs in said album are untitled
>artist name is Untitled

>track 0

>track -1

>track has a beat change that happens exactly at the halfway point on the album

>the whole album has the same rhythm

Who eyes are those?