Last album you listened to

>last album you listened to
>rating out of 10
>your thoughts on it

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Their best album

>Blues for the Red Sun
It makes me want to listen to ...and the Circus Leaves Town or QOTSA though it is still really good.

>Phlox - Talu. (56 mins. Jazz-rock/ Avant-prog). Sample:
>Coming from someone who is not particularly familiar with jazz fusion outside of The Steely Dan I have to say that this was a far more pleasant listening experience than I was anticipating, particular emphasis on mellow keyboards atop more tribal drum patterns, the tempo fluctuating like the angular velocity of a mass attached to a spring acting under simple harmonic motion.

Indeed, a fantastic album, personally I'd argue that ...And The Circus Leaves Town is underrated or at least underappreciated within the fanbase, Catamaravan is one of the greatest tracks that Homme ever touched.

nu-males can't stand the Numan

- Van Morrison - Moondance (1970)
- 7.5/10
- Instrumentation on certain tracks is excellent, it is diverse, consistent and solid, has some memorable melodies... Still, I kinda expected it to have more pastoral, dreamy jams like Astral Weeks did. I guess it's a grower.

Very enjoyable, somewhat reminded me of a crazier the mars volta. Will definately listen again, but probably an 8-9/10 right now


Do you have a download for this Phlox album or their discography?

sleep well beast 4/10

Can't believe SJ is a decade old. Totally an 8.5/10

Can't say I do, though you can listen to the album here, I'll admit I rarely download albums being kinda pleb, I'm sure its out there somewhere though.

Don't know if this counts, but was a solid 9, the motifs lacked variations in some parts but was otherwise beautiful. Any recommendations for further listening?

Not an album. Doesn't count.

Overrated garbage, Poseidon is still their best album.

Forgot score, feeling a strong 2.

Absolute brainlet detected

T. Robert Fripp

10/10 my favourite album

Very good but Michigan was better. Or at least more comfy.

nothing special. just Kid A umphteenth time. it's fucking masterpiece 11/10


Great instrumentation, meh vocals, yet, feels like a nice comeback to the Carrion Crawler days.

Finally got around to listening to this. Was good, really interesting, probably 9/10 imo. Somehow didn't really feel overlong despite the length, but it definitely seems like a 'you have to be in the mood for it' album.

This album is so fucking bad

AC is the most hit or miss band ever

5/10 (Singles was a 6/10)

I miss their In Evening Air and On The Water sound so much

Don't usually do number ratings but I'd give this a 9 or 10 out of ten it's one of my favourite albums easily

>John Maus - Screen Memories
Touchdown and Decide Decide stood out for me particularly.
Only my first listen though.

9/10, better than about half the QOTSA albums, better than most Foo Fighters albums.

It's pleasent sounding, but only the first track really stood out to me as being memorable.
I think I'll probably grow to like it more. But for now it's just a modest level of enjoyment

Taxi Driver is a vigilante movie. Another OST you could try is Death Wish by Herbie Hancock.

What Foo Fighters album could possibly be better than Them Crooked Vultures?

That's how I felt at first too, and you're right, you'll probably grow to like it more. Really, really quickly.

Its a grower user, I could barely get through it on first listen. Top 5 for me now

CatS and ST are decent FF albums

Decent to strong 8

Incredibly strong and catchy, cant believe I haven't listened to this thing sooner. DG and guitars work so well, wish they do more of this.


The first death grips album/music I've listened to despite everyone talking about them

Hacker came on during my work out and I felt P R I M A L

>Carly Rae Jepsen - Emotion (Deluxe)
I wanted to see if the recommendations were memes or not. I was very pleasantly surprised. This album takes a sweet 80s pop sound and refreshes it slightly for modern day listening. Most of the tracks are really catchy without being too samey.
>Favourite Track: LA Hallucinations
>Rating: 9/10


I say 7.5/10
It shows that tom wanted to take blink in a mew direction. the problem is the direction was AVA. I assume the only reason why I gave this album a good score is because california was boring at best. toms voice is one of the biggest problems



i didn't like one interlude in Providence, but other than that this album is perfect

9/10 A great record and a progression in their career. I highly recommend this record.


Nice album, easy to listen, puts me on a good mood. Also the Save a prayer cover is good.

really great album. I don't need to say more, listen to it


8/10 Kid knows what he's doing. Great songwriting and splendid production. Variety and plenty of ideas sugarcoat the emotional core.


Kinda reminds me of some ESC entry. Can't really say for certain why.

I kind of regret not listening to hip hop earlier now ahahaha
The albums pretty diverse to which surprised me.

Halfway through it now. A friend recommended me it just now and I fucking hate it.


strong 8
the boxer is a 10/10 song tho

>niggas on the moon
>It gives me some strange feelings.

every song is good, first and last 3 are probably the best. They certainly succeeded in making it dreamlike.
>tfw saw dannyboi live

Why wouldnt a film score count? Listen to more Herrmann. You after similar recs or good scores? Soundtracks happen to be my jam.

This is truly a masterful post. It literally gets more and more wrong with each word.

Anyway, I came to this thread because I listened to that for the 116th time just now and, as always, it was a 10/10.

The Vampyre of Time and Memory to Fairweather Friends is a great run of tracks. Maybe not my favorite QOTSA album, the length of I Appear Missing, and the title track sour at a bit, but they're not terrible tracks.

6/10. Instrumentation is good at times but a little pretentious, was trying EDM including the TR00 trance like this and Paul van Dyk and I realized that I need cheese or humor in this stuff, whether it be Nightcore, Aphex Twin or *gasp* Aqua, else I get the image of a 12 year old British pseudo-intellectual from my Gamefaqs days. Hell just take a look at the elitist twerps who put the definitions of Trance on Urban Dictionary.

terrible album, you should feel ashamed


Stumbled upon this randomly today. really good m8s.


7/10 solid ambient. But the last track fucking sucks, it's so out of place that it gives me a different type of cancer everytime i accidentally play it.