There has never been a better 6 album run

there has never been a better 6 album run

>best 6 album run
>only 2 of those albums are actually good

I'm trying to name a Bowie 6 album run but Pin Ups keeps ruining it

Pink Floyd

I only rate 3 of the 6, but I think the others are better than average

plus, the closest I can think of is the last six beatles albums, but the white album sucks

what about Rush?
>A Farewell to Kings
>Permanent Waves
>Moving Pictures
Actually, if you count Fly By Night and Caress of Steel as being great, it'd be a 8 album run

Sonic Youth's first 6 counting s/t
King Crimson Lizard-Discipline

Station to Station, Low, "Heroes", Lodger, Scary Monsters, Let's Dance

born to run
darkness on the edge of town
the river
born in the USA
tunnel of love

ahem, Graduation...

is actually the best of the six, because it's pop rap that dgaf

I know, it's really good.

is 10 years old today? post the best lines from graduation


put E street shuffle there instead of tunnel of love



you're ignoring the Jay Z collab

also: Brian Eno

Thats 3



>Atom Heart Mother
>Dark Side
>Wish you were here
>The Wall

More of a 4 album run, but its GOAT.

>Miles Smiles
>Miles in the Sky
>Filles de Kilimanjaro
>In a Silent Way
>Bitches Brew
>Tribute to Jack Johnson
>On The Corner
>Big Fun
>Get Up With It

Ya, this.

Also YZ = TLOP > CD > 808 > LR > MBDTF > G

The Bends
OK Computer
Kid A
Hail to the Thief
In Rainbows

HTTT was shit and Amnesiac had some boring filler tracks

radiohead fucking sucks

id call you contrarian but i whole heartedly agree with your list

This. Flawless discography


Radiohead are garbage you should kill yourself for eating find it this you seen faggot

>Diamond Dogs
>Young Americans
>Station to Station

lodger fkn blows and you're a pleb if you try to deny this

Diamond Dogs is shit and Lodger is the worst of the Berlin trilogy

Name an artist with 6 albums.


Your Funeral My Trial, Tender Prey, The Good Son, Henry's Dream, Let Love In, Murder Ballads


Rated R
Songs for the Deaf
Like Clockwork
Villains is pretty good too

Ok Computer - In Rainbows is pretty good. HTTT is a little inconsistent but still pretty good


The Beatles you plebeian

>Rated R
>Songs for the Deaf
>Like Clockwork
>Villains is pretty good too

Villians is really good stfu with that pretty good shit

Ok Computer
Kid A
Hail to the Thief
In Rainbows
The King o Limbs
A Moon Shaped Pool

Garbage contrarians leave

TCD, LR and 808s
I count 3

Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band

Radiohead fucking sucks

*Blocks your path*

*Also blocks your path*

Were you molested as a child?

The obvious answer



>is a weeb
>thinks radiohead is good

amber to quaristice


Unironically Death Grips

surely not?


>the white album sucks



>Diamond Dogs is shit

TCD - 8.5/10

LR - 8.5/10

Graduation - 7.5/10

808's - 8.5/10

MBDTF - 9/10

Yeezus - 10/10

TLOP - 9/10

GodWeenSatan - The Mollusk

yes TOL sucks

Literally the entire discography of King Crimson

King Crimson
>Lark's Tongues In Aspic
>Starless and Bible Black
>Three of a Perfect Pair

very contrarian


TCD: 8/10
LR: 10/10
G: 8/10
MBDTF: 10/10
Yeezus: 11/10
TLOP: 9.5/10

Ex: 8.5/10
TMS: 10/10
NLDW: 9.5/10
GP: 9/10
NOTM: 9.5/10
JD: 11/10
BP: 10/10
Steroids: 10/10

forgetting USA tho

i think this series is going to be unbeatable...

caress of steel is their best lol

no it doesnt

*8 album run

Pink Floyd

>Obscured By Clouds
>Dark Side Of The Moon
>Wish You Were Here

>Rubber Soul
>Sgt Pepper
>White Album
>Abbey Road
You literally can't find a better six-album streak.

The Bends is fine but really not on par with the rest. HTTT is shit.

Help is shit

Graduation is one of the worst albums of that decade so it breaks your streak no matter how you look at it

The best eight album streak in music history will always be Dylan though (all the albums were at the time and often still are considered among the greatest ever made and what's more significant is it was 8 albums in 4-5 years, rather than 6 albums in 9-14 years as with your example):

Freewheelin - Times They are a-Changin' - Another Side of Bob Dylan - Bringing it All Back Home - Highway 61 Revisited - Blonde on Blonde - The Basement Tapes - John Wesley Harding


you can add steroids as well

Enter Shikari

> Take to the Skies
> Etc

Saucerful of Secrets
Atom Heart Mother
Obscured by Clouds

This is what I was looking for. Alternatively bump it an album forward w/ balaluma

I'm glad you agree user

5/6 tho, ASOBD is avrg, others are on point within the range of 8/10 - 10/10

dont listen to the fags those are all great albums (mabye with the exception of httt)

> Villians is really good stfu with that pretty good shit

It isnt

>808s, Yeezus, MBDTF
that's 3 user

>More Songs About Buildings And Food
>Fear of Music
>Remain in Light
>Speaking in Tongues
>Little Creatures



good taste user


The Doors first 6 albums with Morrison

>The Great Annihilator
>Soundtracks for the Blind
>My Father Will Guide Me up a Rope to the Sky
>The Seer
>To Be Kind
>The Glowing Man

This is undoubtedly one of the most classic six-album-streaks ever made. It's up to you whether you consider it good or not tho.

This man has the most flawless discography in the world of music. Just one mediocre album and that's it.

>rating things 11/10
>rating more than one album 11/10
very retarded underage pleb confirmed

Literal fucking retard. Please proofread your posts before posting them.

It's definitely fair to rate Amnesiac and HTTT lowly.

Why don't you deflate your rating system so that an 11/10 is actually 10/10? Explain the difference between a 9.5 and a 10 while you're at it, you filthy memer.