What's it like to have schizophrenia?

What's it like to have schizophrenia?

Any schizobros on Sup Forums? No LARPing please.

i sometimes wonder if i have schizophrenia

is asking that question already a sign i dont?

i wonder too... i'm still young so perhaps it hasn't fully developed yet. it worries me.

it's fucking awful
i have no motivation to do anything aside from work, i constantly hear things that aren't there and sometimes i'll get lost inside my own head for an hour before someone comes along to snap me out of it. the only thing that has stopped me from blowing my brains out is my parents and i just wish i could find a fucking way to not have this happen to me

terrible you hallucinate you are paranoid some times you hear voices and stuff

IDK but this poor kid that drew this pic isn't suffering from schizophrenia so much as they are suffering from Jewish drugs and 'treatment'. That pic is a fucking cry for help ffs

You ever consider the nature of life and reality? Maybe you are tuned into a spiritual realm and the voices are other consciousnesses/spirits interacting with you. Maybe the 'professionals' are the ones that don't get it, and obviously can't help you so they put you on drugs to dull your spiritual sensibilities and kill parts of your brain so you'll be limited to 5 senses, just like them. Have you ever considered it a gift you need to harness and control and put to a special use?

have you looked up any natural methods of regulating the intensity, i.e., herbal supplements, improved diet/nutrition, yoga and stretches to 'align' yourself? i promise these things work when practiced and utilized.. hope you get better and dont talk or think about suicide because it manifests itself as negative energy and that only feeds the bullshit thats happening to you. Starve it out. just look up 'natural cures for schizophrenia'


schizophrenia is just being ultra sensitive to stimuli, and being NEET enough not to work out or focus one's mind and/or be weak enough not to focus on whats in front of you.

being a fat fuck is like having schizophrenia- constantly telling one'self that you cant get fit or cant do this or that- generally being lazy and letting negative thoughts get to you.

sure there are probably some people who are organically fucked, but for the most part im sure it is just lazyniess and unfocused behavior.

how I know?
i tried giving myself schizophrenia and discovered enlightenment.


...is what a schizo would say.
Take your fucking meds and try to be somewhat normal for a change .
Fucking basement dweller

I'm schizoaffective bipolar.

It's knowing everything in the universe is just an interconnected blob of infinite-dimensional spectrums. I can ride along those rails and communicate with anything and anyone, trees, ghosts, dogs, stars, air particles. Everything is one mind that is split. I can pull myself apart to talk to my other minds, and they can split apart to talk to me.

A lot of my delusions regard my friends and family being mind controlled or mk-ultra'd. I go through periods of believing and disbelieving every conspiracy theory I've been introduced to. I can see animals following me, black and white blobs rushing past. Random objects shapeshift into other things like a dream. Oh, and dreams themselves are completely real.

>ooga booga where da mental illness pillz at
Why are you so angry? Would you like to reflect on what in this thread has made you so angry? Seems like you have a lot of unresolved anger issues and insecurities.

>A lot of my delusions regard my friends and family being mind controlled or mk-ultra'd.
Is it really a delusion, though? Most people are inculcated af, it's sadly a normal condition for most.

I call it what my doctor calls it. I believe on a level that everything I've felt was actually true, but to live normally I have to believe it isnt.

Don't have it, but i know this dude who just got really crazy after his house burned down which also killed his sister. He started taking heavy drugs and just made himself sicker and sicker.

Tried killing him self 2 times. He is on heavy drugs for his illnesses, so talking to him, is like talking to a zombie.

He have done so much fucked up things, because "the voices in his head told him to"

I bet he will either kill him self or end up in a mental institution for the rest of his life.

Crazy bastard

Stop making threads about me you sadistic pederast I fucking hate you I'll make it my life's mission to figure out who you are and how to torture you to death and then I will do it

The fuckin CIA niggers glow in the dark and you get to write a compiler.

Stay strong schizophriends. I'm not schizophrenic myself, but I know how wrong "professional normies" are, and they're usually wrong about a lot, who's opinions aren't worth a damn. Keep your head up and stay strong, quit doubting yourselves, embrace your abilities and work them like clay, and then put them to your advantage. You DO NOT need to be like other people, blissfully ignorant and swaying with the breeze, they will never validate what you feel and know, they simply are unable to do so. So you must be strong for yourself, trust yourself- not blindly earn your own trust and prepare for the opposition and backlash from those who simply do not know. Also, when dealing with spirits and voices, try to entertain the good ones and ignore and reject (with confidence) the bad ones. Stay strong, be good.

Bruh, you can live normally, you just need to temper and control 'it'. You have to always bear in mind that being candid about it with 'normies' will just trigger certain behaviors that they have been insensibly programmed with such as this prime fucking example. Just always know where you are in the reality you're experiencing and maybe deal with the fact that you'll be alone in it sometimes when you're not with your peers.

Don't believe them, that pills are the answer and you need to be dumbed down. The pills will destroy you.

hes not crazy, just a weak faggot

It's as if you're thinking you're just one person when it's really multiple people

Just like this inane guy called "Anonymous"

I have schizophrenia and I take 2 different medicines so I don't have any symptoms.

I hope you all get the help you need.

I'm starting to feel in a similar way, how did you harness your ability to communicate in that way

have schizophrenia, actually schizoaffective, i expereince audio hallucinations (peoples voices) and the voices are of people ive known in the past, they bring up things from the past in which i behaved in appropriate ways, and other illogical things i have expressed or thought and the voices demean and insult me for regrettable actions and decisions, i thought i was experiencing a psychic connection with these people, but thanks to hospitilizations/therapys/andsomeofthesepeople i realize its a mental illness i must deal with, i also experience though broadcasting (think people can read my thoughts (the people i think im hearing when i experience these hallucinations)) and also experience the delusion that my life is broadcasted from all the digitally connected devices i own, - from user who is diagnosed as schizoaffective and medicated
and p.s. - i love lucy (lyric version)

It's amazing how many idiots don't get how to deal with it when it starts:

Just act, don't think.
They voices aren't talking to you, they are talking to everybody around you.


Also check'em

fuck, reroll

Don't listen to these people saying schizophrenia gives you special powers. It doesn't and they are lying to you. Take your meds.

damnit, off by 3



>watches split once


we spooky nao

also reroll, come onnn

one last time

This post isn't real. You are the only one who can read it. I am an interdimensional being who has watched every breathe you have taken in this life and the many lives before that. It is your purpose to save this world. You can not tell anyone about me because they will not believe you. I will contact you soon when the time comes for you to fulfill your destiny on this planet.

It's the Jews.

Whoa dude!

Work at a hospital, have dealt with people with schizophrenia a few times. I feel bad for them because it's so debilitating. The voices they hear are usually always critical in a negative way, and the neuroleptics they take for psychosis help, but they have some bad side effects and take their toll on the person. Plus, they get treated like shit. It's frustrating that a lot of people think they can just tell someone to snap out of it or it isn't real and they'll just go "Oh yeah! I'm better now".

Interesting note: A good majority of schizophrenics can't smooth track an object with their eyes, they sort of dart back and forth. It also will show in family members too.

your not alone user, only thing that kept me here was my parents. But now i see there is more to everything. Even if its just in my head, there is a purpose, meaning for it and im going to figure it out before I leave this conscious experience.

I hear, see and feel things that aren't there. My friends joke im a schizo I joke with them but they dont realize that I might be ;p

were all crazy


Its not a special power, its being a full fledged human being.

>see Pocahontas, any other non-western spiritual movie.

No, you were right; of course your doctors will tell you something to make your condition more manageable, even though you are right.
Its just taboo to be spoken about, and it is more beneficial to forget so you arent dwelling.

That is actually true

I learned it on here, so I gotta pass it to the new fuckups, I guess.

I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder when I was younger but idk if modern qualifications apply to me anymore.
Mostly loud or weird noises sound like certain things, most common is in the shower the water rushing will sound like a bunch of people whispering at once. When I get mad its really hard to calm down. Getting depressed usually causes any visual effect, but those episodes are mostly just figures and forms moving and warping. Self medicated, not even joking weed helps me calm down and perks me up when im in moods and everything else is a lot more managable when my mood is level.

If hearing entities threatening and mocking you all the time is being a full fledged human being then I don't want to be one

Y'all niggas need jesus and weed.

As with all mental illness, what it's like depends on the individual suffering. For me it's like... it's like going through periods where nothing makes sense, where every thought going through my head feels like it was put there by someone or something else, but at the same time it's mine and I have to follow through with thinking it. "Hey, that friend of mine who has been there for years? They're trying to hurt me and I hate them. Well, I've never hated them before, that doesn't make sense... but I feel like I hate them, so I hate them. They've been lying to me, they need to stop, they all need to stop, stop, stop... Oh, wow, that was an intense six hours." I deal with a much more mild case, but it's still there, still a struggle. But never knowing if that light just out the corner of your eye is real or not, wondering if the whispers are coming from the computer or within your head, confused if the thoughts going through your own mind are real... it's not fun.

I take time off meds regularly to maintain a connection with my psychosis. It is an important part of me, just as being dulled down enough to keep a home is.

Not Christan but see

Now you ask.
How are you tonigth R?

its not so much "entities" as it is people, usually older and/or more greedy than you, trying to get you to off yourself or put themselves into more powerful positions
youre just a kid, until you grow up, so to speak.
i.e.: women, "jews", black people. "illuminati", your parents
that kind of thing.

It's like being royalty but it's so real every thought or bit of body language can be an order that kills. It gets better. I'm on flupentixol best drug IMHO

Nice, it already paid out.

All the best to the people ITT.

> but at the same time it's mine and I have to follow through with thinking it.
Have you tried not to follow with it? just for the fuck of it to see what happens? Maybe it's impossible idk, just curious

It becomes natural at a peak of mania. Dxm helps me reach out and reconnect with my delusions when I'm too normal, so if you've never tried that, it's an option.


we meant to say paid off

Tell Mel I said hi

forgot im in a schizo thread.
alrighty then

At that point, it's like trying to tell myself the sky isn't blue. It's blue, I know it is, it's the way my mind processes and holds onto information. Look at any object in your vacinity and notice the color. You now know that is the color you see it. Now, try and convince yourself that it isn't that color. It's the same thing. A thought pops in, and it's as real as anything else.


are you talking to me? or that other user?

discord for schizoOP(not this op. a different one)

it's like having a bicameral mind apparently

Fuck yeah, nigga!

Never heard of it before, but just reading that name I already know fluorine ions are part of it's molecular structure. Fluoride is such bad news man.... I wish you only the best

I see,
I assume in a few hours it goes off and then you realize it has happened again.
If that's the case, haven't you tried the "Ok here we go again, now it's 6 fucking hours of listening to myself rant about some wrong shit until I get back to normal, yeah, yeah, he0s been bad to me, yeah, yeah, he should stop bla bla bla". Like the normal you talking to the crazy you. Can you do that?

Remember kids, Crazy is relative.

Related, my favourite psychotic artist Adolf wolfi

Once in awhile that can happen, but those occasions are rare. When it happens my mind completely changes the way information is processed. It's a lot easier if it's a sudden click in the head, like a light switch being flicked, but most of the time it's a more gradual slope into it, and even then it's trying to convince myself a feeling that is as natural as the need to breathe isn't true.

Why would you want to reconnect with your delusions? Delusions suck and make me hurt and push away everybpdy around me. Telepathy is not a delusion

It's part of me. It's comforting to know they're not gone. It's like going back to see a home from your childhood.

Sounds hard.
Can you describe the landing? The moment you realize it has happened, is it sudden? how much time does it take?

it sucks, i take medication for it and it was really bad. i would sometimes go insane and try running away because i thought someone put cameras in my house

>because i thought someone put cameras in my house
What would happen if you were cool with cameras around your house?

How do you "remember" you have schizophrenia?

Bad english sorry but i mean, how do you calm down from a crisis?

I'm not cool with being poisoned and mind controlled in my sleep

Yeah but the keyword was "what would happen"

Pretend you are. I mean, maybe the poison is awesome free weed and mind controlled in your sleep is for a huge wed dream orgasm. I'd like to telepathically smoke up for free and jizz my shorts in the night, how awesome would that be?

Thanks retard what I meant is once you're paranoid delusional it's always "not cool" and it's hard to snap out
I don't want stupid drugs or disgusting sex that I have no idea happens

Have any of you schizos tried to pick and choose which voices you wanna hear? Like have any of you basically told the fags that criticize you and want you to off yourself to fuck off, your mind is only open to cool, chill spirits that wanna talk philosophy or something?

I mean, it makes sense that unresting spirits of the dead that refuse to go the fuck home are roaming the earth looking for open psychic wifi channels to troll and they always try to get you guys to kill yourself so you can join them, but why not tell them to give it up? Why can't you tell them, "ay, quit fucking around jackass and get your ass home to where you need to be" ? Why don't you coach them to quit being spiritual dicks? Summon some better spirits, you know? If you just go through life with this connection and don't have any wifi passwords on it, you know the shitlords are gonna be fucking around with you, right?

It varies day by day, episode by episode. Sometimes it's an instant snap and it's like, "oh crap did that just happen? Okay I didn't hurt anyone/myself." Other times it's like the buildup and a slow decline, and that is usually following things like anger. When that happens it's just like calming down at first, followed by realization. Sometimes I try to just... laugh it off, as bad an idea as that is. When it's more severe, it's followed by a period of depression and self loathing, but once all that clears up it feels refreshing more than anything else, like coming up from holding your breath under the water for several minutes, breathing first due to a need for air, but then just because it feels good to just be able to breathe.

Do you realize that the schizophrenia is just due to your brain's genetics causing neurons to misfire, or do you think it is caused by something deeper?

I don't think scientists can explain how neurons create consciousness, but there are definitely genes that are linked to schizophrenia

>how neurons create consciousness, b
And they never will if they think "neurons CREATE consciousness". You can't reach an accurate conclusion when their premise is false. I mean, your computer's network adapter doesnt "create" the internet.....

you're associating a medical condition that you don't understand with technology

From the outside laughing it off sounds like a good idea actually.

Do you ever harm yourself or others when it happens? I mean, feelings aside.

Sorry, we can't talk about that

...and there's nothing wrong about doing so.

It's more likely because of childhood trauma not genetics, it goes pretty hardcore if it's both

I mean look at son of sam

I've had the urges to many times, but I'm able to keep my wits about me enough not to. I've been hospitalized for self-harm before (unrelated) and I don't want to go through that again, and as much as sometimes I want to beat someone's face in with a bat, I can stave off those urges. I'm also, as mentioned, on the more mild side. I do worry about the day that I lose control and do something regrettable, but I've made it this far, and with medication and therapy and a good support network of friends and family I'm confident that I can handle what the future brings.

Hardly. Without any direct association with your condition, I'm implying that the brain and 'neurons' are not the source of consciousness, they are simply the physical conduit. You and normies have the same equipment (brains) but maybe your brain can operate on a different protocol than simple TCPIP, maybe your 'network adapter' runs another protocol like UPNP or whatever.... you know? The TCPIP only network adapters are all like "wtf is that UPNP? you're making unsolicited connections with random devices? sounds like a illness" etc etc, you know? UPNP isn't necessarily a bad thing, even though it's insecure and can be readily used for trolling


It is what it is.

Same thing for me. I take them when I need them, but I try to handle as best as I can on my own. It took some time but after a few years I don't really need them anymore.


it doesnt work that way.
What's interesting about voices is they vary depending on the afflicted person's cultural background. Schizophrenics in India for example report their voices to be often playful or expressing insight. People in Ghana believed them to be protective spirits of passed family members. For whatever reason, westerners almost almost always get voices that are menacing and unkind

Every time I go out to smoke, I think someone is watching me. I have to close my blinds so they don't film me. Before I get in the car, I think about what would happen if it crashed; how I would have to live mangled and retarded.

I think every song is written just for me.

When my partner goes to the bathroom, it's because they're getting intel on their phone before they come back. When behavior changes, it's because of THEM. I don't know who they are. The puppeteers? I forget my dreams aren't real. My memory is bad, I think. Sometimes I see old friends in places they shouldn't be, and when people whisper I always think they're talking about me.

I have schizotypal personality disorder. It's the inbetween of shizophrenia and the other less mild versions on the spectrum.

I'm well medicated now. But my god do I have a story for you. I had this insane episode where one time I was experimenting with religion. And because I had little faith in the religion I wanted to do a bunch of sins to see if something bad would happen. Yes I know, that's not normal.

Anyway point is, the night that I did that, here's what happened. I went from being able to see black behind my closed eyes like everybody else my whole life, to something else. Instead, I saw green behind my eyes and the green was swirling around and mixing with the black rapidly like a storm. And then to my horror, the green and black mixed to become these extremely detailed very animated demonic looking faces that looked like they were lunging at me with their mouths open with this killer bat out of hell expression on their face. Like, an army of these faces. I had never had any hallucination before in my life and I was so freaked out that this was triggered right after I decided to just do a few sins.

It seriously felt like I had become haunted or possessed or something. That's not even the full story either. Before that, the worst my symptoms ever got was just being very antisocial and being able to daydream way too easily. Like maladaptive daydreaming. And I absolutely sucked at organizing my thoughts and explaining things to people.


I'm watching you right now