Reply if you didn’t know Lil Pump is still a minor (Born on August 17th, 2000)

Reply if you didn’t know Lil Pump is still a minor (Born on August 17th, 2000)

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lil pump is on top


do I also have to post if I have no fucking Idea who the fuck lil pump is and care even less ?

>That CLEARLY plucked barren space where his unibrow should be

What does he mine? Probably coal, hes got that dirty soot all over his body makes him look like an autistic nigger

don't even know who that is. nor do I give a fuck

when i saw gucci gang i thought this dude was like 23 or some shit bruh i was surprised to find out he's 17

Should we call cps because of his behavior?

How could this faggit o.d. on drugs if drugs are illegal???

One day after puberty you will need to need remove hair too.

dude holy shit i had just seen his video yesterday so i looked him up and saw his age. if i were a grownup anywhere near that music video i'd feel fuckin weird. idk how all those grown people filming and appearing in the video didnt feel uncomfortable.

I'm all for smoking sensible amounts of marijuana but this guy looks like a brain dead degenerate piece of shit.

That was lil peep why their names similar

why do these degenerates always have long gross finger nails?????

this guy is white and gets to say nigger around black people without getting enriched

i dont even

wow he must have what 3ounces there

I haven't listened to the radio or kept up with any of the nigger music of the day but fuck me. Is this what the world is coming to? That is flat out the dumbest music I have ever heard. It is just some degenerate saying the same words and drug references over and over. With 118m views, it sure does appeal to the lowest of people...

I mean, good for him, I am sure he is rich as fuck. Im not jelly but damn that is just plain ol dumb music...

Side note- why does rap culture put codeine cough syurp on a fucking pedestal? Codeine is weak as shit. I'll drink a half a bottle of that crap and barely feel anything.

makes blunt splitting and welfare collecting a breeze

animals have claws

Wtf!? I'm older than this guy? Thats crazy.

thats why he calls himself that

his new name is Faggoty Anne

No, but you did anyways because your need for attention is so strong it's just unconscious at this point. Try being less of a faggot

Yeah he's dumb as fuck too



can someone post any good night sweet prince memes please?

if you don't know who lil pump is you never go outside lol

"How old was he?"

"He's dead. You don't get any older than that."

- "Catch-22"

Zero fucks given


Or maybe you were born before 1999.

Are you blind? Look at his face and skin, he's a spic

children today are brought up in an environment that promises each one that they are creative, special, unique, talented individuals and if they believe in their dreams, then they will succeed and find fame, fortune and recognition.

since none of this is true, they have to be supplied with digital toys that allow them to mix sounds the way older children mixed play-doh to make a vaguely nauseating beige lump. someone shouting "awe yeee muthafuckah" over a simple drum beat is held up as the pinnacle of musical achievement, despite the fact that they didn't say the words themselves or play the drum, or even record and mix either.

every special child gets a banana sticker!

mostly everyone in their 20s know who he is, if you're 30+ on b thats just weird, what kind of life

because they are funny

your momma still live in a tent

> on Sup Forums
> weird

no shit? did you think this was the acme of normality? 54 btw

54 entertained by cuck, loli, and trap thread spam. Hope I don't end up that bad

do you like furry porn too? sfur or gfur?

what about gore threads?


meanwhile you are being entertained by the same, only whining like a widdle snowflake so you feel like you are better than somebody. Fucking loser, mommy not give you tendies tonight?

>lil pump
God damn this guys name alone makes him sound like a colossal faggot. Looks like a walking garbage fire at that. Some kids just need their ass beat or they'll turn into human trash like this.

Someone's got a unibrow heehee

Prometh isn't codeine you fucking retard

>Hope I don't end up that bad

you're here, aren't you? and you're at the start of your life, whereas i've seen as much shit as i ever need to, and i'm winding down by posting bemused snark at the antics of fans of dead chigger rappers.


could lil' poop play a musical instrument? could he compose a song? do you imagine that idolizing a dead rapper is better than listening to, oh, i don't know, how about a living Canadian guitarist?

Well he's nothing but rotting meat now

have some respect for the dead you edgelord faggot.

he's chillin in heaven with tupac and biggie nigga.


old men triggered LOl

he didnt die idiots lil peep did

Takea Dump, some shill nigger wannabee rapper

autist 12 year old beating his needle dick

"lean" is promethazine mixed with codeine, you fucking retarded faggot. Codeine is perhaps the weakest opiate and drinking it in a syrup form with promethazine is the most ineffecient way to ingest it. Get a fucking education in drugs before you attempt to speak on them, faggot

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, imagine being 30+ (probably 50+ if we're being honest) being triggered by comments on the internet

all those drugs at such a young age. RIP brain.

never had one to begin with, ("gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang" = a song btw) his music is hype though.

The niggerfication of culture is real

hopefully all these lil fagots will die soon.

i can grow a full beard, but never grew a unibrow. its not a part of puberty lol

unless you're selling it.. who the fuck buys a pound and wants to smoke the same strain everyday. fake faggot

it's been a long time since anything i saw on the internet 'triggered' me. being this old lets you understand that, as Citizen Ted once put it:

"If you are starting to believe that the vast bulk of humanity is a worthless morass of lying, defecating chimpanzees, then I've done my job."

the antics of children are barely worth replying to, but it's my day off and i'll waste it however i like.

and here's another great old-man song!

well i think lil peep has the name cause lil bo peep rappers having it probably played some part though

old man, nice wife kids and life LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl, too late for you. get off my lawn btw

sixteen year old, wants to be a rapper because he's seen videos of them surrounded by woman and admiring homies, driving flash cars and taking drugs, and believes that is why god put him on this planet. thinks all you need is a producer and a pirate copy of fruityloops. oh, and someone who knows how to run it, because fuck that technology shit is boring and it's too hard and why doesn't someone else do it and let him take credit for it?

RIP in peace Lil Pump